Before they could see who was coming, they smelled a very strong smell of alcohol, as if a drunk had run to them.

The three of them looked in that direction, and they were suddenly slightly stunned.

All three had a slightly stunned look on their faces.

I saw a mature woman with long black hair and slightly curly ends of her hair.

The steps were a little shaky, and he walked over.

“Hiccup…….. Actually accidentally …….. Hiccup drank too much, forgetting that today is the day of these little fart children. Oops, now…………. It’s noon now, right!? ”

I saw that the woman burped a few times and quietly stopped at a position.

Lazily leaned against a large tree.

His eyes looked at the three people in front of him hazyly.

She yawned and asked drunkenly, “It’s you three little brats…….. I didn’t expect to just finish the task, Hiccup…….. Just tell me to come back and take you newcomers, I haven’t even had time to take a few days off.” One girl, and two boys…….. Huh? How is there one more?! ”

Sunset Hong was suddenly stunned for a moment, and walked forward leisurely, with a strong smell of wine.

She slowly squatted on the ground and poked a furry head drunkenly and hazyly.

Puzzled, he said, “Why is there one more cat?!” ”

Hinata: “……..”

Inuzuka Ya: “……..”

Shino the Oil Girl: “……..”

Is this guy their next Shangnin-sensei? How does it feel very unreliable, and this is clearly a dog, how can a cat look like this? How much wine this guy drank!

Among the three, Inuzuka Tooth, who has the most sensitive sense of smell, is the most uncomfortable.

Because his sense of smell is no less sensitive than that of dogs.

So a smell of this pungent liquor.

He also felt his head dizzy.

Sunset Hong stood up, waved his hand, and said indifferently: “Oh, one more cat and one more cat…….. Belch! It’s not a big deal anyway, here I will introduce myself first, I …….. Belch…….. My name is Sunset Red. ”

Her face was drunken crimson, but it was a serious self-introduction: “It’s the Shangnin teacher after you three little ghosts, what task is specially taken to you, your sister can call me …….. Boom teacher. ”

With another burp, she shook her dizzy head and continued drunkenly: “If you want me to teach you, you must pass a small test, do you three see this bottle on my waist?” ”

As soon as Sunset Hong’s voice fell, the three of them saw Sunset Hong’s waist.

There was actually a bottle of wine tied to it…….. And it’s still highly liquor.

The kind that basically gets drunk after a few sips.

“I’ll give you 5 minutes, and within 5 minutes, whoever can take the bottle off my waist, I…………. Belch! I invited whoever went to eat and drink, but the other two people…….. Hiccup, you need to be hungry for a day. ”

What no one noticed was that her face was full of drunkenness.

A trace of clarity flashed under his eyes.

But it soon turned into a haze.

Sunset Red is the upper Shinobi of Konoha Village, of course, he became a Kami-Shinobu not long ago, and he can be regarded as a newcomer in the Kami-Shinobi. Of course, even the newcomers in Kami-Shinobu are much stronger than those who have just graduated such as Inuzuka Ya.

Even Hinata, who is a master of the Navy Six Style and a fusion of soft fists.

They are completely unconfident in defeating an upper Shinobi.

Because the last time she was in the Land of Water……..

When you fight a special upper ninja in the country of water, when you try your best, you can only let the other party bleed a little, and it is only because it hit the other party’s chin, so it causes a little blood from the gums of that special upper ninja.

Not to mention that Sunset Red is not a special upper patience, and it is really true upper patience.

“Just get that bottle on her waist?” It’s just a drunken drunk, and when you get drunk, you dare to underestimate my Inuzuka tooth?! ”

After moving his shoulders, Inuzuka said to Akamaru at his feet, “Akamaru, let’s go together!” I grab her attention and you go and take that bottle. ”

Akamaru nodded solemnly: “Woof! ”

Inuzuka Ya directly rushed over alone, and the whole person jumped up in an instant.

The right foot turned into a whip leg and pumped towards the sunset red.

Akamaru, on the other hand, followed.

Yet in the next second……..

Akamaru moved.

As if something was found.

Hurriedly reminded Inuzuka next to him: “Woof, woof, woof……..”

Inuzuka couldn’t help but be stunned: “What?!” This guy is not an entity? She doesn’t smell on her?! ”

His nose also couldn’t help but sniff carefully, and was shocked to find that the other party really had no taste, obviously there was such a strong smell of wine just now!

But now even if he wants to withdraw, there is no way to withdraw it.

His whip legs swept across Sunset’s abdomen.

But it was like hitting the air.

Directly through the past……..

“Is it an illusion? No…….. It’s magic! I…….. No way? I actually fell for the illusion?! ”

Inuzuka reacted instantly.

The expression suddenly became very ugly.

Careless…….. I thought that the other party was drunk and it was impossible to exert the strength of Shangnin, but I didn’t expect that I would fall for the other party’s illusion so easily.

He carefully sniffed the smell in the air, trying to find the location of the sunset red.

Standing on a treetop, the corner of Sunset’s red mouth hooked.

“The Inuzuka family…….. If you smell it, I’m not a qualified Shinobi. ”

Sunset Red murmured a low word and opened the wine bottle around his waist.

Spill the wine inside.

Suddenly, within a radius of tens of meters.

It’s all full of strong spirits.

Both Inuzuka and Akamaru have been affected by the smell of this spirit.

In this way, the expressions of each of them and the dog are not good-looking.


Just when Sunset Hong was about to make the next move, her expression suddenly froze, and she didn’t know when in her hand, she felt a handful of kunai, and slammed it on the tree trunk next to her.

A very strange-looking little worm was directly pierced by Ku Wu.

“The oil women…….. Kind of interesting. ”

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