The ninja army of Konoha fell into a dead silence. This sensitive topic made these grassroots ninjas very excited!

In front of the son of the third generation Hokage.

Seeing the helpless look of Sarutobi Shinnosuke, these East Front ninjas who rolled out of the mountains of swords and seas of fire wanted to laugh.

Because they looked down on this kind of "soft egg" who had never experienced battlefield rotation in the village.

There are no cowards in Kumogakure. They have been fighting against Kumogakure on the East Front, so of course there are no cowards!

After the silence, it was deep thinking...

Sarutobi Hiruzen can be Hokage...

Why does Sarutobi have the right? Wasn't he designated by the second generation Hokage? Otherwise, with his "ninja hero" that came from nowhere?

Then why can't I, the wise and brave, loving subordinates, brave and resourceful, bold and careful Danzo, be the one!

Who is not a direct disciple of the second generation, right, brother Danzo.

A pair of fiery eyes stared at their beloved Danzo.

Not only did Shinnosuke stare at him with anxiety, but Danzo also stared at him with cold sweats.

This is different from his preset plan!

Shouldn't they promote Sakumo, who has a more glorious and majestic image?

I'm almost paving the way for Sakumo!

This time, using the violent group that destroyed a big country, threaten the nobles around the world to unite and put pressure on the Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

The 'shadow' is in charge of the war, and the Daimyo is in charge of the country. He did not listen to the Hokage's orders, but accepted the request of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

With such a big favor, he can completely get a "Hokage Half Sleeve" for Sakumo!

In this case, the position of the Fourth Hokage must belong to Sakumo!

Sakumo is responsible for the glory and majesty, and he can thoroughly study the cells of the first generation under the cover of Sakumo.

Not only can the disabled Eastern Front warriors regain their strength, but also enhance the overall quality of Konoha, and maybe even the entire Wood Release can be performed.

What is going on now?

It's not that he can't be the Hokage!

But how can he conduct the research on the first generation cells after becoming the Hokage? How can he use those "evil" conspiracies that he racked his brains to think of! ?

Danzo is still clear about the truth that the Hokage cannot have stains, after all, he is the role model of the ninjas in the whole village!

After getting the help of Takahashi Yong and Hatake Sakumo, Danzo no longer cares so much about the position of Hokage.

Because he has a more ambitious goal!

It seems that it is not a good thing for subordinates to be too loyal...

Danzo wiped the sweat from his forehead. Who did this? ?

Looking at the few people in the Undead Squad, it's okay, Takahashi's subordinates...



Look at that Uchiha who is still struggling!

Evil Uchiha!!

Oh~ Forget it, accept the Uchiha clan's overtures, whether Sakumo is promoted or I need the help of the Uchiha clan.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke tugged at Danzo's sleeve in fear.

"Uncle Danzo, they are joking, right..."

Danzo covered Shinnosuke's head with his hand:

"Hey~ my good nephew, of course it's a joke."

"Uncles on the East Front, don't you think the war is about to end? Liven up the atmosphere!"

Danzo's face was also far-fetched, he didn't expect this situation.

"Um~ Um... No~ Um."

There was a red-eyed man who couldn't understand the atmosphere and was struggling hard, and Hanako and Kenichi's hands were almost stuffed in his mouth.

Under the expectant gaze of the surrounding East Front ninjas, Gekko Yuuma suddenly punched Junji to make him quiet down for a while.


The surrounding Konoha ninjas withdrew their expectant gazes, hoping that this guy would continue to say something "inspiring".

Takahashi Yong shook his head silently in front, and his consciousness could finally control his body.

Feeling the movement behind, Takahashi Yong was also very curious.

Let me see what's going on!

Let our brother Danzo be so silent!

Takahashi Yong was wearing tattered pants, his body was covered with blood, and there was a lightning-like scar on his forehead that was wriggling.

The front row of Konoha ninjas were very sensible and made way for Takahashi Yong.

Takahashi Yong patted Shinnosuke who was standing in front of Danzo.


Shinnosuke turned his head and looked at Takahashi Yong's terrifying image, and his legs became even weaker...

Is he going to take action?

He looked at his uncle Danzo with pitiful eyes.

Takahashi Yuuka didn't care about Shinnosuke's reaction, snatched the letter from his hand, and read it carefully.

"Oh~ Brother Danzo, the request of five daimyo!"

"Brother, you are so proud!"

Takahashi Yong carefully identified the seals of each daimyo.

"Son of Sarutobi!?"

He put his arm around Shinnosuke's shoulders and stained his blood on Shinnosuke's dusty clothes.

"Yes... Lord Takahashi Yong."

Shinosuke had also seen Takahashi Yong in the Hokage's office, but the Takahashi Yong in the village and the Takahashi Yong on the battlefield were completely two different people.

What's more, Takahashi Yong's murderous aura has undergone a transformation!

Shinnosuke was a little overprotected by the Third Hokage and he couldn't stand it.

He had experienced the fighting in the mission, but it would take some time for Shinnosuke to adapt to the meat grinder environment on the battlefield.

"Did you find someone to build it?" Takahashi Yong's big hand held Shinnosuke's shoulder.

Shinnosuke felt a little pain and nodded hurriedly.

"Yes! It was the order of the Fire Country Daimyo, and I ran to many countries to build it!"


Takahashi Yong made a dissatisfied smacking sound.

This made Shinnosuke particularly nervous.

"Why are you so obedient? Aren't you embarrassing Konoha?"

"Why don't you dare to fight with the Daimyo!?"

"Now the brothers are in a dilemma! What do you think we should do!"

Takahashi Yong slapped the letter that Shinnosuke had carefully kept along the way into his arms roughly.


Brother, do you know what you are talking about?

According to common sense, our Konoha, including the Hokage, are all subordinates of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

You want me to fight with the Daimyo! ?

I didn't expect it!

I didn't expect it!

On the East Front, the only person Shinnosuke can rely on is Danzo!

When I came here, my father asked me to be careful of Uncle Danzo, which was completely nonsense!

I think Uncle Danzo is the only one who is loyal to Konoha on the East Front!

There is a big problem with this East Front!

Shinnosuke looked at his uncle Danzo with a look of help. He felt that Danzo was now extremely kind and majestic!

"Hey! Brother Takahashi, forget it, don't embarrass the little monkey."

Danzo also received Shinnosuke's call for help and gave a reassuring look.

"We can't ignore the voice of the Daimyo now, otherwise there will be no place for us in the entire ninja world."

It's just temporary!

Wait until we turn Konoha into our real rear!

They'll have a hard time! !

Danzo looked at the resentful East Line ninjas around him and said loudly:

"Everyone! We have proved our bravery to the entire ninja world! But now we must respond to the Daimyo's request!"

"I won't say much about the specific reasons, everyone! This time I, Shimura Danzo, am sorry for everyone!"

After Danzo finished speaking, he bowed slightly to all directions to express his apology.

"Danzo-sama, it's not your fault!"

"That's right! Danzo-sama, we will always follow you!"

"Damn it..." Someone was covered again and couldn't shout out a word.


The shouts of the soldiers on the east front made Shinnosuke completely unstable, and he was only held by Takahashi Isamu to prevent himself from collapsing on the ground.

"Now, someone go to Kumogakure to call for help!"

"Come out and surrender!!"

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