The battle was over, and the battle was over.


As soon as Takahashi Yong followed Taro to the place where the war was raging, he was hit by a thunder, and a big hole was blown out behind Takahashi Yong.

"My coat!!"

"Damn it, Taro! You wait here!"

He handed his torn coat to Taro and rushed forward.

"Someone come and report the situation to me!"

Takahashi Yong ran to the foot of the mountain and shouted to the Konoha ninjas who were scattered and fighting on their own.

"It's Master Takahashi Yong!"

"Brothers! Come to support!"

A Konoha ninja quickly approached Takahashi Yong and lay down under the big rock next to Takahashi Yong.

"Master Takahashi Yong, there is a sentry post of Kumogakure on the mountain!"

"Our mission is to take this mountain!!"

"But the Kumogakure ninjas are high up, we can't rush up!"

The ninja who used the stone as a cover shouted vigorously.

"I understand! How many Kumogakure ninjas are there? How many ninjas do we have left?"

Takahashi Yong slapped away a lightning escape shot at him and asked the Konoha ninjas quickly.

Is this a beach landing?

"There are at least a hundred Kumogakure ninjas above! We have just over two hundred left!"

"And the mountain is a plain, directly connected to the rear of the Land of Lightning, and support is always available!!"

Takahashi Yong was shocked after hearing this. He didn't ask the Konoha ninjas how many people we had originally.

He just looked at the mountain in front of him. Damn it, how can these ordinary ninjas handle this kind of mission? It's completely a death sentence.

It shouldn't be called a mountain. This should be the altitude ladder of the Land of Lightning that is constantly rising.

There is only a shelter at the foot of the mountain, and the entire mountain is in a slope. The Cloud Ninja on top will definitely shoot you if you dare to charge.

They all gave up their proud ninjutsu and began to use long-range lightning to attack the Konoha ninjas below.

Takahashi Yong couldn't stand these monsters, and shouted with a bloody mouth:

"All eyes, look at me!!"

"You all know me, right?"

The Konoha ninjas at the foot of the mountain who looked embarrassed because of avoiding the Cloud Ninja's lightning attack nodded one after another.


Takahashi Yong jumped forward fiercely and came to the bottom of the slope, exposing himself to the sight of the Cloud Ninjas.

Ignoring the lightning shot at him from all around.

Turning his head to look at the ninjas hiding in the shelter, he swung his fist forward.

The red murderous aura on his body suddenly exploded, and a large area of ​​murderous intentions formed a huge red thick shield.

Basically covering the entire slope, Takahashi Yong pointed his shield upward.

"I will lead the charge!!"

"Brothers! Charge!"


All the ninjas of Konoha flipped out of the bunkers, holding kunai, making strange cries, and their faces were full of fanaticism.


Takahashi Yong held the murderous shield and moved forward. The huge shield completely blocked the ninjutsu attack of the Cloud Ninja.

Seeing this, the dark-skinned Cloud Ninja shouted at the defense line they were stationed on.

"Don't waste chakra, brothers! Draw your sword!"

Takahashi Yong also felt that the shield was not attacked, but he did not cancel it. Instead, he held the shield and pushed it upward with the wind.

The warrior standing on the defense line of Cloud Hidden was immediately knocked back a few meters, rolled on the ground for a few times, and quickly stood up, with the Cloud Ninja standard long sword in his hand shining.

Takahashi Yong ignored the more than 100 people on the defense line, and rushed straight to the high sentry post on the mountain top plain.

The cloud ninjas on the defense line were blown away by the strong wind brought up by the shields. Before they could come to their senses, they were surrounded by two or more Konoha ninjas.

These cloud ninjas gritted their teeth and drew their swords. The order they received was to defend to the death! There are no cowards among the cloud ninjas!

Takahashi Yong smashed the door of the bottom floor of the sentry post with one punch, and ran up the spiral stairs, not caring whether it was people or objects that he hit.

When he rushed to the top floor of the sentry post, he was covered in blood and torn clothes, and he didn't have time to tear off the torn clothes hanging on his body.

He smashed the communication machine in the sentry post into pieces with one palm!

Several cloud ninjas had recognized Takahashi Yong, but they still rushed towards Takahashi Yong with fearless determination.


"Get out of the Land of Thunder!"

Takahashi Yong grabbed the long swords that were slashing at him, crushed them, and quickly slashed the heads of several people with his other hand.


Several headless bodies spurting blood fell in front of Takahashi Yong, and blood splattered on his bare upper body.

The Cloud Ninja outpost is a good thing. It is high above and can see far away. Takahashi Yong has been restraining himself and does not directly come from

Destroy it at the bottom.

Takahashi Yong glanced at the scattered documents around and looked at the scrapped communication machine. He didn't know whether the news of his appearance on the front line had been passed on.

After confirming that there was no one in the outpost, Takahashi Yong jumped out of the window directly. Although he had the advantage in numbers, Takahashi Yong was still afraid that there were masters among them, causing great losses to the remaining friendly forces.

When falling in the air, Takahashi Yong immediately stared at the black skin wandering among the Konoha ninjas. The two long swords flew up and down, with a strange rhythm.

Beirut, one of the few female ninjas in Kumogakure, is good at thunder sword techniques and has flexibility that ordinary physical training ninjas cannot achieve.

With long silver hair and black skin, she is like a fluttering butterfly in the crowd of Konoha. Facing enemies several times her size, she is also at ease!

She wiped the neck of the Konoha ninja with a knife, rolled forward, clamped the back of the knife in the crook of her hand, and wiped the blood on the knife with her clothes.

Seeing the huge difference in the number of people on the battlefield, Beirut was full of anxiety. She saw that the Konoha demon had gone to the sentry post, and she didn't know whether the rescue message had been sent.


Holding the long sword attacking her, Beirut couldn't help but think of the pre-war declaration of the Hidden Cloud Village.

'Everyone, I regret to tell you that before the Raikage woke up, Konoha declared a war of national extinction against us! '

'The Hidden Cloud Village has come to the edge of the cliff. Konoha's Danzo and the demons want our land, name, and country! '

'We will fight to the death! ! '

'Konoha wants to take away our home! '

'Then the price will be their lives! '

'Under our feet are the bones of our ancestors. Don't let them down! '

The double swords in his hands retracted suddenly! Beirut's center of gravity dropped suddenly, supporting his body with one foot, and the other foot kicked the ground fiercely, making a big spin with a sharp blade.



The sharp sword slashed across the body of the Konoha ninja in front of him several times, almost cutting it in half.


Beirut raised the bloody sword and roared at the outnumbered Kumogakure.

"Either return victorious! Or become a scar on the enemy's body!"

"Never surrender! Never retreat!"

The Kumogakure ninjas on the defense line were shocked, their morale soared, and they began to ignore the wounds on their bodies, exchanging wounds for wounds, and life for life!


Takahashi Yong rushed with blood, knocking Beirut high up, and the double swords in his hands fell off and flew in the air.


Beirut fell heavily from a height, spitting out a large mouthful of blood with internal organs, she felt like she was hit by a speeding train!

Her hands kept groping on the ground, trying to find her double swords, and her legs kept trembling as she tried to stand up, but unfortunately she couldn't do it.

She felt that most of her bones were broken!

She could only stare at Takahashi Yong angrily.

"Bah! You evil ghost! Get out of our home!"

Takahashi Yong was covered in broken flesh and blood at this time, and the murderous intent in his body quickly spread to every cloud ninja, piercing them.

Touched his head.

It's over! I seem to have become a villain!

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