Combat squads behind enemy lines are re-established.

Sarutobi personally led the team, which included Kiki Shuo, Tsunade, Kato Kato, Mizutani Chiba, and five members of the Shadow Guard.

A total of ten people rushed into the Shayin base camp by means of surprise battle.

Of course, if there is a frontal conflict, even if the ape flying sun at its peak ends up mostly dead, so before coming here, the three generations prepared an emergency plan in advance.

Seeing a member of the Shadow Guard come out, the familiar aura made Qianye slightly stunned, and then he noticed the identity of the other party.

"Depend, you kid won't say a word when he comes."

Remove the mask on his face, and this member is none other than his good friend Bo Feng Shuimen.

With the Flying Thunder God in hand, it is quite convenient to attack and retreat, and it is quite convenient to fight.

"Hehe, three generations of adults won't let me say." Watergate scratched his head and lowered his head a little embarrassed.

The shy look made the ape flying sun on the side quite satisfied, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

In this way, the combat team behind enemy lines made a surprise plan.

The purpose of this battle is to let the ninja world see the strength of Konoha's side.

You don't have to deliberately target someone, just use the maximum means of destruction.

"Let's go, let the enemy see Konoha's wrath."


In the camp of Shayin Village, the three generations of wind shadows are adjusting their injuries.

The power of the spiral heat breath is almost the same as the tailed beast jade that the six tails exert with all their strength.

This is already Chiba's personal limit.

If it weren't for the vigilance of the three generations of Wind Shadow, that blow would not have directly killed him, at least it would have left him with incurable injuries.

"Fortunately, I hid the body in advance, otherwise it would be finished."

Even if the wind shadows of the past generations claim to have absolute defense, the value of the existence of that thing is for people to break.

The ninja's high attack and low defense are vividly displayed.

Even if he had the upper defensive means, Wind Shadow could not resist the terrifying destructive power comparable to the tailed beast.

Putting the medicinal wine aside, and signaling the reluctant maid to go out with his eyes, Feng Ying Dingzen slowly lay on the bed, ready to use sleep to spend boring days.

Previously, he had succeeded in the battle, and the Konoha Legion was severely traumatized.

Next, he began to secretly contact all parties, hoping to send troops together to eliminate the most powerful Konoha village.

The shame that the villages had to pay for the tailed beast is still vividly remembered.

No way, for the future of the village, even if you grit your teeth, you have to take out the budget and hand it over to the gang of bandits in Konoha Village.

If you don't buy it, you will lose your last reliance in the war, and then it will not be yourself who loses.

Senjukuma thought that he was maintaining peace, but in the eyes of others, Konoha was showing his muscles nakedly.

It's not just the Shayin family that has similar ideas.

With the right opportunity, I believe everyone doesn't mind coming to the Fire Country to get a piece of the pie.

"Konoha, you're finished."

Just lying on the bed, the next second Wind Shadow Dingzen jumped up directly like a corpse.

"Not good!"

At this time, Mizutani Chiba had already used the moon step to come to the sky above the camp.

This time, he did not change the dragon, but threw out a few Flying Thunder God Ku Wu in his hand.

Looking at the sand iron floating beside him, the young man smiled and said to himself: "It's good to be vigilant, but it's a pity that you still underestimate Konoha's means." In

less than half a minute, the three generations of wind shadows flew out with great momentum.

Countless sand iron gushed out from the ground, like a black ocean, and in turn buckled to the sky.

"It's so terrible, it's so terrible~" Qianye quietly waited for the arrival of the other party.

Seeing that the distance of the wind shadow was almost the same, he suddenly continued to rush towards the sky step by step, seemingly unwilling to contact the other party to fight.

Seeing this, Dingchan's first reaction was to pursue, and the sand iron he arranged was to prevent the teenager from sneaking attack.

Now that you have bumped into him, you will leave him behind today.

The dragonization is indeed terrifying, but he has enough combat experience to deal with a huge beast.

In this way, the two walked farther and farther, and it was too late for Wind Shadow to realize that something was wrong.


In the distance, the Shayin camp was plunged into a sea of fire.

"Abominable." Feng Yingdingzen, who felt fooled, turned around and wanted to rush back to support, but where would Qianye easily let him go.

In the previous battle, the other party forced himself to resist ninjutsu, and now it was his turn to taste the taste of impatience.

"Don't rush to leave."

Quickly rushing towards the enemy, Chiba's smile was full of malice.

"I also want to make out with His Excellency Wind Shadow."


The Sand Hidden Camp was completely plunged into a sea of fire.

Compound Ninja Dragon Flame Flow!

Combining earth dun and fire ninjutsu perfectly, using a powerful flame bomb spit out from the mouth of the fire dragon, and attacking with the ninjutsu earth dragon bullet to create an earth dragon that can breathe fire.

It was so powerful that it set the entire camp on fire in an instant.

Without waiting for the enemy to react, the second powerful ninjutsu directly smashed the head and face.

Compound Ninja Thunder Water Dragon Bomb!

The perfect combination of water dun and thunder ninjutsu creates a water dragon bomb that wraps thunder and lightning to attack the enemy, which is more powerful than a simple water dragon bullet, and also adds a powerful penetrating power belonging to thunder dun.

The huge thunder water dragon directly penetrated the bodies of a group of sand hidden, and the so-called puppet organ could not play the slightest protective role at all.

After casting two compound ninja techniques in a row, Ape Flying Sun Slash was also slightly weak.

Seeing that the enemy could not organize a decent ability to resist, he planned to use melee combat to continue to weaken and kill the enemy.

Ninjutsu and psychic arts!

Come out, Ape King Ape Demon!

"Hehe, this time the movement is not small." As soon as the ape demon appeared, he began to get excited.

For so many years, it has not experienced much big scenes, and I didn't expect that Ape Flying Sun Chopper would play so exciting this time.

"If the movement is not big, outsiders still think that Konoha Village is a bully."

Hearing this, the ape demon instantly understood the old fellow's mind.

No matter what, as long as you dare to hurt Konoha Village, you will endure the endless anger of Ape Flying Sun.

"Don't talk about it, let's do it."


Transformation Technique, King Kong Ruyi Stick!


Beating down water dogs is something everyone likes to do.

The enemy was blinded by a series of ninjutsu, and the combat team took this opportunity to launch a surprise attack.

Qimu Shuomao rushed out first, and the White Fang Short Knife instantly defeated the two puppets, and the puppeteers in the rear were so frightened that they hurried to flee into the crowd.

At this moment, I saw a spirit body flash through the air, and effortlessly killed the two puppeteers.

The person who made the move was Kato Shu, and the "Spiritual Transformation Technique" he cast could be called the Otherworldly Version of Sword Twenty-Three, which was definitely the top Yin Secret Technique.

"Broken." Tsunade was a little worried, afraid that he would not be able to protect his boyfriend's body.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

After a short rest, the broken spiritual body immediately rushed towards the next wave of enemies.

Who knows, someone has already quietly targeted him in secret.

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