The sky was full of smoke, and the sky was full of blood.

Takahashi leaped into the sky with a huge amount of murderous aura, changing the color of the sky.

The head of the six-tailed beast with some missing parts and the turtle head of the three-tailed beast with many broken thorns poked out from the smoke and dust.

Their eyes were made clearer by the explosion, but looking at the dark red sky, the two tailed beasts that were feared by the world shuddered at the same time!

The dark red murderous aura continued to evolve into entities, forming a bloody fist that stretched as far as the eye could see.

The Yuanshi and his party were surprised to find that they were also in the attack range of the "fist".

Takahashi's fists were also turning black without the influx of murderous aura!

This is him squeezing out the remaining murderous energy in his soul in order to win with one strike.

A sentence inexplicably appeared in his mind: Do you remember a palm technique that fell from the sky?

He opened his eyes, and the dark red in his pupils had dissipated, because it was all gathered in his fists.

Looking at the "fists" all over the sky, Takahashi Yong suddenly smiled.

"I don't remember the palm technique that fell from the sky..."

"Now I only know that fists are coming from the sky!"

Bending his fists at his waist, the rising kinetic energy slowly decayed, and Takahashi Yong leaned forward and changed his posture.

Like a cannonball about to reach the finish line, or like a foraging eagle that found its target, it began to fold its wings and dive down!

Compared with Takahashi Yong's usual sprint, the speed of descent seemed very slow, but the murderous fists that decorated the sky with dark red were enough to make all the creatures below give up escaping!

Takahashi Yong's muscles bulged high, and his veins twisted under his skin like earthworms, carrying enough strength to move mountains!

His fists were shiny black, as if they had just been taken out of an oil barrel...

"One moment, a thousand strikes!!!"



"Brother! Another tribe member is missing!"

The terrified shouts of the warriors rang in Takahashi Yong's ears. Takahashi Yong held Qing's head and staggered back to the place where Kaguya Mangzi rested.

Both hands were covered with materialized murderous aura from the elbows. He was still laughing at Aokiji for using ice to form a "prosthetic limb" before, but he didn't expect that he would have this day.

The last force was so strong that the big turtle of the three tails turned directly into chakra and merged into nature. It was so strong that the entire Mist Hidden Village lost its fighting spirit.

Takahashi Yong's hands also collapsed completely. The compressed murderous aura was too much, even his body could not bear it. Now he could only use materialized murderous aura to replace his hands.

However, inside the vacuum gloves, granulation and bone fragments kept growing, making Takahashi Yong feel unbearable pain and itchiness.

Throwing Qing's head on the ground, Takahashi Yong left it on purpose. Brother Danzo was missing an eye, and the Byakugan didn't have the side effect of turning people into "lunatics", which was very suitable.

The entire Kirigakure was extremely silent, and the ninjas inside were like zombies. Those with names, those who would rather die than surrender, and some who had targeted the Kaguya clan were all killed by Takahashi Yong.

Corpses were everywhere, blood flowed like a river...

Takahashi Yong sat on a small mound, staring at the huge slug without any movement.

The broken slug was the Vulpix. It might be the tenacious vitality unique to mollusks. It did not dissipate like a turtle, but it did not move either. It lay on the broken ground, its body slightly up and down.

"Big Brother!"

"Did you hear me?"

"The tribesmen disappeared one after another!"

"Right under my nose!"

The warrior pushed Takahashi Yong's shoulder. Today, they helped Takahashi Yong kill the remaining stubborn stubborn elements, and they didn't have a good fight at all.

However, Takahashi Yong's bravery made them very satisfied. With such a fierce big brother, what else do they need?

"Don't worry, they went home before us."

"Did the relatively weak ones disappear first?"

Takahashi Yong was a little annoyed by the warrior's shouting, so he pulled him over and sat down side by side.

"It seems so. The tribesmen who disappeared were relatively weak. Before the blood of the big brother, they couldn't even cover the periosteum."

The warrior who sat down was suddenly infected by Takahashi Yong's calm temperament beside him, and sat quietly beside Takahashi Yong.

"Right, we have to go home too."


Takahashi Yong suddenly felt a little sad. He wondered what happened to his brother Sakumo who was thrown into the Kirigakure Village in the original world. He should be experiencing everything in Kirigakure like him...



