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Completely relieved.

But in fact, this so-called Madara Uchiha is really a nonsense.

Sasuke was disdainful in his heart, if he hadn’t known from Leng Shuai long ago, he would have been aroused by the other party’s anger long ago.

But now Sasuke sneered in his heart, he did exude killing intent, but the target he aimed at was the so-called Madara Uchiha in front of him.

As Sasuke, who really understands Leng Shuai’s strength, has no idea of ​​fighting against Leng Shuai at all.

It is estimated that it will be very difficult to defeat Leng Shuai.

After finishing the training of Leng Shuai’s avatar, Sasuke deeply realized it.

A gap called despair.

Obviously it was just a clone, but it lasted for a month, training him closely.

And no matter how hard he tried and how explosive he was, he could easily be defeated by Leng Shuai.

Even the Lei Dun Qilin, which he was proud of, had already been created by the other party.

And the power is even stronger than his.

The most important thing is that he needs to rely on the power of the weather, but Leng Shuai, relying on his own power, released the Thunder Escape Qilin that he couldn’t reach that step.

That is a clone! It is precisely because of this that Sasuke did not believe the so-called Madara Uchiha in front of him, but believed Leng Shuai’s words.

Because he knew very well in his heart that if Leng Shuai really had any plans for him, he would be finished long ago.

And if Leng Shuai is really interested in the kaleidoscope, or even the so-called Uchiha Madara said that he is extremely interested in the eternal kaleidoscope, then the other party has already succeeded.

Because with Lengshuai’s strength, not only he can’t resist, but even Itachi is the same.

Arrest the two brothers. Isn’t this eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye can be born? So, when Obito divided the relationship between Sasuke and Konoha, when Sasuke had a grudge against Leng Shuai, Sasuke only sneered in his heart.

He looked at Obito as if he were looking at a clown.

But Obito didn’t know it, and once thought he was successful, Sasuke was bewitched by himself.

Well, it’s really simple enough.

Well, it’s really shameless.

At the same time, Obito and Sasuke looked at each other, and both of them made a mockery in their hearts.

Sasuke didn’t speak, he pretended to be bewitched, because he remembered Leng Shuai’s words, and if he wanted to gain more powerful power, he would temporarily be with that … clown Banxu and Wei Snake for a while.

Yes, Joker Spot, this is what Leng Shuai calls Obito now.

This also made Sasuke affirm for a while, Leng Shuai felt that he knew the identity of the other party.

But if Lengshuai didn’t say it, he couldn’t do anything about it.

However, heNow I also know that the more powerful power in Leng Shuai’s mouth does not refer to the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, but the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

From Itachi, he has already understood that the eternal kaleidoscope Shaker is the Shaker on top of the Kaleidoscope Shaker, which is more powerful.

and no side effects

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