The first time, the last time, the last time.

Fifty years of Konoha.

[This book adopts the Book of Formations, the end of Shippuden, and has a total of 68 years of history. ]

The Third Ninja World War has just ended.

Konoha Village.

Hall No. 1, where the most important ceremonies are held.

In the past, solemn meetings were held.

The peace agreement with the Hidden Cloud Village was signed here not long ago.

At this time, the crowd was bustling, and the jonin who were not usually seen could be seen everywhere here. The patriarchs and elders of each family also had smiles on their faces and talked to each other.

A wedding was held here today.

It was the wedding of Konoha hero Yellow Flash Minato Namikaze and Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki Kushina.

More importantly, the yellow flash Minato Namikaze became the fourth Hokage not long ago, which is a rare happy event.

It seems that Konoha Village has ushered in a new era?

Konoha is carrying out a new round of interest distribution.

Each family is also completing the transfer of power.

"The first generation Hokage spent his whole life to build Konoha Village, with the purpose of preventing young people from dying in their best years because of war.

But the third generation Hokage made these young people nutrients, sent them to the battlefield, and nourished the already decaying Konoha Village."

At the door of the auditorium, a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, with frost in his eyes, a maturity that did not match him, and a cold breath on his body.

Even the Anbu felt ashamed of themselves. It was hard to imagine what kind of experience made him have such a breath.

"The hostility of sub-humans is really hard to control!"

As if realizing his own loss of composure, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, replaced by a gentle breath.

Two breaths, very natural conversion.

Looking closely, it is a disabled person.

On the right arm, the empty sleeves were tied into a knot.

Of his eyes, only the left eye was left, without pupils, and the eyes were full of white. The right eye was covered by a black cloth, which made his identity very clear.

Anyone from Konoha Ninja Village knew that this was a member of the Hyuga family, a powerful clan in Konoha. That eye was the bloodline limit of the Byakugan, which made the Hyuga family famous.

Only the curse seal on the forehead let everyone know that this was a member of the Hyuga branch family.

Some people were full of curiosity. How could a member of the Hyuga branch family, and a disabled person, be qualified to attend the wedding of the Fourth Hokage?

At the same time, some people who knew him showed some regretful looks in their eyes. It was a pity that he was a member of the Hyuga branch family, otherwise he would be another person who could compete for the position of Hokage.

"Master Shinichi, you are here! Please follow me." Hatake Kakashi came to Hyuga Shinichi and bowed respectfully.

As a disciple of Minato Namikaze, and the only one left, coming to receive Shinichi Hyuga in person attracted many people's attention.

Shinichi Hyuga came back to his senses and nodded.

"Kakashi, don't worry about me. Go and get busy!" Shinichi Hyuga regained a smile on his face, trying to make himself less noticed.

Some of the eyes around him have made him feel like a thorn in his back. At this time, what he needs most is to keep a low profile.

Especially those trash of the Hyuga clan.

Hatake Kakashi left obediently. As a young genius, he understood Shinichi Hyuga's situation at this time.

On the battlefield of the Land of Lightning, he saw with his own eyes that Shinichi Hyuga was able to support Minato Namikaze at critical moments. It was also because of this that the Konoha side completely crushed their AB combination on the battlefield of the Land of Lightning.

However, because of the relationship between Shinichi Hyuga's branch family, all the credit for Shinichi Hyuga fell on the Hyuga family, and he was just an "ordinary" ninja with a low reputation.

Kakashi felt a kind of deathly silence on Hyuga Shinichi's body. The breath was very similar to the breath when his father committed suicide, but this kind of deathly silence was even stronger, as if it was going to swallow up everything around.

Hyuga Shinichi shook his head, found the seat that belonged to the Hyuga family, and sat down.

Some of the branch jonins around him greeted him one after another. These branch jonins were older than him, and some were already very old.

Seeing this disabled junior, they hid him in the middle.

Some people took him as their leader.

The curse seal on Hyuga Shinichi's forehead was also the pain in their hearts.

"Shinichi, you have suffered!"

One of the elders had a trembling voice and was weak, and a tear unconsciously fell from his eyes.

Only people like them could empathize with him.

Understand Hyuga Shinichi's pain.

He is obviously the strongest fighter of the Hyuga clan, but he ended up like this.

"Third elder, you worry too much. Isn't this our fate!" Hyuga Shinichi shrugged his two unbalanced shoulders, trying to observe the attitudes of many branch family masters.

Suddenly, all the branch family masters fell silent, but the emotions in their eyes could not escape Hyuga Shinichi's eyes.

His eyes first fell on Hyuga Hizashi's face. What is the attitude of the younger brother of the current head of the main family?

Then he scanned the surroundings.

Some people's eyes were numb, and they seemed to agree with Hyuga Shinichi's point of view. These people are already old.

Some people's eyes were full of resentment, all of them were young people.

Including Hyuga Hizashi.

Although he hid it well, he could not escape Hyuga Shinichi's expression analysis.

"Is it because of Hyuga Neji?" Hyuga Shinichi had a hint of understanding in his heart. Hyuga Neji, the son of Hyuga Neizashi, was born this year.

He stopped talking and closed his eyes to rest.

A simple panel that only he could see appeared in his mind. This was the secret he had hidden for many years.

[Name: Hinata Shinichi

Available world: Detective Conan world, Ajin world, ???

Already realized templates: Kyogoku Makoto, Huihara Ai, Ajin No. 002...

Realization points: 10078 points. ]

He is a time traveler. His previous life was a student who had just entered college. He died suddenly due to staying up late and came to this world as a baby of the Hyuga branch family.

His father was the second elder of the Hyuga clan, but he was still a branch family.

He tried to be clever a few times, but he could not escape the fate of being branded as a caged bird.

Fortunately, he was familiar with the plot, and the most fortunate thing was the gift of the will of the earth, which allowed him to use the realization points to realize the character template in his memory.

After getting the task template, he can quickly master the talents and knowledge of the template character, and will obtain some of their characteristic blood and integrate them into his body.

This makes his future unpredictable.

The difficulty is to obtain the materialization points, which requires fresh souls to provide energy.

Different soul strengths provide different materialization points, generally speaking.

A Genin provides one point.

A Chunin provides ten points.

A Jonin provides one hundred points.

And only some outstanding souls have characteristics.

Templates that can materialize the protagonist and the genius supporting role.

It was during the Second Ninja World War that he absorbed many souls and opened the life-oriented world of Detective Conan, and then exchanged the two templates he already had.

Kyogoku Makoto, who seems to be a weak chicken, is only a Genin if you only look at his strength. It's a bit difficult to reach Chunin.

But Kyogoku Makoto himself has the same limit-breaking ability as a certain bald teacher, and can break through the limitations of the world. His own strength is greatly limited, and he also has new martial arts ideas and knowledge.

This allows Hinata Shinichi's kicking skills and physical skills to reach a new height.

It is precisely because of this that his physical skills have surpassed those of Hyuga Hizashi, and he has combined Konoha's hard fist and Hyuga's soft fist to create his own unique leg skills.

He also inherited Kyogoku Makoto's nickname, the Kick Prince.

His elegant and destructive kicking skills are well-known on the battlefield.

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