The door of the Hokage's office was pushed straight into the door without knocking.


A Konoha Anbu pushed the door of the Hokage's office without knocking. The wooden door hit the wall with great force, making a loud noise.

The Anbu ninja no longer cared about the rules and entered instantly, kneeling on one knee with his head down in front of the desk.

"Report, Takahashi Yong..." The Anbu ninja suddenly found that the atmosphere in the office was very strange, and for a moment he didn't know whether he should continue to report.

The third generation stood in front of the window and stared at Konoha shrouded in red waves, puffing smoke from his mouth, and the smoke was blown into the office by the cold wind.

Mizutomon En, one of the three elders of Konoha, was sitting next to the desk. He frowned and took off his glasses. He closed his eyes and wondered what he was thinking.

The Anbu ninja was frightened by the momentum of the two and didn't know whether he should continue to report. The cold wind with the smoke from the third generation was afraid to hit his face.

"Go down, don't be rash next time." The third generation Hokage took off his pipe and said to the Anbu in a very calm tone.

"Yes!" The Anbu also breathed a sigh of relief and disappeared in a flash.

The office returned to a weird atmosphere.

"Yan, do you think there are really such stupid people?"

Hearing the words of the third generation, Mizutomon En took out a glasses cloth and wiped his glasses carefully. He was also very puzzled by this matter.

"Then what do you think is the means to plot against Hinata?" Mizutomon En put on his glasses again, and the soft light in the office reflected a hint of cold light on the lenses.

"Yeah, what means can be used to secretly plot against the Byakugan? Are we paying too much attention to Uchiha... Let them think that we only pay attention to Uchiha?"

The Sanda took another deep puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled. The silk-like waves outside the window dyed his pupils red.

He put on the Hokage hat and the Hokage robe that could not cover the inner combat uniform, and stuffed a little more tobacco into the pipe.

"Let's go, Yan, let's go and see which "idiot" head family is arranged!" The Sanda walked to the door, and his calm words reached Mitomon Yan's ears.

"I didn't expect that the Hyuga family couldn't help it first. They did this during the war. The brains of the Hyuga head family should be rusted. It's time to let Takahashi Yong, the reckless man, show them." Mitomon Yan also stood up and followed the Sanda who seemed to be taking a walk.

"Yes, so... Let's go on foot." The Sanda smiled at Mitomon Yan at this time.


Before the two of them could leave the Hokage building, a loud noise resounded throughout Konoha, and a huge amount of dust was seen rising from the Hyuga clan. However, the third generation was not panicked at all. Anyone who had read Takahashi Yong's mission report would know that at least the children of the main family would survive. And the rest of the Hyuga main family? They were just parasites who didn't go to the battlefield. If the Hokage really had to choose, I believe all the Hokage would choose the branch family.

Takahashi Yong found the right position in the air, without any effort, and fell to the right of the center of the Hyuga clan like a meteorite.

The luxurious marble floors around could not withstand such pressure and broke into pieces. The houses next to them were also shaken and began to tilt towards Takahashi Yong's corner and collapsed.

Shaking up a lot of dust, Takahashi Yong slowly stood up, tore off the farmer's vest on his upper body, leaving his stone-like muscles. The murderous aura around him made him look like a demon crawling out of hell.

There were multiple seeds' fluctuations behind the wall in front of him. It seemed that Uchiha F3 arrived before him. Yes, the Uchiha clan land was right next to Hinata.

He controlled the killing wave to materialize, cut off the courtyard wall in front of him, and raised his leg to step towards the broken wall with dust flying. The wave quickly connected with several seeds in front. One seed was already a candle in the wind, and the connection was very unstable.

Takahashi Yong clenched his fist and waved it hard, dispersing all the dust in front of him, and a scene that made him tear his eyes appeared in front of him.

Uchiha Hanako was holding Hinata Ryuhei in her arms. The caged bird curse seal on Ryuhei's forehead was still emitting a faint green light. The veins on his face were bulging, but he had fainted, and there were still tears and snot on his face.

Uchiha Kenichi was next to Hinata Tsuyoshi who was lying on the ground. His hands couldn't stop shaking. He kept trying to connect with Tsuyoshi with the wave, but Tsuyoshi didn't respond.

Uchiha Shunji was confronting a Hyuga youth who was making a regular Ren Seal with his hands, and was loudly warning him to stop.

Takahashi Yong flashed in front of the Hyuga youth, and grabbed the youth's hand that was making a seal with his big hand like a palm leaf fan, and suddenly slapped it hard.



The hand of the Hyuga youth who was making a seal was crushed by Takahashi Yong, causing him to wail uncontrollably.


Takahashi Yong pulled the Hyuga youth's arm off with another fierce tug. Blood gushed out from the broken end like a reservoir that had been opened, quickly staining Takahashi Yong's exposed upper body red, and also splashing on the ground in large quantities, staining the marble floor of the Hyuga clan red.

"Ah! Ah! My hand! ”

It is said that ninjas have stronger vitality than ordinary people. The young Hyuga who had one arm torn off was still wailing on the ground. The sound was so loud that Takahashi Yong's eardrums were buzzing.

Takahashi Yong stepped on the chest of the Hyuga in front of him with his foot, making him twist and struggle like an earthworm stuck in the ground by a knife.

After fixing the young Hyuga, Takahashi Yong slammed his feet twice and crushed his two thighs with his other foot.

The two thighs are now only connected by a layer of flesh, and the floor tiles underneath have been crushed by Takahashi Yong.

The young Hyuga finally couldn't bear the torture and fainted. Only the blood from the wound was left, forming a big plum blossom on the marble floor tiles.

Takahashi Yong turned his head with red eyes and looked at Uchiha Shunji, cursing:

"Why the hell are you yelling at him? Can't you just chop him up? What happened to Longping and Gangzhi? ”

Uchiha Shunji was also stunned by the scolding, and picked the most urgent thing to answer:

"I asked the guard team to find a medical ninja. It's still unknown now, but captain, he is from the main family of Hyuga, and our guard team can't control Hyuga's family affairs."

"Family affairs? I'm going to make this beast homeless today!"

As he was talking, several people from the Uchiha guard team, each with several medical ninjas, arrived quickly, and ran towards Longping and Gangzhi without stopping after arriving.

A circle of ninjas also quickly rushed up around, but they just watched from a distance. Before the third generation arrived, no one dared to attack Takahashi Yong. The murderous aura around him made it difficult for these ninjas to resist.

A medical ninja ran towards the Hyuga youth who fell to the ground. Takahashi Yong turned around and waved his hand. Several materialized murderous auras cut off the remaining three limbs of the Hyuga youth, causing him to wake up from the coma and scream, and then fainted from the severe pain.

"Ah~! "The medical ninja was startled by this and fell to the ground, looking at Takahashi Yong with fear on his face.

"Don't let this bastard die!" Takahashi Yong had no intention to comfort the medical ninja now, and just said it sullenly.

The medical ninja was so frightened by the murderous aura mixed with Takahashi Yong's blood that he couldn't hold back his tears, and could only quickly crawl towards the Hyuga youth and tremble as he treated his wound.

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