The battle was over, and the battle was over.

A week later.

The ninja world began to stir, and they were all ready to see Konoha's joke.

Even the daimyo of the Land of Fire openly questioned.

Some people were even more afraid that a new round of war was coming.

In Konoha Village, wartime management was restored and martial law began.

The various ninja families began to huddle together for warmth.

This time, the family alliance in Konoha was exposed.

It made Hyuga Shinichi see more clearly that the interest group that the Third Hokage had worked so hard to build had been exposed to Hyuga Shinichi's eyes.


The high-level meeting convened by Minato Namikaze was held in the conference room of the Hokage Building.

The people who can come here today are either the person in charge of an important part of Konoha or the head of a ninja family.

The original time was nine o'clock in the morning.

However, these people came to the meeting room early and found people they were familiar with.

Minato Namikaze, who sat in the main seat, was the Hokage no matter what.

Then on both sides were the abdicated Sandaime Hokage and three assistant Hokages.

Next were the heads of each family.

Opposite them were Uchiha Fugaku and the great elder of the Uchiha clan.

Hyuga Shinichi could have sat in the center, but he sat quietly in the corner, looking at everything in front of him.


With a sound of slapping the table, Shimura Danzo was the knife that charged into battle, revealing his edge.

"Fugaku, do you Uchiha clan want to rebel? You actually let the Uchiha clan surround the Hokage building!"

Shimura Danzo took the lead and put pressure on Uchiha Fugaku opposite.

Uchiha Fugaku put his hands in his sleeves, did not respond to Shimura Danzo, but looked at the Third Hokage.

"Danzo, everything is a misunderstanding, listen to Fugaku's explanation."

The Third Hokage spoke at the right time.

One of them played the good cop and the other played the bad cop.

All the faults were attributed to the Uchiha clan.

But the truth is that when the Fourth Hokage issued the invitation, he was talking about all the Uchiha clan members.

Uchiha Fugaku still had a glimmer of hope in his heart at this moment, and looked at the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato did not respond at all.

Before this meeting began, they had reached an agreement internally.

In the end, the Uchiha clan could only be subdued and honestly serve Konoha again.

"Stop acting here. Was that Uchiha clan extermination plan formulated by Senju Tobirama specifically to target the Uchiha clan?"

The Uchiha clan elder skipped Uchiha Fugaku beside him and asked directly.

"What plan? It's just a piece of information that confuses us, but it makes your Uchiha clan so restless. It seems that you have been dissatisfied with the village for a long time?"

Shimura Danzo is not inferior to the Uchiha clan elder.

He was already irritable. His own Shimura clan suffered heavy losses, but he hoped that the Uchiha clan would jump out.

He had a reason to encroach on the interests of the village and the Uchiha clan. Didn't he do this before!

But the Uchiha clan was able to come here, and the Uchiha clan no longer had the courage to resist.

He also read the information, which seemed to make sense, but nothing was confirmed.

"Fugaku, what do you say?"

The third generation Hokage looked at Uchiha Fugaku with a smile.

He wanted to know whether the Uchiha Fugaku he had chosen had escaped his control.

"Konoha Village needs to give Uchiha a positive answer and will not impose any sanctions on Uchiha."

Uchiha Fugaku's words were a little stiff. After looking around, he realized that their Uchiha clan had never had any allies, and there was a trace of sadness in his heart.

He began to weigh the pros and cons in his heart. Their Uchiha clan no longer had the means to resist.

The third generation Hokage was very dissatisfied with Uchiha Fugaku's words at this time.

Their elders had all been taught by Senju Tobirama.

The attitude towards Uchiha in his heart has always been guarded. If such a promise is really made, the final result will only be a spit in the face.

"Ahem~" The third generation Hokage coughed a few times and signaled to Shimura Danzo beside him.

"The Hokage and our elders can guarantee that we have absolutely no ill will towards the Uchiha clan." Shimura Danzo had no burden. He had always played this role.

The promise he made had no effect at all.

"The Uchiha clan ninjas can be allowed to join the Anbu." The Sandaime Hokage then put forward his own conditions.

"Fugaku, this is all a misunderstanding

. After all, we are companions. Don't destroy the trust between us because of a fictitious information. "

With a friendly smile on his face, Minato Namikaze patiently explained to Uchiha Fugaku.

The three people's singing in unison, coupled with the pressure from other families around, made Uchiha Fugaku's heart begin to waver.

The elder of the Uchiha clan became more and more disappointed when he saw Uchiha Fugaku's attitude.

The Uchiha clan had no other choice.

After the establishment of Konoha Village, they did not follow Uchiha Madara to leave.

At that time, their Uchiha clan had become a vassal of Konoha Village.

They have made a choice from family interests first to ninja village interests first.

What can you do when the people in power in the ninja village don't trust you?

There is only one way, to find a way to launch an attack on the upper level.

This is also why they chose a coup instead of moving the whole clan.

There is a tacit understanding between the five major countries, that is, the concept of rebellious ninja, and the Uchiha clan has no choice.

The purpose of Uchiha Fugaku's visit today is to see whether Konoha is ready to take action against their Uchiha clan.

The current situation is very unfavorable to them.

He even suspected that when the genocide plan was fully disclosed, other ninja clans would agree.

After the demise of their Uchiha clan, those families will benefit to varying degrees.

"Fugaku, everything is for Konoha!"

The third generation Hokage saw the hesitation in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes and comforted him.

Then he said, "Didn't you ask me for an opinion before?

Let your child be named Sasuke.

I agree!

The Uchiha clan should be better integrated into Konoha. "

This sentence made Uchiha Fugaku determined.

You let your child become his father? It should be credible, right?

"Okay, the Uchiha clan is still the pillar of Konoha, I will comfort the clan members."

The Uchiha clan has no other choice but to hope in the kindness of Konoha.

"Minato will explain to your clan members that all this is caused by other countries."

The Third Hokage smiled at each other, and such a result was within their expectations.

The only thing they had to pay was a few verbal conditions, and they had said a lot of farts.

This farce seemed to be eliminated, but the cracks had been buried.

The demise of the Uchiha clan was doomed.

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