Iruka, Mizuki and several other ninja school teachers led a group of cadets to the survival exercise site.

During this period, Naruto followed the group, teasing the shy Hinata for a while, and paying attention to the cold and arrogant Sako for a while.

Naruto could feel the resentment from Haruno Sakura all the time.

But that's no wonder Naruto, after all, there are only three positions in the team.

As he traveled, Naruto began to think about how to get the system points today.

The audience in the live broadcast room did not have any mood swings because of Naruto at this time.

So far, I have only obtained dozens of system points.

Or...... Continue to Fugaku's wool?

Naruto glanced at Sako walking in front of him, and made up his mind in his heart.

Suddenly, Naruto's afterglow caught a glimpse of a dark briquette.

He looked back seriously, only to find that it was a few ninjas with ninja knives hanging from their waists, long black ninjas.

Naruto frowned, thinking in his heart: Isn't that Yunyin's person? How did it end up here?

At this stage, the relationship between Konoha and Yunyin is still relatively stiff.

After all, there had been a kidnapping of the eldest lady of the Hyuga family before, and the three generations of Hokage also asked Konoha to send Hinata's head to let the white eyes flow out of the village.

Yunyin also knew that Konoha Ji hated them, so he hadn't cooperated with Konoha in recent years, and all exchanges were just for superficial harmony.

However, the two villages have not interacted with ninjas since, and ordinary people have gone to diplomacy as messengers.

The audience in the live broadcast room naturally saw those few clouds.

Hinata Hinata: These are Yunyin, right? Aren't they going to do some small things again?

Three Generations of Thunder Kage: Can this friend of Konoha speak? When did we Yunyin engage in small actions?

Hinata: I don't want to stress too much about this, everyone should know about it.

Three Generations of Thunder Shadow: So what are you talking about? The old man does not allow someone to frame the village inexplicably!

Senju Jima: Sandai Ai, this happened after your death, Yunyin secretly kidnapped the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan under the pretext of diplomacy, and did not admit it after being discovered, and also made the younger brother of the patriarch of the Hyuga clan pay the price and bite Konoha back.

Three Generations of Thunder Shadow: What?! No way! How could Eta allow this to happen? Are we Yunyin the kind of despicable people?

Hinata: Isn't it?

Three generations of Leiying: The old man seriously doubts the authenticity of this matter!

Senju: Hmph, what the old man personally saw in the history of Konoha Shinobi, can there be a fake?

Hinata: I can testify, and I can't deny it.

None: Hehe, I have long said that Yunyin is just a group of reckless men, but in fact he is just a villain.

Naruto didn't expect that he would cause such a big wave just by seeing a few clouds.

After a while, the system points began to skyrocket.

This time, the people involved in the topic are shadow-level masters, so there are more system points.

Naruto followed the crowd to the location of the survival drill.

It is a forest with a river in the middle of the forest.

Since it is only a cadet, the purpose of the survival exercise is only to survive in the wild.

This may be difficult for a ten-year-old, but it is not difficult for a trainee who has experienced a ninja education for several years.

As the survival drill began, Naruto and the three went deep into the forest and found a suitable location to set up three tents.

The problem of housing is solved, and then there is the problem of food.

With Sako Mamoru at the camp to watch over the house, Naruto and Hinata went fishing in the river not far away.

This is a shallow beach and an excellent fishing mecca.

Hinata's white eye dynamic vision capture is so good that no fish can escape her eyes.

The trouser tube was rolled up, and the shoes were taken off, revealing the tender red little feet, gently put into the lukewarm river water, and took some difficult steps to the middle of the river.

Hinata bent slightly, staring intently at the water.

She moved quickly, seeing the opportunity to quickly strike and grab it into the water.

A large, fatty fish was held in Hinata's arms.

Unwilling to accept its fate of being caught, it fluttered desperately, staining the body of its captor.

This was the first time Hinata had caught a fish, so much so that she asked Naruto in a little panic, "Naruto... Naruto, look at it! "


Naruto walked over and raised his hand and slammed a fist on the fish's head.

Only listening to the bang, he knocked it out directly, and lay quietly in Hinata's arms.

"I'll just say that Hinata has a big role, right?" Naruto took the fish from her arms and threw it to the shore, looking at the little face with a little water stain and praised: "Hinata did a good job, sure enough, catching fish still has to be more efficient with white eyes."

Being praised by Naruto, Hinata was very happy, lowered his head and said shyly: "And... It's okay~"


Meanwhile, Sako in the camp was not idle.

She walked around the camp, keeping all the information about the terrain around her in mind.

It was getting late and the sun was setting.

Saeko stood at the top of a large tree, observing the surroundings.

Suddenly, Sako saw two figures speeding towards him.

Saeko's eyes narrowed slightly, and she felt a trace of uneasiness in her heart.

She jumped off the tree to hurry back to the camp to find Naruto and Hinata, and it would be safer for the three to meet.

But the other party's target is obviously Sako, and she is not given a chance to leave at all.

As soon as Sako was about to leave, a figure fell directly in front of him.

He has pitch-black skin, a wide ninja knife in his hand, but a misty forehead on his forehead.

Sako couldn't help but mock: "It's everyone who can come out, you are Yun Shinobu, is it necessary to carry out this kind of camouflage full of loopholes?" There

was a slight noise behind Sasa~

and Sako looked back.

I saw another Yun Shinobu blocking his back road...

"What is your purpose?" Sako forced herself to calm down and wanted to stall for time.

But these two Yunnin were obviously experienced and did not want to waste time talking at all.

Their purpose is, of course, to kidnap Sako, because Sako has a blood succession limit.

He has very rich experience in kidnapping Yunyin.

The first time he sent Shinobu to kidnap Jiu Xinnai, his strength was not strong, and he was easily solved by Watergate.

The second time Shinobu Naka kidnaps Hinata, but the occasion is not right, and he is discovered by Hiashi.

But this time!

Yunyin specifically inquired about the time when the Konoha Ninja School arranged the survival exercise.

He also selected a relatively powerful Naka Shinobu to carry out the task, and even took advantage of Sako's order to start to make sure that nothing was lost.

Sako's eyes closed slightly, and the Ergou Jade Writing Wheel Eye appeared in the eye socket.

Sharingan is indeed strong, but Sako is a little desperate.

At this time, Sako was only ten years old, but the other party was an experienced ninja.

And this is outside of Konoha Village, Sako can't even call for help.


Sako pulled out the ninja knife, slowly pressed down the center of gravity, and waited for the opportunity.


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