"Did you feel empty after the release?"

"Hey! I..."

When Takahashi Yong was about to hit him, Wu Ren quickly rolled over and distanced himself from Takahashi Yong.

"Come here!"


Wu Ren's arm became illusory, and in Takahashi Yong's sight, another bush slowly became transparent until it disappeared.

There was a rustling sound in the bushes behind him, which made Wu Ren alert.


When the familiar voice came, Takahashi Yong turned his head and saw Nono Yu wearing the linen clothes of the common people of the Land of Water, carefully poking his head out of the bushes.

"Just in time."

Takahashi Yong stretched out his leg and kicked Qing's head in front of Nono Yu.

"Double his white eyes, keep it well, and give it to Brother Danzo later."


Nono didn't care about the horrible severed head, held it in her arms, came to Takahashi Yong, and said with some concern:

"Sir, why didn't you come as planned?"

Takahashi Yong glanced at her, too lazy to explain, and replied lightly:

"Didn't you receive the notice?"

"Why hasn't Brother Danzo arrived yet?"

Nono shook her head. She was still trying to gain the trust of civilians, but she felt a huge movement in the direction of the Hidden Mist Village.

She rushed to this direction without stopping, thinking about finding out the situation.

"No, Danzo should have two days left. It's not so fast to go from the Land of Fire to the Land of Water."

Takahashi Yong retracted his gaze, not knowing whether he could hold on for two days and whether he could see Danzo for the last time.


"As you can see, Kirigakure has been broken."

"They don't even dare to collect the bodies."

"When Brother Danzo comes, he just needs to take over the village."

Nono had a new understanding of the fighting power of Takahashi Yong and his party, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Sitting cross-legged beside Takahashi Yong, he took out a small storage scroll from his arms and took out a small glass bottle with a transparent liquid inside, which looked like saline or something like that.

Nono trembled and took out the white eyes under Qing's tightly closed eyelids, put them into the glass bottle, and re-sealed them in the storage scroll.

"I'll wait here, you can do whatever you want..."

Takahashi Yong sat on the mound, looking like he didn't want to move.

Wu Ren was also very curious about his illusory arm, and sat down on the ground not far away and began to study it.

Looking at the situation, Nono didn't dare to stay near Takahashi Yong, who was covered in blood, and walked towards the messy Kirigakure Village, intending to collect the bodies to avoid the plague.

Takahashi Yong closed his eyes on the spot, feeling his two forearms growing continuously.

The sun cast the last afterglow of the day in the mountains, and the moon slowly climbed up the sky full of stars.

Snakes, insects, rats and ants were afraid of this group of blood-stained humans, and they all took detours, giving Takahashi Yong a quiet night.

The warriors also slowly disappeared under Takahashi Yong's gaze, and the sun was about to squeeze the moon down.

Takahashi Yong was no longer beside Kaguya Mangzi wearing Loulan clothes.

He had already reached the extreme control of his body, and he could feel that every part of his body gave him strange feedback.

It seems that he can't wait for Brother Danzo in this world...

The emotion rising in his heart was not sure whether it was regret, or the desire and cowardice to go home soon.

Starting from the toes, Takahashi Yong's body slowly turned transparent.

Takahashi Yong quickly gathered most of his murderous aura into a spike, and controlled it to stab the recovered Vulpix.

He stabbed it through, causing it to twitch.

After doing all this, Takahashi Yong stood up and looked at the rising sun. Goodbye, the other world.


Takahashi Yong's very familiar hoarse voice sounded in the distance. Takahashi Yong turned his head in surprise and looked in the direction of the voice.


Danzo panted heavily and shouted intermittently.

But it didn't matter anymore. Takahashi Yong quickly waved to Brother Danzo in this world.

"Brother! Come on!"

The illusory figure was like a bubble, dissipating like a dream...

Danzo's face was full of sweat. He rushed to the road desperately, and even left the roots far behind. While panting violently, he slowly walked to the earthen mound where Takahashi Yong sat all night.

He bent down and grabbed a handful of soil that was tightly pressed by Takahashi Yong, and his lips moved slightly, and he turned around and sat on the earthen mound.

"Brother, please leave more people for me. What else should I kill after you kill them all?"

As he spoke, Danzo couldn't help but smile bitterly.

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