"Hello~" Bai Fa Yun Ren barely opened the dead fish eyes: "This little guy looks so fierce, he is worthy of being a guy who can kill Zhong Shinobi." "

Konoha has two very strong people who are even feared by their opponents.

One is called Bofeng Shuimen, and the other is Qimu Shuomao.

Now Naruto has the fame stunts of both at the same time, and I don't know how much combat power he can exert.

Darui stared at Naruto's figure, but did not notice any move from the other party: "Do you know that with one enemy and two, if you take the initiative to attack, you will show flaws, so choose to defend and counterattack?" Clever little ghost. "


He held the handle of the thick knife at his waist, and the center of gravity was slightly pressed down, ready to attack.

Samui quickly ran to the other side of Naruto and surrounded Naruto in the form of horns.

The two men had obviously discussed tactics beforehand, so they attacked at the same time.

Naruto glanced at the two who rushed over, and threw the Flying Thunder God Kumu out in turn, occupying different positions on the battlefield.

This makes it easy to dodge and launch surprise attacks.

"Little ghost, the bitterness is too biased!" The Darui figure appeared directly in front of Naruto, swinging his ninja knife and slashing at Naruto.

The moment he raised the knife, a trace of thunder lingered on his blade.

Attaching Lei Dun to the ninja knife is the usual way for Yun ninja to restrain the ninja knife in close combat.

If you collide with the ninja knife attached to Lei Dun Chakra, the opponent will feel paralyzed and his actions will be affected.

The reason why he was so cautious was because Darui noticed that Naruto was also holding a ninja sword.

Although Naruto had a good physique, he did not take risks, and he retreated directly with one foot.

But Sam appeared behind Naruto with a teleportation technique, and the short knife went straight to Naruto's neck.

"Hmph~ little ghost, you're still a little tender." Samui saw that he was about to succeed, so he opened his mouth to taunt.

At this point, Naruto retreated, his feet off the ground, and there was no place to borrow power.

Even if you want to perform the Instantaneous Technique, you can't do it.

And Samui guarded behind Naruto's back.

If it was an actual battle, Naruto would almost certainly die!

Naruto had been paying attention to Samui for a long time, so he did not panic at this time, and gently threw a Flying Thunder God Kumu into the air.

In front of Samui and Darui, Naruto with his feet off the ground suddenly disappeared.

The sudden change caused the two to be slightly startled.

The attack of the two fell into the air, and they saw Ku Wu slowly landing in midair.

There is a familiar mark on that bitterness.

Not good!

It's the Flying Thunder God Technique!

However, now that the attack has failed, the force sent out cannot be recovered.

There are flaws!


Darui's heavy thick knife fell to the ground, smashing out a hole shining with thunder.

Samui's attack streaked through the air, skimming where Naruto had just been.

After the two of them exerted their strength, they needed to retract their strength, and Naruto seized the opportunity to launch the Flying Thunder God Technique.


Darui's eyes flickered, and he saw Naruto appear in front of him.


Naruto kicked Darui in the chest and directly kicked him backwards and flew out.

The amount of chakra attached to this foot is extremely terrifying, and Naruto's physical strength has increased many times, even if Darui is older than Naruto, he is instantly repelled.

Darui solved it for the time being, and Naruto looked back at Samui.

The little girl had already collected her strength at this time and continued to pull forward, intending to attack Naruto.


Naruto pulled out the ninja knife behind his back, and his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp.

In Naruto's eyes, Samui's movements had several very obvious flaws.

Naruto dived down, dodged Samui's second attack, and stabbed the ninja knife with the force of his hand.

Since the arms are not long, the attack range is not long.

Naruto's ninja sword target was the short knife in Samui's hand.

I saw that the ninja knife tip hit the bloodletting groove of the short knife blade with incomparable accuracy.

A spark rose, Samui sensed the danger, and instantly abandoned the ninja knife and wanted to retreat.

But Naruto is faster!

The moment he shot down the short knife in Samui's hand, Naruto jumped up on the spot and reached out to put his hand on Samui's shoulder.

In the next second, the terrifying Chakra burst out.

"Drink!" Naruto pressed down hard.

Even if there is no blessing of strange power, this is a real Chakra blessing.

The attacks under Chakra's blessing are very terrifying.

Samui only felt that his shoulders sank, half of his body instantly lost consciousness, his knees were bent and he knelt on the ground, smashing the ground out densely as if it were a spider's web.

"Cough..." Samui looked dumbfounded, and opened her mouth to cough up a mouthful of blood.

She didn't have time to fight back, and a chill came from her neck.

"You're dead." Naruto said to her condescendingly.

Samui didn't play tricks, but couldn't help but praise: "What a scary little ghost, what's going on with your Chakra?"

Naruto didn't answer that question.

After all, there is another person on the battlefield who has not solved.

Naruto set his sights on the Darui who had just come out of the crack in the wall at the edge of the playing field.

At this time, Darui also had blood on the corners of his mouth, and his condition was not very good.

"Do you still want to fight?" Naruto asked him.

Darui replied lazily, "Try it."

After that, he raised his hand to seal the seal, and there was actually a black thunder light flashing in front of him.

Black Thunder?

Naruto frowned, subconsciously thinking of someone in the original book.

The black thunder dun is called the black spot, it is the thunder dun developed by the third generation of thunder shadow, and there is only one person in Yunyin Village who can use this thunder, that is, Darui as a shadow guard!

Naruto had seen this guy familiar before, but he couldn't remember who he was.

Now that the other party was using signature ninjutsu, Naruto also remembered it instantly.

This Yun Ninja is still really excessive, and actually let the quasi-shadow guard pretend to be Zhong Shinobi!

And since Darui is impersonated, then this sister with short blonde hair should also be impersonated by someone.

So she's not to A, but to Double D!

At this time, Samui had not yet recovered.

Naruto saw that Darui began to seal and cast thunder, so he directly picked Samui up from the ground and blocked him.

"Huh?" Darui's expression was stunned, the movement of the imprint on his hand stopped, and he raised his hands and said: "We lost." "

No way, he can't always do something to Samui, right?

Less than half a minute after the start of the battle, it was already over.

This result obviously could not satisfy the Cloud Hidden Envoy.

The ape flying sun chop was a light and breezy expression from beginning to end, and it was not stable.

Looking at Naruto's movements and ninjutsu, Sarutobi knew that this was his teacher, the second generation Hokage Senjutsu!

Naruto in the audience put Samui down and said to her, "Your transformation technique is inferior.

Samui, who had just stood firm, froze slightly, his brows furrowed and said to Naruto, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"There's no one else here, and you've already lost anyway, so why can't you be honest?" Naruto said he I'm curious. "

If nothing else, the blonde sister in front of her is the one in the original book with chests so big that she feels sore shoulders.

"Hmph! Be all abroad! Samui snorted coldly, as if afraid that Naruto would continue to attack, and quickly retreated.

After merging with Darui, the two men left the battlefield.

In the next second, a blue light curtain rose around the surroundings, enveloping the entire venue.

When Naruto saw this scene, he knew that Yun Shinobu really couldn't afford to lose.

In the live broadcast room, Yunyin's reputation has fallen below the bottom, and many people are very disgusted with it.

After all, this ugly face, whoever looks at it will affect the mood.

And this can also be regarded as the mood swing caused by Naruto, so this wave of system points Naruto earned again....


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