This is the trust from the ninja god.

Naruto couldn't bear it: Don't believe me, because I know who I am.

Thousand Hands Pillar: Hahaha~ Naruto, your strength is very strong, if you practice well, you will definitely be even more powerful than me in the future!

Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Ouch?? Really fake? Is my little Naruto so powerful?

Senjukuma: Of course, Naruto's chakra and physical strength are good.

Senjuma: Are you kidding, big brother?

Naruto Uzumaki: Big guys just like to joke.

Senjukuma: But I'm really not kidding.

Third Generation Thunder Shadow: Can you get the Ninja God to give such a high rating? The descendants of the yellow flash turned out to be so terrifying.

None: I'm used to it, and Konoha pops up a few perverts from time to time.

For the praise of these people, Naruto naturally did not pay attention to it.

His goal is simple, to live more comfortably.

Naruto returned to Sako's house and lay on the couch staring at the live barrage.

Until the system point stopped growing, Naruto spoke: This is the end of today's live broadcast, see you tomorrow seniors.

Uzumaki Shinna: Naruto, you need to rest early, don't sleep in tomorrow, because you have to go to ninja school~ Naruto Uzumaki:

I know my mother.

Turn off the live broadcast, and the system points obtained by the live broadcast will also be settled.

[The revenue of this live broadcast is: 9215 system points.] Got

rich, got rich!

This was the first time Naruto had so many system points.

Sure enough, there are many system points earned with rhythm!

It seems that more things will be done in the future.

Naruto opened his attribute panel and took a look, wanting to note his current strength.

But he was attracted by the Chakra Refinement.

Originally, Naruto's Chakra refining degree should be 10%.

The result suddenly became 9.75%!

Only after Naruto asked the system did he learn why.

The so-called chakra refining degree is the degree to which a ninja refines his own chakra.

For example, yesterday Naruto had 100 chakras in his body, and refined 10 points, that is 10%.

But a day later, Naruto grew up and lost it, and the Chakra limit changed from 100 to 101, and the Chakra he refined was still 10, so the percentage was reduced.

However, the 5% Chakra refining degree is only 200 system points.

Naruto was now rich and didn't care at all.

[Tip: The host consumes system points 3600, and the exchange of 5% Chakra Refinement X18 is successful! ] 【Tip

: The host consumes 2000 system points, redeem a small physical enhancement X20! 】 【Tip

: The host consumes 1500 system points, and the combat experience is increased to medium patience. 【

Tip: The host consumes 1000 system points to extract the second passive skill, and draws the A-level passive skill: Emergency Healing (Level 1)】【Emergency Healing

Introduction: Automatically consumes its own Chakra after injury, providing uninterrupted palm cactus treatment. 【Tip

: The host consumes 1000 system points and learns the low-level three-body technique successfully (transformation, avatar, substitute). ]

System points that had been hard-earned for a day were all consumed by Naruto in less than three minutes.

The increase in physical strength caused impurities in Naruto's body to be sent out of his body.

To avoid soiling Sako's sofa, Naruto quickly ran to the bathroom to undress.

After that, Naruto opened the system panel, and then he noticed that the system panel had changed a little.

[Name: Naruto

Uzumaki Bloodline: Uzumaki Bloodline, Asura Reincarnation

Chakra Attribute: Wind Chakra Refinement: 99.975%

Physique: B

Chakra: A + Technique: Low-level Three-Body Technique

Combat Experience: Naka Ninja

System Point: 118]

Compared with before, both the physique and Chakra

have made great progress.

Secondly, combat experience and skills are no longer zero.

The biggest change is the Chakra Refinement.

At this time, Naruto could feel the terrifying amount of chakra in his body.

How much Naruto didn't know exactly, but certainly not too little.

Naruto washed away the dirt from his body with water, revealing looming muscle lines.

After another twenty physical enhancements, Naruto's physical strength surpassed that of most of his peers.

Compared to the malnourished dog before, Naruto still liked himself like this.

Fortunately, the change in appearance this time was not very big, and Naruto did not have to worry about it.

After taking a shower, Naruto cleaned the bathroom again, so as not to wait for Sako to come back and find something abnormal.

Cleaning up the dirt in the bathroom, Naruto thought for a while and prepared Sako with something for the medicinal bath, and when Sako came back and added hot water, he could soak it.

Naruto looked around, casually drew a loose bath towel wrapped around his body, and walked out of the bathroom wearing pink slippers.

As mentioned earlier, there is only one bedroom in Sako's house that can sleep people.

Naruto didn't have any politeness with his future daughter-in-law, and went straight into the soft bed of fragrant fragrance, closed his eyes and began to rest.

It is worth mentioning that Saeko's house and Naruto's apartment are not the same.

The beds here are all bunks on the floor, should it be a habit here?

Naruto slept soundly this time, and Sako didn't know when she came back.

Early the next morning.

Naruto opened his eyes and saw a polished back.

The petite figure was facing away from Naruto, and two small hands were wrapping a long white cloth around his upper body.

Naruto's eyes cleared, and he saw that Sako was sleeping on a bunk two meters away from him.

Seeing Sako get up so early, Naruto couldn't help but speak, "You practice so late and get up so early, don't you feel tired?"

Saeko's movements were very sharp, and after finishing the chest wrap, she retracted back into the covers, stretched out a lotus arm and pulled the clothes in and put them on.

To Naruto's question, Saeko said casually: "Of course tired, but used to it." "

She's really hard.

Sako dressed and looked at Naruto who was in a daze with his hands in a daze.

A crisp birdsong entered the house.

This made Sako feel unreal, and her originally impetuous heart was inexplicably quieted a little.

"Get up quickly, or you'll be late." Sako saw that Naruto still didn't get up, so she urged.

Naruto took a deep breath and said solemnly, "That's what you said!"

As soon as his words fell, he stood up and went to the living room to get his clothes.

Sako saw the smooth figure in an instant, her pretty face suddenly blushed, and she quickly turned her back and questioned: "You you you... Why do you sleep without clothes?

Naruto smiled and looked at the shy Sako, "Because it's comfortable to sleep like that."

When Naruto left the bedroom, Saeko's mood recovered.

Naruto changed into the clothes Sako had bought for him, leaned against the door frame and asked, "Am I handsome?"

Sako looked at Naruto, and there was a little more wave in her eyes that had just regained her calm.

But this emotion was well hidden by Saeko: "Don't stink, let's go." "


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