"The daimyo seems to be afraid of Naruto."

Sako observed the daimyo's expression, already vaguely guessing in her heart what had happened.

Tsunade naturally saw it too.

When the daimyo was talking to her before, his tone faintly revealed a condescending meaning.

But now as soon as Naruto came, he was honest.

Tsunade was amused by this.

This daimyo is simply a dog.

If you don't hit it, it will think you're weak and bark at you.

You hit it, and instead of taking revenge, it will think you are strong and flattering you.

From the outside to the bones, there are miracles.

The main owners of the wedding banquet are Asma and the princess, and it is only after the two enter the venue that it begins.

Halfway through, Tsunade asks the daimyo about succeeding Hokage and the village funds.

With Naruto watching from the sidelines, the daimyo did not dare to be careless.

Not only did he agree to Tsunade's proposal to become Hokage, but he also decided to increase Konoha's funding by five percent every year.

Per cent.

It seems to be little, but in fact it is quite a lot.

If the base is large enough, even five percent is a lot.

In fact, the daimyofu also knew that Konoha was the first ninja village in the ninja world.

This title can bring a lot of population to the Fire Nation, and taxes have increased a lot.

In addition, during this period of peace, the territory of the Land of Fire is almost the safest place in the entire world.

So the Fire Nation is also the fastest growing.

The daimyofu has never been stingy with Konoha, in order to keep the title of the first ninja village in the ninja world and attract more people to join in turn.

It's just that recently Sarutobi was cut off and Tsunade took the throne.

Tsunade's identity was originally very close to the daimyofu, but...

Tsunade did not return to Konoha for many years, nor did he go to the daimyo house.

So no one knows what Tsunade is thinking now, and they don't know what she went through.

That's why the daimyofu decided to marry to strengthen the relationship.

Unexpectedly, this kick hit Naruto's steel plate.

Instead of making a bargain, he lost his daughter and silver taels.

It can be described as a lack of money and people.

The daimyo can laugh now, all thanks to his acting skills.

At the same time, the daimyo began to figure out how to strengthen his control over Konoha.

Konoha's move this time is definitely not a good thing for the daimyofu.

The daimyo has a different watch and attends the wedding with a fake smile.

The ninjas at the scene are not ordinary people, and most of them can be seen.

But no one named them.

After all, you have to meet in the future, and it is important to add the identity of the daimyo.

Soon, the banquet was over.

Tsunade is very happy today.

Konoha not only has more money, but also can alleviate some problems.

The time of her succession to Hokage was also set.

Everyone knew that the daimyo was not happy, so the daimyo did not stay for the banquet.

Tsunade didn't care, pulling his disciples and Naruto to eat and drink, which could be regarded as relieving the fatigue caused by the heavy Hokage official duties for many days.

For this kind of thing, Naruto only tasted it lightly.

Soon the banquet was over, and everyone went back to their homes.

Shizune helped the drunk Tsunade back.

Sunset Red found Naruto, seemingly having something to ask.

Sakura Haruno took the opportunity to find two teammates and tell them something.

Saeko said calmly after listening to it: "This is indeed in line with Naruto's character. Sako

had guessed it before.

Naruto is a person who generally does not meddle in things that have nothing to do with him.

When Naruto went to the daimyo mansion, Sako faintly felt it.

Now reminded by Haruno Sakura, he knew that Naruto had gone to save himself from the marriage.

Haruno Sakura knew that she was on that list, so she was very grateful to Naruto at this time.

So Haruno Sakura deliberately mentioned it: "So let's thank Naruto well."

Saying this, Haruno Sakura also observed Sako's expression.

Who knew that Sako barely reacted, just calmly snorted, and then turned to Haruno Sakura with a calm and pretty face, and did not speak.

Haruno Sakura was a little embarrassed, and said to Sako: "Naruto helped a lot after all..."

Saeko said truthfully to Haruno Sakura, "Would you be so polite with your family?" Haruno

Sakura: "..."

This sentence directly caused a 10,000-point critical blow to Haruno Sakura.


Haruno Sakura had a bitter face, and suddenly felt that she was very similar to the defeated dog described in those books.

"Sakura, I know you like Naruto a lot." Saeko directly picked out the matter of Haruno Sakura: "But like Naruto said, there are some things that you will pay off if you don't fight for it."

"Of course, if you can get a response from Naruto, I won't have any opinion."

With the precedent of fragrant phosphorus, Sako's immunity to this kind of thing has improved a lot.

However, according to the previous situation, Haruno Sakura is likely to be unable to impress Naruto.

So Sako didn't worry at all.

Haruno Sakura snorted, knowing the reason why Sako was so relieved, she turned away in disappointment.

Looking at Haruno Sakura's back, Kakako couldn't help but ask Saeko, "Wouldn't that be too cruel for her?"

Sako didn't speak, just looked up at Kakawa-Phosphorus with calm eyes.

Xiangphos reacted and immediately said: "Oh, that can't force Naruto, can it~"

On the other side, Red actually took Naruto home directly.

Red was in a bad mood and drank a lot of wine in the company of her friend Red Bean.

She knew that she had pulled Naruto and what question she wanted to ask, and it was clear in her head.

But she just couldn't speak.

After all, Red and Naruto are not a generation.

Talking about his emotional problems in front of the juniors made Hong a little ashamed.

Especially in the face of Naruto's handsome and doubtful expression, it was even more difficult for her to speak.

In the end, Red Bean couldn't stand it, and pulled Red and Naruto home first.

Red Bean supported Red and followed Naruto by his side.

In fact, Azuki was still a little afraid of Naruto, because Naruto could have broken her last time.

Tell her to let her wash and wait, Red Bean is nervous and has not slept all night.

The dark circles are all boiled out, and as a result, Naruto, the scoundrel, doesn't come, and he doesn't say it in advance, it's hateful!

Since then, although Azuki is very upset with Naruto, he doesn't really want to provoke him.

Unexpectedly, after a few years, it actually intersected because of Red and Naruto.

Naruto noticed Azuki's cautious expression and couldn't help but tease her, "Wasn't it ten years old that night?" Big sister red bean.

"I knew you didn't have a good word as soon as you opened your mouth." Hongdou complained madly: "Can't you little devil be friendly?"

Naruto was not happy to hear this, "Am I still not friendly?"

"Yes, yes, you're friendly." Red Bean greeted him helplessly.

Reveal people short at first, or call it friendly?

But when Red wakes up a little later, she asks him about Asma and sees how he answers.


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