The old man was in a hurry to get out of the village.

The Land of Wind.

The Hidden Sand Village.

All you can see are sand houses that seem to be made of mud, and some high-rise buildings are built into an oval room with great interest.

If you ignore the purple poisonous fog that surrounds the entire Hidden Sand Village and the wind-style air waves that constantly surround the village, the Hidden Sand Village looks no different from usual.

Ninjas, civilians, old people, and children all wander around the village in a daze.

Some people lie on the ground and keep looking for tree roots, gerbils, and even tenacious desert cockroaches.

No matter what their identity or strength, people belonging to the Hidden Sand Village are caught in a problem.


Their food has been consumed under the siege of poisonous fog.

Ninjas are slightly better, because in order to ensure their combat effectiveness, civilians have no color on their faces.

With no flesh on their cheeks, prominent cheekbones, and sunken eye sockets, they wander around the village like zombies.

Scramble, fight, beg, cry...

It happens constantly in every corner of the village, and the ninjas just watch and don't step forward to manage the order.

Yakura walks on the streets of Sand Village. Her long and smooth hair has become very rough, and there is no more flesh on her face, making her face look more slender.

There are civilians around who look at her with red eyes, but they dare not go up. Civilians who beg ninjas will be killed on the spot.

After all, there are always kind people who can't resist the pleading and share their food with hungry civilians, resulting in insufficient chakra to supply the outer "wind wall".

The civilians who were killed would be dragged away by others, but these Sand Ninjas would not follow, nor could they bear to follow to check.

Ye Cang walked to the front of the Kazekage Building, staring at the tall and imposing building with lifeless eyes.

It was the people inside who handed over their colleagues to the enemy...

She didn't know what it would feel like if she was betrayed by the village and abandoned so easily.

Presumably, Luo Sha would die with regrets...

The funny thing is that before this, most of the village's income depended on the diligent Luo Sha.

Luo Sha was handed over, but the ending didn't seem to change.

They, Sand Village, still walked quickly towards destruction...

Several major families that had existed since the founding of the village, I don't know what method they used to make Luo Sha "voluntarily" go to Konoha to atone for his sins.

The Third Kazekage could only remain silent.

After the opposition failed, Elder Chiyo plunged into the research room and has not come out until now.

Ye Cang's mentality has changed a bit. She found that Fengying's right to speak was not as important as she thought, and Elder Chiyo was not so prestigious...

Walking into the building, she came to Fengying's office.

Pushing the door in, Ye Cang saw the decadent Chiyo at a glance.

Seeing Ye Cang in place, the third generation Fengying signaled to close the door of the office.

"There is no antidote."

Chiyo said without any preparation, which made the senior executives present extremely desperate.

"How is it possible? You are Elder Chiyo!"

The speaker was one of the senior executives who forced Luo Sha to death. Ye Cang clearly remembered his face threatening Luo Sha.

"This is not poison at all..."

"No, it is poison, but the main body is not gas!"

Chiyo took out a test tube, which was full of purple poisonous "fog".

"These poisonous fogs are bugs!"

Before the high-level officials could speak, Chiyo continued:

"Countless poisonous bugs that are hard to see with the naked eye gather together to form poisonous fog that kills us!"

"They have been hovering for so long without dying. Guess what their food is?"

"It's chakra!"


"You saw that the people of Konoha were also avoiding them, so you couldn't wait to use circular wind escape to make them our line of defense!"

"What about now?"

Chiyo pointed out the window. The visible places outside the village were all covered with purple.

"The density is getting higher and higher. What kind of wind escape can blow them away?"

"I suspect that all the poisonous bugs in the whole Wind Country are gathering here!"

"Because only idiots like us will constantly release chakra to feed them!"

Chiyo's resentful tone made all the high-level officials shudder. Although their big clans have the habit of storing supplies, no one can escape if they waste it like this!

Some high-ranking officials who are idle and idle want to ask why these insects can absorb chakra from the wind after the chakra is transformed into wind.

This is the same as the ability of the Samsara Eye to absorb ninjutsu.

They can absorb various ninjutsu, but they cannot absorb the elements of nature.

The essence of ninjutsu is still composed of chakra. The insects of the Aburame clan are good at absorbing chakra. With the improvement of the Konoha Research Institute,

These insects that are difficult to identify with the naked eye are not only as small as dust, but also have shells comparable to cloth.

If it is fire escape, they are like dry grass, which will catch fire as soon as they are burned, but wind escape?

They will float in the wind like dandelions, constantly absorbing nutrients for their own survival.

"Then what if I burn them?"

Ye Cang also understood the seriousness of the matter and proposed the possibility of solving it with his own burning escape.


Chiyo shook her head.

"If it is at the beginning, it can be solved by blowing it away with wind escape or burning it with fire escape."

"But now..."

Ye Cang also glanced at the 'purple' world outside the window.

"You idiots, you dare not fight Konoha head-on!"

"You just want to delay again and again!"


"Do you want to be a piece of bread in the oven or a feed for poisonous insects?"

Chiyo's tone also became low. She was really angry at these idiots and almost fainted!

The senior executives looked at each other and said tremblingly to the three people who were oppressed by them using rules and connections:

"I was wrong..."

"Think of a way... Think of a way..."

The tone was almost begging.

Ye Cang also closed his eyes after hearing this.

Luo Sha...

This biggest opponent who competed with him for the Kazekage was forced to death by this group of people?

What a funny world...

"My lord!"

"My lord!"

The door was knocked loudly, and the third generation Kazekage frowned and knocked on the table.

"Come in! What's the matter?"

The Sand Ninja held a villager in disbelief and said in horror:

"Sir, I found that there were very few villagers from the West Second District who came to collect food two days ago!"

"Today I passed by and found that these villagers' stomachs... stomachs..."

The Sand Ninja was unable to describe it, so he simply lifted up the villager's clothes.

I saw that the villager's chest and stomach were covered with a layer of wood!

There was no ups and downs!

But the villager was still alive and kicking, trying hard to remove the cloth that blocked his mouth.

Chiyo's eyes suddenly became extremely terrifying.

If she was not mistaken, this was the puppeteer's taboo - human puppet!

She emphasized the taboo for decades, why did anyone touch it? !

Didn't she seal all the related books in her home?


Chiyo slammed the table, attracting everyone's attention.

"It's so..."

Chiyo wanted to curse at her, but she was sharp-eyed and saw a small mark on the upper left corner of the wood.

Wait, isn't that her own puppet wood?

Scorpion! ?

"... Genius!"

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