The fire was so strong that the fire was so strong that it was so strong.

"Brothers! Eat well and drink well!"

"You are all warriors of my Fire Country!"

"Hahaha! You didn't see the face of the Fire Country! It was so stinky!"

The Fire Country and Danzo were alone at a table, and now they were constantly greeting the soldiers on the East Front next to them.

That's right.

At the strong request of the Daimyo, the three thousand elite soldiers on the East Front entered the country to eat...

The situation of "high merits shocking the master" and "the army seizing the country" that Danzo thought of was not taken seriously by the Daimyo at all.

It may not only be the people in the ninja world who are used to the deformed system of the ninja world, but these nobles are also deeply rooted in the system.

They believe that ninjas dare not attack nobles.

The ninjas of Konoha were everywhere, facing the food they had never seen before, attacking from all sides, like starving ghosts.

Even if the cook made the grains into flowers, they were still grains.

Takahashi Yong saw more than one ninja crying while eating.

Brother Danzo was thinking, if he didn't consider the reaction of the ninja world, and took down the daimyo directly by smashing the cup now, wouldn't it be a success!

What a pity!

I don't know if there will be such a great opportunity in the future.

The daimyo was also very satisfied with the reaction of the ninjas on the east line. He felt that he did a good job in winning people's hearts!

But he overlooked one point. Would ordinary ninjas be so careless about their image in front of the daimyo?

Obviously, the ninjas on the east line didn't recognize the daimyo very much, and they didn't care about him, the angry daimyo, as much as the food on the table.

"It seems that the soldiers' meals are not very good!"

The Daimyo had long been tired of these luxurious meals, but as the army ate them up, his appetite was stimulated and he took two more chopsticks.

"Daimyo, we can't do anything. The Hokage has long cut off our food supply on the eastern front."

"Usually we buy as we go, and we even pay for it ourselves..."

Danzo found the right opportunity to make eye drops to the Daimyo and the Third Hokage.

"How ridiculous!"

"This Sarutobi is so absurd!"

He didn't mention that Sarutobi's decision was approved by him.

The Daimyo slammed his chopsticks on the table, disturbing Takahashi Yong who was eating on the side. Takahashi Yong stared at the Daimyo, causing the Daimyo to unconsciously move closer to Danzo.

"Danzo, don't worry, Sarutobi's days as Hokage won't last long!" The Daimyo pulled Danzo's clothes with a guilty conscience and whispered to him.

Shinnosuke, who was eating hard behind them, dropped his chopsticks when he heard this...

Is my status as the son of Hokage going to be far away from me?

However, being the nephew of the Hokage is not bad either!

He has enjoyed the treatment of the son of Hokage for so many years, but his younger brother Asuma has never enjoyed it for a single day. He is lucky!

Shinnosuke picked up the dropped chopsticks.

Now that things have come to this, let's eat first!

These dishes can't even be seen in Konoha.

"Hey~ Daimyo-sama, the matter of Hokage is of utmost importance! We can't be so hasty! It will cause unrest in the Land of Fire!"

Danzo gently "persuaded" the Daimyo.

The Fire Daimyo now only wants to drive Sarutobi off the stage, look!

What does it mean to consider the Land of Fire!

What does it mean to be the most loyal minister of the Land of Fire!

"Then what do you say we should do?"

It was the first time that the Daimyo saw someone pushing power away. Since the Daimyo said this, shouldn't he just start thanking him?

"Dai-myo, look at my brother, Hatake Sakumo! Is he worthy of a 'Hokage Half Sleeve'!"

Seeing Danzo mentioning himself, Sakumo smiled gently at the Daimyo.


The Daimyo pinched his chin, as if thinking, with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

Is it really an illusion?

The nobles still hate our Eastern Front more! ?

Danzo narrowed his eyes. He was not even willing to give the Hokage Half Sleeve, and he said something about 'meritorious officials'. Don't just treat us to a meal and send us off.

"Then look at my other brother, Gao..."

Danzo stretched out his hand to Takahashi Yong, but was stopped by the Daimyo with a claw.

"Give it! I can give it to you! I think this Sakumo is very suitable for the Hokage Half Sleeve!"

The Daimyo was a little anxious. Takahashi Yong's aura was too creepy. The Daimyo was afraid that Danzo would say something 'shocking', so he said hurriedly.

Danzo then retracted his arm, and the bottom line goal was achieved!

"Let's wait until tomorrow. I'll have my servants arrange the ceremony. We can't let other countries look down on us!"

"Okay, then we'll wait for the good news from the daimyo!"

Danzo raised his small wine glass and toasted the daimyo.

The three thousand East Front ninjas swept away all the luxurious food brought out by the daimyo.

It was so clean, even dogs would shake their heads.

It was just that the cook was in a bad mood. It was easy to go from simple to luxurious, but it was difficult to go from luxurious to simple!

What should we do on the way back to the village later?

The three thousand ninjas were still camping outside the capital. There was no way, the capital could not accommodate so many people at once.

The daimyo invited Danzo and his three men to stay in the daimyo's mansion, but was stopped by brother Danzo. He still wanted to share the hardship with his brothers.

The next day.

At noon, except for the ninjas who needed to patrol, the other ninjas on the east line did not leave the tent.

Camping near the capital, the defense in their hearts was completely removed, and they fell into a deep sleep and could not extricate themselves.


There was a sound from the capital, and I didn't know what instrument made the sound.

Then there was the ups and downs of percussion music.

The ninjas on the east line were "knocked" out of their tents.

They all walked out of the tent at the same time, and understood the situation at the gate of the capital.

They dressed up quickly and lined up in front of the tall platform that was erected last night in front of the gate of the capital.

"Such a big scene!?" Danzo was a little surprised.

"It seems that the daimyo has been doing really well recently." Takahashi Yong folded his arms beside Danzo.

Of course! ?

The little nobles from other countries haven't left yet!

This is really a stern face!

The daimyo was dressed in luxurious clothes, with the daimyo's crown fan with the symbol of the Fire Country on his head, but his body was bloated and looked like a potato.

Under the gaze of Konoha ninjas, villagers in the capital, and various nobles, he walked up to the high platform unsteadily.

He patted the microphone in front of him, tested the sound, and then spoke:

"Today, the elite of our Fire Country, the warriors of the Fire Country, have returned home in triumph!"

"I am very happy, Daimyo! You have all made the Fire Country proud!"

The servant beside him pulled the Daimyo anxiously.

Why is it different from the script?

The nobles of other countries are still here, don't cause public outrage!

The Daimyo also woke up after the servant's reminder, but the script? I, the Fire Daimyo, still have to memorize the script?

I don't know where I am in the bed of my lover.

He simply started directly and spoke into the microphone.

"I, the Daimyo of the Fire Country, now confer the title of - Shimura Danzo's Konoha Force -!"

"The title of 'Elite Division of the Fire Country'!"

Pa pa pa pa!

The applause shook the high platform that was hastily built last night. After all, who would complain about not having enough glory?

And it was given by the Fire Country Daimyo, one of the five people standing at the pinnacle of ninja power.

Danzo nodded with satisfaction, this title saved him a lot of trouble,

In this way, even if the East Line was dispersed after returning to the village, the cohesion would not be lost much!

The subsequent operations will be more handy!

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