Did I ever think of it as a monster?

It’s like others look at me…

I Iroh involuntarily began to meditate, a question he had never considered.

In fact, if it had been a few months ago, I would never have thought about these issues, and at that time he would probably have roared to shut up the two Yugito, and then fought as a meeting gift.

And now… I Ai Luo just quietly listened to the explanation of the two Yugito, and then carefully thought about his own situation, from this point alone, he really has a chance to grow into the next wind shadow.

The two Yugito said seriously: “If you want to completely control the power of the tailed beasts, it is necessary to communicate with them, otherwise, you can only use your strength to forcibly suppress the tailed beasts, but the power extracted in this way is incomplete.” ”

After listening to this, Ai Luo hesitated and asked, “I’m willing to try to communicate with the tailed beast, but… I’m afraid that if something happens to me, I can’t control the power of the crane and will go straight away…”

The two Yugito are very satisfied with the practice of directly calling the Tailed Beast by name, which means that I-Ai Luo is really considering accepting her opinion, rather than pretending.

“Your worries are actually easy to solve!” The two Yugito smiled while pointing at Hinata, “There’s a place here that can completely stop your existence, you don’t have to worry about anything bad happening, as long as we stay a little away from your village while training!” ”

Hinata agreed with the words of the two Yugi, her own idea was actually that it was really boring to practice alone during this time, and she had long wanted to have an object to practice with her, and it didn’t matter to her whether the object was a human or a tailed beast.

Hinata prefers to fight between life and death rather than training, and the dangerous feeling of walking on the tightrope makes her enjoy it!

Looking at Hinata’s excited eyes, Airo’s expression gradually sank, and he was almost sure what Hinata meant by looking at him before!

But…… Thinking of those rumors about Hinata, my heart darkened a little, once upon a time, he thought Hinata was a monster like himself! But now, the gap between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger!

Are you already going to become Hokage?

I Ai Luo suddenly remembered what Mother-in-law Chiyo had said to him before coming!

Chiyo’s mother-in-law promised him that as long as he could control the power of Moritsuru himself, then Chiyo’s mother-in-law would help him suppress the opposition of the rest of the elder group and make him the next wind shadow!

The power of Moritsuru!

The wind shadow of Sand Shinobi Village!

A strong fighting spirit erupted in my Ailuo’s eyes, and he decided to catch up with the footsteps of others!

Feeling my Ai Luo’s attitude, the two Yugito smiled with an interested expression: “It seems that… You’ve made your decision~! ”

After that, the room began to discuss the place as a training place for me to come to Luo, and I personally experienced how terrifying it was for the high-level of Sand Ninja to go and be polymorphic.

However, Temari and Kankuro, who are my Ailuo’s companions and relatives, do not agree, since they knew that there was a group of people who were beating Zhuli, they have been worried about the safety of Iro, who is too far away from the village, which they do not want to see.

So the opinion is deadlocked!

Hinata and the two Yugito were also not good to interrupt on the side, in fact, Hinata personally preferred that I Aira stay away from the village during training, after all, they could not guarantee to protect the safety of Shinobi Village while preventing my Airo from running away.

There was a lot of noise in the Kazekage office, and Chiyo’s mother-in-law shook her head as she watched from the side, everything in front of her just showed what the result was without the wind shadow, and some important decisions without the presence of a hammer hammer, then the whole village would be like a piece of scattered sand.

Chiyo’s mother-in-law sighed secretly, and in desperation, she could only cough loudly a few times to interrupt the two sides where the smell of gunpowder was gradually spreading!

“Since everyone’s opinions are so disagreeable, then let’s consider the opinions of the parties!” Chiyo’s mother-in-law walked up to I-Airo, stared into his eyes and said, “I-Ai-Luo, what do you think?” Do you want to be near the village, or away from the village? ”

I Iroh made a decision without hesitation!


At noon, when the sun was blazing, they took Hinata and the two Yugito to a deserted place west of Shinobu Village, a deserted place where no town existed nearby.

The dry ground was cracked everywhere by the sun, and when you stepped on the crack in the ground, you could feel a heat wave gushing upward, and the hot temperature seemed to change the surrounding air.

Hinata stepped on the ground twice, feeling quite solid, without any serious desertification. As a training ground, solid ground is always much better than a continuous sea of sand!

After coming for so long, the two Yugito originally thought that she was used to the climate of the Land of Wind, but she had changed her mind. She grew up in Yunnin Village, which has a pleasant feng shui, and even if her body is adapted to the environment here, her heart is still out of place.

The only thing she can pray for now is that the progress on my Ailuo’s side will go well!

And now, apart from Temari and Kankuro, there is only one Chiyo mother-in-law left by my Ailuo’s side, and none of the members of the elder group have actually followed!

It can be seen from this how much these people do not wait to see me Ai Luo, or the crane in his body!

“Right here!” Chiyo’s mother-in-law looked at Ai Luo and said with a solemn face: “Although it is very important to master the power of Shouzuru, but you must not force yourself too much, if your soul is completely lost, then even if Hinata-sama defeats Shouzuru, you may not change into the original form, and your body will always be occupied by (Good Zhao Hao) Shouzuru!” ”

“I see!” I Ai Luo nodded solemnly.

“In that case, let’s get started!” Chiyo’s mother-in-law looked at Hinata and Yugito sincerely and said, “The next thing is to trouble the two!” ”

After that, Chiyo’s mother-in-law, as well as Temari and Kankuro, left the place directly, finding a distant high place to silently watch the situation on this side.

The two Yugi and Hinata looked at each other, and then stepped forward and said to I-Airo: “After being a human pillar force for so many years, you should know how to communicate with the tailed beast in your body, you don’t need me to teach you this, now you try to feel Shouzuru’s emotions, remember!” Don’t be emotionally contagious! ”

I Ai Luo nodded, then closed my eyes and felt it silently!

This was the first time he took the initiative to close his eyes to feel Shouhe, if before, he didn’t even dare to sleep, for fear that after closing his eyes, he would become a monster light that everyone in the village hated! _

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