On the way to school, Kakaki followed Naruto closely.

She hugged Naruto's arm and said coquettishly: "Naruto-kun, don't be angry~ Anyway, people will be your people sooner or later, and you don't need to pay special attention to those." "

But Naruto has a live broadcast!

In case it is banned by Xiangphos, how uncomfortable it is.

So Naruto was almost immune to Kako's coquettishness and admonished her seriously.

"Oh~ I will definitely pay attention in the future." Kakato also realized that Naruto didn't know why he cared about this kind of thing, so he apologized very well: "It's me who is not right~ I apologize to Naruto-kun." "

But this matter was quickly forgotten by Xiangphos, after all, you only need to pay attention to it in the future."

Kakato said to Naruto excitedly, "Naruto, did you just say that I was going to join the ninja school too?"

"Of course." Naruto affirmed, "You are not from an unknown source, and you are still a member of the Uzumaki clan, and the three generations of old men will definitely not give up on you as a genius."

As the two walked, they saw a petite figure approaching in the distance.

When Kakoto saw Sako coming, he immediately let go of Naruto's arm and winked mischievously at Naruto.

"Is she going to join the ninja school too?" When Sako came over, she saw Kakyo, who was standing next to Naruto.

Naruto asked unexpectedly, "Sako, how do you know?"

Sako showed a smug smile: "Nothing escapes... Well, it's not hard to guess.

She suddenly felt a little proud in the first half of the sentence, and quickly changed her words.


After testing, Xiangphos was assigned to the graduating class.

When Kakamito was at the base of Orochimaru, he received a certain ninja education.

And the progress of the ninja professional nature of Xiangphos has already exceeded the level of graduating from ninja school.

So the principal of the ninja school thought for a long time, and finally decided to let Xiangphos go to the graduating class, which can be regarded as a process, and graduate this year.

However, I never expected that there would be an accident on the first day of school.

Near the end of school, Naruto was peeing in the toilet cubicle.

As a result, I heard a mournful shout from somewhere in the ninja school: "Woo~Naruto!" Save me! Listening

to that familiar voice, Naruto knew it was Koto.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, I don't know what Xiangphos encountered, and he actually shouted so miserable.

And the whole school can hear it.

Naruto put on his pants and followed the sound to the scene.

As a result, I saw three or five bear children surrounding the fragrant phosphorus in the corner, constantly taunting with words.

And there were a lot of spectators around.

Kakato saw Naruto coming from a distance, struggled to throw the bench in his hand, and then ran towards Naruto desperately.

She hid in Naruto's arms, her eyes filled with panic, looking around in panic, her small face was frightened, and her eyes were filled with tears.

The bear children dodged the bench and continued to taunt Phosphorus.

"Look at her red hair, it feels a bit like a monster."

"yes, why is her hair red?"

"Oh, it's funny to be scared like this."

"That is, how big a person is still hiding in the arms of others, and I don't know shame."

These bear children didn't know anything, they didn't understand everything Xiangphos went through, but they laughed at her unscrupulously.

Kaoru raised her head and pleaded with teary eyes: "Naruto, take me away, I don't want to go to school, I don't want to be a Konoha ninja, I beg you Naruto."

Naruto looked at Kakari and those bear children, and couldn't help but raise his hand to touch Kakaru's head, and said to her, "Those people don't know anything, you just have to treat them like fools."

"I'm afraid..." Xiangphos couldn't help but cry, silently crying.

Naruto couldn't help but comfort her: "Kako, don't think too much, I'll teach you to fight when you get home later, and then you can beat them." "

Xiangphos and these people are people from two worlds.

She has been wandering since she was a child, and she has not been stable at all.

But those bear children because of their luck in reincarnation and pampering, now they look back and mercilessly mock Xiangphos.

Originally, Naruto didn't feel anything.

After all, Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai was also mocked at that time.

There really is something wrong with the aesthetics of these people, and what is weird about red hair?

It's just that these bear kids are getting more and more excessive, even if Naruto comes.

He even began to joke about the bite marks on his wrist that were accidentally exposed, saying that those things were like turtle shells, which were very ugly.

Kakari was a little devastated, constantly begging Naruto to take her away, she really couldn't stand this environment.

Naruto gently patted her back to soothe her twice, then looked up at the bear children, his face suddenly sharpened.

A faint killing intent enveloped these bear children.

One by one, they closed their mouths and their faces stiffened.

After the reaction, the bear children became angry.

They were actually frightened by Naruto's single look.

Although the fact that Naruto is the son of the fourth generation has been exposed, everyone has become accustomed to calling Naruto a youkai.

And most of these bear children have not seen the fourth generation of Hokage, so they have no feeling at all about the charm of the fourth generation of Hokage.

The embarrassed bear children began to frame Naruto for releasing fake news, saying that what was the son of the fourth generation of Hokage, the purpose was nothing more than to have a big house to live in...

"Alas..." Naruto sighed, shaking his head slightly.

Naruto glanced at the bear child who had plucked up the courage to mock himself, but he understood the priority.

He unleashed the Flying Thunder God Technique and returned home with Xiangphos.

Back home, Xiangphos instantly relaxed.

But her heartbeat still hasn't recovered.

Kakari raised his hand to wipe his tears, and said to Naruto with a guilty face: "I'm sorry Naruto, I can't live in Konoha, you still let me go..."

Naruto said so.

Kakamito looked at Naruto incredulously, "Naruto? How is this possible? Aren't you the son of the fourth Hokage?

Naruto said with a smile: "They don't care, you don't have to think about it, next you don't go to school first, I will teach you how to fight, then if anyone laughs at you, you can rest assured to hit him, even if you kill it, it doesn't matter, got it?" "

Hmm..." Kakaki lowered her head and snorted, thinking to herself: Since it was Naruto-kun, it should be right.

"Xiangphos, you rest at home first." Naruto put the incense phosphorus in his arms on the sofa and spoke, "It's not the end of what happened just now."

After that, Naruto's figure turned into a golden light and disappeared.

Kakari looked at the location where Naruto had disappeared, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis rushing towards her from all directions.


Ninja School.

Around Naruto lay a group of bear children.

Before, almost no one knew about Naruto's rescue of Sako.

No one knew the outcome of the battle between Naruto and Kumo Shinobu.

Most people only knew that Naruto would suddenly disappear and suddenly appear.

This was the first time Naruto had beaten a bear child.

Looking at the bear child who was fumbling on the ground to find his teeth while wailing in pain, Naruto couldn't help but smile.

Damn it...... That's also so cool.


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