The last representative, with the word "earth" embroidered on his arm, has the characteristics of a person from the Land of Earth, with a short stature and short limbs.

He is only about 1.2 meters tall.

The representative of the Land of Earth twitched his big nose a few times, raised his short right arm and tapped the table lightly, trying to attract the attention of representatives from other countries.

The effect was not very good, as everyone at the table had their own thoughts behind them.

"I reviewed this incident. The first bounty mission was issued from the bounty of the Fire Country.

The initial reward was mostly ninjutsu unique to the Fire Country.

The enemy is likely to be someone from Konoha!

The biggest benefit is also from Konoha Village, which will make the Nine-Tails incident fade away."

The big-nosed representative of the Earth Country had a cunning look in his eyes, and his eyes swept over the representatives present.

He was disappointed again.

He originally hoped that these countries would unite to put pressure on the representatives of the Fire Country to obtain some compensation.

Unexpectedly, none of the representatives at the table responded.

The representatives of the Lightning Country, their Third Generation Raikage had just died in the beating of the Earth Country ninjas, and they certainly would not give the Earth Country a good face.

The representatives of the Wind Country, on the contrary, hoped that this chaos would be more fierce, so that their original title of the weakest country in the ninja world could change their situation just because of the income from gold.

The representatives of the Water Country have completely given up, and the previous order was not to participate.

Uchiha Obito, who was behind, was still reflecting on his mistakes, and was too scornful of the world.

Only the representative of the Land of Fire had eyes full of anger.

This Land of Earth was really unsatisfied, and really treated the Land of Fire as a soft persimmon.

In the eyes of these Fire Land nobles, especially the foreign minister of the Land of Fire.

They were very dissatisfied with the results of the Third Ninja World War!

The Land of Fire was obviously a victorious country, but it did not get the treatment that a victorious country deserved, which made them particularly dissatisfied with the Fourth Hokage!

Obviously, Konoha had already broken the front line of the Hidden Rock Village, and a large number of ninjas in the Hidden Rock Village were killed when they besieged the Third Raikage, and were defeated by Minato Namikaze many times.

The Hidden Rock Village had no strength to fight again in a short period of time, but at this time, Konoha took the initiative to propose peace talks, as long as the Hidden Rock Village admitted defeat, there was no need to make any compensation?

In the end, it only ended up with a good reputation. This good reputation is only obtained by that spineless Sandaime Hokage.

What do you mean by relying on the power of one Kage to fight against four Kages alone?

But you, old Deng, have never been on the battlefield? How did you get your record?

Such a treatment result made many nobles of the Land of Fire dissatisfied, they want benefits!

Because this is even more unsatisfactory to the ninjas of Konoha Village!

Especially the Sandaime Hokage and the Fourth Hokage of Konoha, especially the Fourth Hokage who has passed away, because all these decrees were issued from his hands.

This makes the people of the Land of Fire a boneless fool in the eyes of the Land of Earth.

In the later Shippuden, a small Chunin of the Land of Earth dared to provoke Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas of Konoha, because he couldn't beat him, so he surrendered and there was no loss.

Because of the outcome of the Third Ninja World War, the Land of Earth had no respect for the Land of Fire, which was clearly the victorious country. Instead, the Land of Fire had become synonymous with being a victim in secret.

At any time, they could be blamed.

"Kuroiwa, you Land of Earth are too arrogant! You are the defeated country!

Even if the Nine-Tails Rebellion happened in Konoha, you Iwagakure could still be suppressed! Why use such tricks!

Now the spineless Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato have stepped down.

We have Hyuga Shinichi, the three ninjas of Konoha, do you want to give it a try?"

The representatives of the Land of Fire were very angry about the groundless accusations of the Land of Earth.

There was also a kind of dissatisfaction with Konoha's original decision.

As the representatives of the Land of Earth said, this time, the nobles of the Land of Fire suffered the most losses.

They should be blamed, impossible!

The representative of the Land of Earth, Heiyan, was shocked by the attitude of the representative of the Land of Fire. Didn't he expect his attitude to be so radical?

Isn't it normal for everyone to talk nonsense, bargain, and attack each other? This is what the people of the Land of Earth are good at?

Looking at the representatives of the Land of Lightning, they also expect the Land of Fire and

The Land of Earth started fighting, and the eyes of the reckless man were also full of fighting spirit. Suddenly, the representative of the Land of Earth became the target of public criticism.

The situation gradually became uncontrollable. They gathered together to solve the problem, but they didn't expect that the problem would expand instead.

This meeting ended in a bad mood!


Konoha Village.

In Hyuga Shinichi's laboratory.

On the bodies of several ninjas, small saplings had just broken out.

"The sacred tree is indeed similar to the cells of the first generation Hokage. In this way, more outstanding trees can be cultivated. Tracing back to the end, it must be the sacred tree!"

Hyuga Shinichi stopped the experiment in his hand and listened to Hyuga Hiashi's report.

"Master, the bounty agency has proposed negotiations and can negotiate with us.

The layout has been made. Some of the clansmen have taken the initiative to go to the bounty agency and set up the union you mentioned. Are you going to close the net?"

Hyuga Hiashi was full of respect. Just a few orders were given, and the bounty agency almost surrendered.

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