The sun was setting, and the sun was setting.

Takahashi Yong walked out of the hospital just as the sun was about to set.

There was a party today, and it was the first free time for Danzo since he took office for more than a month!

With a lot of doubts in his mind, Takahashi Yong rushed to the "BBQ Q" outside the Ino-Deer-Chen tribe.

It was the Anbu who notified him in the morning, but the Anbu of the Fourth Hokage was a little strange, and they all carried a short knife on their backs.

What? Cosplaying my brother Sakumo?

Walking into the street, the aroma of meat with the secret barbecue ingredients of the Akimichi clan was already in the air.

There is a reason why the BBQ Q store has been so popular for so long!

The first choice for the gatherings of the jonins, even Brother Danzo couldn't resist the temptation and said he would treat you to barbecue in the village.

Pushing open the door, the wind chimes beside the door rang crisply.


"Master Takahashi? This way, the Fourth Generation Master has arrived."

Following the waitress to the private room inside, the "Fourth Generation Master" still made Takahashi Yong dazed.

Calculating the time, Namikaze Minato is still struggling to do some Genin tasks...

Brother, the wind blown by this butterfly is too strong...

"Brother Takahashi! Come on, come on!"

Just after pushing the door, Danzo's shouting has reached Takahashi Yong's ears.

There is only one table left in the huge private room, and the decorations on the walls of the private room are also elegant, and there is even a rockery, which is a masterpiece of mountains and flowing water.


Too corrupt!

Takahashi Yong looked around the room with a critical look, wanting to see if there was anything more corrupt.

"Takahashi, take a seat!"

"Let's eat first, Sakumo and Fugaku haven't gotten off work yet."

Danzo is different from the third generation. He only wears the Hokage suit when he is in the Hokage building. The rest of the time he wears his usual clothes.

He is now putting meat on the grill. Judging from the traces in the bowl, he has eaten a lot.

It seems that he is really hungry.

Takahashi Yong sat down next to Danzo.

"So hard? My brother Danzo."

Danzo picked up a piece of half-cooked meat with chopsticks, coated it with egg liquid and stuffed it into his mouth.

"There is no way, Sarutobi, that bastard! He concentrates power too much."

"Some trivial matters are placed on my desk!"

"I don't even have time to eat in a day. I don't know how he did it before."

What else can I do? Konoha's office efficiency used to be notoriously slow!

Danzo picked up the lettuce beside him and took two bites to relieve the greasiness before continuing.

"I will get better later. I have made some adjustments to Konoha's framework this month."

"Most of the ministers in the past did not have decision-making power. Can you believe it?"

Takahashi Yong was also infected by Danzo's eating style. He also picked up the marinated meat and put it on the grill.

"What are brother Sakumo and brother Fugaku doing? They are not off work yet."

Takahashi Yong glanced at the sunset outside the window. At this point in time, the war is over and all activities are suspended. What else can he be busy with?

"Sakumo took over the Anbu. There is no task now. He is quite leisurely. It seems that he is teaching the Anbu to use swords."


So the Anbu in the morning is not cosplay?

Sakumo wants to violate the ancestral precepts? Carry forward the Hatake swordsmanship?

Danzo knows what Takahashi Yong is thinking by looking at his expression.

"I'm sure I won't teach you all of them. I think I'll just teach you some stealth beheading swordsmanship."

"As for brother Fugaku, I've set up an adult academy."

"It just so happens that the Uchiha have nothing to do without the Guard Department, so I set up one for the Uchiha as well."

Takahashi Yong took over the conversation, and he was also full of doubts.

"Adult academy? What do you teach?"

"Emergency survival, war evacuation, how to avoid ninjas, how to identify spies, and some simple boxing and kicking skills."

Fugaku's voice came from outside the door, and he and Sakumo arrived together.


Takahashi Yong had a question mark on his head. The speed at which the two villagers in uniforms ran away in the morning didn't seem like simple boxing and kicking.

They were comparable to some Genin!

Fugaku and Sakumo didn't hesitate to approach and sat down around the table.

After Sakumo sat down, he stirred the egg liquid with chopsticks and spoke with a smile.

"It's not just a simple physical skill. The Inuzuka clan leader said that both of your academies have begun to teach people to refine chakra, and the village's security is becoming more and more difficult to manage."

That's right!

Danzo only raised his head from the bowl at this time.


"Brother Fugaku, what's going on?

? If we teach chakra now, won’t we teach ninjutsu later? "

"Will this become a ninja school?"

Danzo began to frown and ponder the pros and cons.

Fugaku was anxious when he heard this.

"It was the East Line Academy that taught first! Didn’t they lose the last academy exchange? They just ignored the ethics and started teaching their students to extract chakra!"

"We can’t lose at Uchiha Academy!"

"Besides, they are all adults. They are just starting now. The storage of chakra is very limited. Ninjutsu is far behind."

Sakumo heard Fugaku’s sophistry and laughed and fell back on the tatami.

"Hahaha, brother Fugaku..."

"Why did I hear that the instructors of the East Line Academy became mute inexplicably before the exchange, which caused them to lose the academy exchange."

"They still couldn’t speak in the next few days, so they were so anxious that they threw a book of "extraction technique" to their students. ”


Sakumo was lying on the tatami, somehow he was tickled and couldn’t stop laughing.

Fugaku had a dark face, there was nothing he could do, the Uchiha lost the first academy exchange.

Can they endure it the second time?

We must be more powerful!

But I didn’t expect the other party to be unethical! We can only follow up!

However, how can the opponent’s civilian extraction technique be better than the Uchiha school’s extraction technique!

Next time, even if there is chakra, the Uchiha Academy will win!

Danzo thought for a long time and seemed to be able to accept it. The original intention of the adult academy was to allow ordinary people to survive better in the Ninja World War.

Having a little chakra doesn’t make much difference.

This Uchiha can’t teach the family ninjutsu to those students!

Danzo ordered another plate of secret venison and said to Fugaku.

“It’s good to have control, I don’t care how you do it, as long as it works! "

Takahashi Yong couldn't hold it in any longer. It really worked. At least the dogs of the Inuzuka family couldn't catch up with them.

"Brother Danzo, but the number of applicants is increasing..."

No, don't the villagers of Konoha have nothing to do?

Yes! But if you take a little time to study, you can save yourself in this ninja world!

The villagers will still settle accounts.


"These people will be the grassroots management personnel of Konoha in the future. Brother Fugaku, your academy should also adjust the teaching content according to the situation."

Danzo waved his hand and said to Fugaku boldly. The compensation from the Land of Lightning is endless, and Konoha now has extra money!

"Brothers, have a drink!"


"Master Hideki, is this really a good idea?"

A ninja from the East Line said to Aburame Hideki stealthily, and dozens of old men from the East Line surrounded Aburame Hideki.

"If you don't do this, will you lose to Uchiha again the next time Master Danzo comes to inspect? "

Aburame Hideki also sighed,

"The Chakra Extraction Technique of my Aburame Clan is not suitable for ordinary people at all. The evil Uchiha taught their own extraction technique to their students."

"It is simply against the ancestral precepts! Uchiha Madara will be pissed off if he comes!"

"If this goes on, our students will be weaker than them!"

"Besides, this ninjutsu was stolen from Kumogakure! It is not a Konoha ninjutsu, and it is not against the rules!"

Hideki wore large sunglasses, making it difficult to see his face.

"As expected of Master Hideki!"


Teach the hell!

Many ninjas on the Eastern Front opened the teaching plan copied by Hideki.

"Lightning Chakra Mode: Civilian Edition"


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