Naruto was slightly startled, and quickly let go of Sako and retreated back.

Sako stumbled and almost fell to the ground after she landed, which made her very dissatisfied with her body.

It's just that I trained for a while, and now I can't stand up when I run, jump, jump, and jump, so how can I be a ninja in the future.

Seeing Naruto dodge the attack and about to counterattack, Sako gritted her teeth and jumped towards Naruto, directly crashing into Naruto.


~ "Uh ~" Naruto was hit and fell backwards with an unsteady center of gravity.

This is concrete, and it must not be comfortable to fall.

In a hurry, Naruto subconsciously grabbed Saeko, who was close at hand, and took her down.

Only to hear a pop, both of them fell to the ground.

Naruto subconsciously hugged Sako, his palm pressed hard against the lower skin and sank slightly, he could even feel the tender flesh being squeezed by himself.

As if sensing something, Saeko's little face changed slightly, and she stood up propped herself up.

Her heart was filled with shame, her ears were red, and one hand sneaked to the soft little ass behind her.

But when Naruto got up, Sako returned to her normal appearance and said proudly: "I won, just now I had the opportunity to directly slit your throat!" Saying

this, she also raised the bitterness in her hands.

Naruto frowned and looked at his palm suspiciously.

It feels like

Seeing him like this, Sako panicked in his heart, and quickly said again: "Now that you haven't hit me, leave quickly." The

party Naruto didn't know what happened, but the audience in the live broadcast room saw it clearly.

The system points from Uchiha Fugaku directly soared by several hundred.

Uzumaki Shinna: Mikoto, Naruto seems to like Sako very much, do you say we will be in-laws in the future?

Mikoto Uchiha: Uh~ There is no precedent for girls in my clan to marry outside.

Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Hehe~ But isn't your clan empty?

Mikoto Uchiha: ......

Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Oh... Haha~ I'm sorry Mikoto, I didn't mean to.

Uchiha Fugaku: Naruto Uzumaki, just tell Sako the medicinal bath formula I told you.

Naruto Uzumaki: Then I have to add one more thing, that is, you must bathe with people to be effective.

Uchiha Fugaku +66

Uzumaki Jiu Shinna: Huh?! Naruto, you're not eighteen yet, are you? How can you do that? Did an old man teach you badly? Abominable Jiraiya! (Jiraiya:?)

Mikoto Uchiha: Alas... Naruto, don't mess around, you guys are still young.

Naruto Uzumaki: Uh-huh, anyway, I'm just talking about fun, and besides, I can't do anything even if it happens, can I?

In reality, Sako saw where Naruto was actually stunned, and couldn't help but ask again: "Why aren't you leaving yet?!"

Naruto became serious and said to Sako, "I have a way to recover from my training injuries." Sako

subconsciously looked at the fist after listening, and felt the sour body.

Sure enough, her attention was diverted and she asked Naruto, "What is it?" "

If there is this way, Sako can practice unscrupulously.

Now Sako only feels that her body is too weak.

Obviously he only practiced for a while, and he began to get tired.

If it goes on like this, when will she be able to take revenge?

You must know that the strength of that person will become stronger and stronger.

Seeing that Sako was so eager, Naruto did not delay any longer, but said the medicinal bath formula that Fugaku said.

Sako thought for a moment, and then took Naruto to the warehouse where Uchiha was stationed.

There is basically everything here, and it's big.

If it is just Sako alone, the resources will not be used up at all, and there is even a formation to protect it, and it will not expire.

Naruto saw this scene and called out to the groove, is this Uchiha?

It didn't take long for Sako to find all the medicinal herbs and pack them in small packages.

Sako came to Naruto, who had nothing to do, and said with a serious expression: "I know you didn't fight with all your strength just now, let's fight again when I recover!" "

During the previous fight, Saeko could detect that Naruto was releasing water.

Naruto did not refuse, but nodded with a smile on his face.

Saeko took Naruto to her home, first introduced the layout to Naruto, and then said to him: "If you are hungry, there are rice balls in the refrigerator, don't disturb me during my break, if what you say works, I will give you a thank you."

After she said that, she dragged her tired body into the bathroom to prepare for the medicinal bath.

Naruto was idle for the time being, and he checked the system points, feeling a little happy in his heart.

In this half a day, Naruto's system points skyrocketed from dozens to 903.

Most of them were contributed by the Uchiha clan, for which Naruto could only say sorry in his heart.

Naruto looked around and saw an unacceptable sense of loneliness.

Uchiha's station is large, and Sako's house is not small.

There were many empty rooms, some of which had some dust, and it seemed that Sako was too busy with her practice to clean them.

There are so many rooms, but Sako is alone.

Naruto was well aware of what it was like to face this situation alone at night.

He sighed slightly, lay down on the sofa and settled the system points.

After the system arrived, Naruto opened the system mall and selected it.

Sako just said that he was fighting against her, and he was obviously releasing water.

But Naruto knew he wasn't releasing water.

His physical strength is indeed much stronger than that of his peers.

But after all, he is only ten years old, and Sako is a trainee who has undergone many ninja trainings, and has a very terrifying advantage over Naruto in terms of both skills and chakra.

Even with Chakra's blessing, Sako's strength is much greater than Naruto's.

So at present, if Naruto wants to defeat Sako, he needs not only refining Chakra, but also combat skills.

To be honest, Naruto is only ten years old now, and there is still more than a year before graduation.

He has plenty of time to exercise.

But Naruto has a system and can speed up his practice, so why should he work his own?

Naruto found an item called '5% Chakra Refinement' in the mall and directly chose to buy it twice.

[Tip: The host consumes 400 system points, and the exchange of 5% Chakra Refinement X2 is successful! ]

In the next second, Naruto sensed that the chakra in his body was refined.

The chakra of the human body is the energy obtained by condensing the two forces of physical and spiritual.

Each person's chakra has an upper limit, and only after refining can you use those chakras with ease.

With this 10% Chakra refining degree, Naruto was clearly aware of those Chakras in his body.

It's a pity that Naruto doesn't know how much those chakras are, after all, he is a novice~

The remaining 503 system points, Naruto didn't save it.

[Tip: The host consumes 500 system points, and the combat experience is increased to Shimoja. 】


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