
Hyde frowned and took a few steps back.

Zhou Shi's subordinates also hurriedly protected him.

The white light dissipated and Naruto appeared in front of everyone.

"Who are you?"

Hyde asked Naruto warily.

Can it appear out of thin air?

What kind of ability is this!

Simply unheard of!

"Me?" Naruto looked around, raising his hand to question himself.

Then Naruto replied casually, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I came to ask you a question." "


A group of knights in armor surrounded Naruto.

Seeing this, Hyde was slightly relieved.

The stiff expression on his old face relaxed slightly, and he asked Naruto, "How did you master the ability to suddenly appear at your young age?" "

If he also has this ability, won't he soon be able to unify the world and then establish an ideal country?"

Naruto noticed the old fellow's vision and couldn't help but show a sneer.

This Hyde....

How to say that he is good?

Enhanced version of the storm?

Wind and Wind also want to rule the world, and Hyde also wants to rule the world.

It's just that the wind and the waves have not practiced, and Hyde really launched an attack on the country of wind and the country of fire.

It is very appropriate to add Haide's mastery of the Greer Stone and say that it is a strengthened version of the stormy waves.

"I don't want to say more about my abilities." Naruto's gaze swept around and said to Hyde, "Where is the Greer Stone Vein?"

Hyde's expression was startled: "What? What else do you know!

Naruto said a little helplessly, "Why do you have to let me use force?" "

Don't wait for the people around you to react.

The next moment, a terrifying white natural energy surged out of Naruto's body.

Naruto was covered in white light, and the suffocating coercion flooded the fortress like a tsunami.

Ka ~


Naruto cast strange powers, his body did not move, but a terrifying force erupted under his right foot.

This force instantly pierced the steel with a radius of several meters.

The entire fortress trembled faintly.

The knights were unsteady in their center of gravity and exclaimed.

Hyde was even more frightened and pale, even though he was protected in the center by many subordinates, he couldn't help but have an indescribable fear in his heart.

Naruto levitated in mid-air and asked Hyde indifferently, "My question has already been said, and I don't want to repeat it again."

"If you don't want to die, just tell me where you are."

The natural energy in Naruto's body condensed to the extreme.

Hyde, and Hyde's men, are incomparably familiar.

Isn't that the energy of the Greer Stone?!

But why would anyone be able to control energy without relying on the Greer Stone?

And, can you do it without losing your mind?

And he can gather so much energy in the body, how did he do it?

But no matter what.

In this instant, Hyde knew how terrifying the gap between the two sides was.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he trembled and said to Naruto, "I... I can take you. "

Hyde knows the location of the Greer Stone vein.

Naruto needed this position.

As for the key to unlock the vein?


Let's try to see if you can forcibly destroy the things that block the entrance.

If not, go to the merchant again.

According to Naruto's knowledge, at this stage, that merchant issued a mission in Konoha.

It was to find his ferret.

As long as there is a record of posting tasks, Konoha has a way to contact him.

Naruto was thinking about these questions when he suddenly noticed that someone was approaching him.

His face turned cold, and a white Vajra blocking chain extended from his back, and he stabbed directly at the other party.


A blond boy was pierced through the chest by the King Kong blockade and fixed to the ground.

The young man had a hideous expression and tried to use the power of the Grell Stone to get out of trouble.

But the power Naruto uses is also natural energy.

And the King Kong blockade is an extremely terrifying sealing technique.

Locked by the King Kong blockade, no matter how hard the teenager tried, he could not transport the energy in his body.

He can't even use the Stone of Greer for beastification!

Hyde's brows jumped wildly as he watched from the side, and he quickly said to Naruto: "Naruto Uzumaki-sama, I have decided to tell you the location, please don't hurt my child!"

Naruto didn't want to make a difference, so he withdrew the Kongo blockade.

Tim fell to the ground and passed out directly, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Naruto set his sights on Hyde.


Hyde relented.

Led by Hyde, Naruto came to the Greer Vein.

After coming to the vein, Hyde couldn't help but ask Naruto: "Uzumaki-sama, can you use the power of the Greer Stone in other ways?"

Naruto glanced at him and didn't answer the question.

Why should I answer your doubts?

Now that you are a prisoner, don't be confused about the situation.

Hyde smiled and didn't care.

He continued to say to Naruto, "Uzumaki-sama, if you can use the power of the Greer vein, I would like to be your loyal subordinate. "

Relying on the Greer Vein and the power I have operated for many years, Lord Uzumaki, you can easily unify the entire world."

Hyde is a smart man.

He knew he couldn't beat Naruto and couldn't resist Naruto.

And since the Greer vein was known by Naruto, then there was nothing wrong with him.

Of course, Hyde knew about this by default.

Because in Hyde's view, no one can resist the temptation of such a powerful force.

And he can't be the number one, and now he can also submit to Naruto as soon as possible.

When the time comes, Naruto conquers the world, he will also be an existence under one person and above ten thousand people.

However, Naruto ignored Hyde's proposal.

Naruto sensed the huge veins underground, and his heart was a little shocked.

Perhaps the original Greer vein was not of this large size.

But after so many years of evolution, the scale of the Greer vein is surprisingly large.

And the Greer vein is called the spirit stone vein.

The natural energy emitted and condensed by the countless Greer stones rammed underground.

Finally, these energies converged and flowed somewhere in the Land of Winds.

And there, it is where Loulan is located.

Under Naruto's perception, the natural energy river under Loulan is a part of the natural energy condensed by the Greer vein!

In the original work, the plot of the Greer vein takes place before the Loulan plot.

At the time of Loulan, the natural energy river had stopped flowing.

In other words, the Greer vein at that time had been sucked away by the time cave summoned by Timsey's bloodline.


Sure enough, it is in the same vein.

The Greer vein is related to time, and Loulan can also travel back in time.

Naruto combined the entire time to look at it, and his thoughts were full of emotions.

But now Naruto doesn't think about it that much.

He only thought about how to get the energy of the Greer vein.

At that time, you will be able to practice for a long time, and you will not have to run around to find natural energy.


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