During the conversation, Hongdou suddenly felt a chill in his neck.


Hongdou looked down and found that a hand was holding Ku Wu, and Ku Wu pointed at his neck.

Looking at this hand that grabbed Ku Wu, he saw Naruto, who was better off himself, holding Ku Wu...

Azuki was confused and asked Naruto, "How did you get over?" "

Even if it's a teleportation technique, it should be able to capture the figure."

The so-called instantaneous technique is all the techniques that can increase their speed to the point that it is difficult to capture with the naked eye.

But teleportation is not teleportation, can not capture a clear picture, should also have a shadow.

But Naruto ....

Naruto did not hide from the red bean, but revealed the Flying Thunder God mark on the other end of the bitter end.

There are few people in the Flying Thunder God Technique, but there are many people who know the Flying Thunder God Mark.

Red Bean's beautiful eyes slowly widened, but her pupils shrank slightly.

Worst! Play fried!

"Beautiful Miss Azuki ~" Naruto's voice was like a demon's whisper: "Three days later, in the evening, Shiro Bai is waiting for me at home."

Naruto leaned over and took a deep breath of the pleasant fragrance, patted her shoulder, and turned to leave.

This sentence made Hongdou's heart uneasy for most of the day.

Naruto left the training ground, and the revenue of system points in the live broadcast room began to grow.

If nothing else, it's because of Naruto's age.

Mikoto Uchiha: Little Naruto, didn't Kushina help you win Sako's favor before? You can't be sorry for Sako, can you?

Fugaku Uchiha: ......

Uzumaki Shinna: Naruto, you are still too young, you should not touch this kind of thing too early.

Naruto Uzumaki: Aunt Mikoto, Mom, don't worry, I'm just scaring her.

Mikoto Uchiha: Huh?

Naruto explained to her: The reason why I said three days later, it was to leave time for her to suffer, she must have been very excited that night, and then found out that I didn't go... If she came to me, I said that my request was 'wait for me at home in three days', and I told her to wait for me, and I didn't say I was going.

Uzumaki Shinnai: Haha ~ Little Naruto you... You're so bad!

Uchiha Senna: Hehehe~ This guy named Naruto is quite good at teasing people.

Uchiha Senna: That guy named Red Bean must have been thinking all the time for the past three days that she was actually taken down by a ghost, but finally found out....

Naruto Uzumaki: Thank you Senna for agreeing, but that's not excessive, right? I didn't really do anything!

Lin Yongyu is fluent: Hmph! Abominable little ghost, you might as well go, such a way to engage in other people's mentality, how damaging ah!

Naruto Uzumaki: So what can I do when I go?

Lin Yongyu fluent: (⊙o⊙)....

Ye Cang: Actually, little Naruto looks so cute, if he uses transformation to become an adult... Hey, hey, hey~

Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Hey? What are you weird women talking about? That's my son!

Ye Cang: What are you doing so excitedly? Are you going to deny that Naruto is cute?

Mikoto Uchiha: But... This ninja named Hakura, little Naruto is only ten years old now, you are even more perverted than Orochimaru.

(Orochimaru:?) This is not a barrage, it is an outsider complaint.


A group of female ninja chatted where for a long time, and Naruto's system points also swooped and soared.

It's just not as fast as the other day.

Finally, when the wind and waves in the live broadcast room calmed down a little, a thousand hands spoke.

Senju Takema: Naruto Uzumaki, the battle between him and Yun Shinobu does not need to worry about the outcome of victory or defeat, but Yun Shinobu will definitely turn his face if he fails, and the old man has already thought of a strategy to deal with it.

Naruto Uzumaki: Huh? When the second-generation adult said this, Yun Ren seemed to be indeed a person who could turn his face.

Naruto Uzumaki: So what do we do if they turn their backs and don't admit it?

Can't you let the Senju pillar occupy Naruto's body and then open the Great Buddha?

Naruto does have a lot of chakra, but opening the big Buddha is still a bit exaggerated.

Senjukuma: Prepare the materials for the rebirth of dirt in advance.

Senjukuma: Umma!

Senju: Big brother, this is not the time to have some scruples.

Senjukuma: Izuma, I have long said that your filthy soil reincarnation is out of the original intention of ninjutsu, and it has long been banned.

Senju: Big brother, you shut up, whether war or not is a matter of countless people's lives and happiness, sacrificing some people is nothing, and I didn't let Naruto capture a few people casually.

Senjutsu: Alas....

Uchiha Senna: What? Rebirth of dirt? This name is very evil when you hear it, and it is worthy of you.

But Karuma ignored Izuna's taunt.

Naruto Uzumaki: Well, how many people do you need to prepare?

Senju: Naruto, how did you know that the human body is needed for the rebirth of dirt?

Naruto Uzumaki: These are not important, the important thing is that a few people are needed.

Senjuma: All you need is two.

Naruto Uzumaki: Then I'll go and see if there are any low-level tasks that require fighting bandits or something....

Senju: But you can also tell the monkey about this and let him arrange it.

After all, it is the human pillar force, and the human pillar force out of the village is an extremely serious matter.

Naruto, who had planned to go back to school, suddenly changed direction and rushed straight towards the Hokage building.

Coming to the Hokage Building, Naruto voiced Tsuma's request.

Sarutobi thought for a moment and asked Naruto, "I wonder if those prisoners in the prison meet the requirements." "

How many death row prisoners are there?" Naruto asked directly.

Sarutobi looked through the information, and his old face became solemn: "Because death row prisoners are generally solved on the spot, there are no death row prisoners in Konoha Prison.

"It's hard to do this, let's go and catch a few bandits according to my ideas." Naruto said a little excitedly: "This way I can also have a little sense of participation~

" Sarutobi frowned: "Do you want to go by yourself?" "

What's wrong?" Naruto asked rhetorically, "Could it be that with the protection of the seniors in the Pure Land, I am still in danger?" "

Naruto, who actually possesses the Flying Thunder God, is no longer something that ordinary ninjas can capture.

Only sealing Naruto's Chakra without Naruto noticing it can pose a threat to Naruto's life.

Sarutobi originally disagreed, but he saw Naruto engrave the Flying Thunder God Mark with his own eyes.

Sarutobi Hinata: "..."

Good fellow, shouldn't Naruto get guidance from the second generation of Pure Land now?"

But no matter what, Sarutobi was also relieved at this time, and he took out a stack of mission books and handed them to Naruto for him to choose.

Although Naruto had not graduated from ninja school, everyone was very knowledgeable and did not mention it.

Finally, Naruto chose a bandit mission not far from Konoha among the large pile of missions.

In fact, outside the Five Great Shinobi Villages, there are basically no bandits if you get too close.

Bandits mostly appear on the borders of large countries, or on the territory of small countries.

After choosing the task, Naruto went shopping, mainly to customize some kunai, as well as ninja tools and the like.

Although ordinary Ku Wu can also attach to the Flying Thunder God Mark, it is too energy-consuming and chakra, and it is more convenient to make special Ku Wu.


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