Accompanied by the scales of Bai Ling's body, he turned from white iron to white jade.

Bai Ling's temperament also became more and more ethereal.

The whole snake body.

It is like a piece of high-grade fairy spirit jade sculpture, flawless, pure white and translucent, crystal clear, and immortal.

Such a temperament.

It really has a bit of the meaning of the snake of the fairy family.

Of course.

The appearance is not the most important, what matters is the life transformation of the white spirit, as well as the evolution of the essence.

Bai Xuan could feel it clearly.

The surrounding natural energy seemed to be attracted away by the white spirit.

And after these natural energies poured into Bai Ling's body, they also continued to strengthen Bai Ling's body, spirit, and chakra.

Such a change.

It really made Bai Xuan overjoyed.

"The body is actually able to move and absorb natural energy, if such an ability is shared with me, wouldn't it be able to greatly extend the duration of the immortal mode?!"

"If the absorption speed is greater than the consumption rate, then won't I be able to stay in the immortal mode all the time?!"

It was also when Bai Xuan sighed in his heart.

The breath of Bai Ling is also becoming more and more dusty, more and more superficial, and the immortal aura is even stronger.

About half an hour later.

Bai Ling's aura finally stabilized.

And this.

It also represents the evolution of the white spirit.

It's finally done!

It was at the moment when evolution was completed.

That series of system prompts sounded directly in Bai Xuan's head.


【Evolution Completed】

【Opening the psychic beast attribute page】


【Psychic Beast: White Spirit】

【Race: Ethereal Fly】

[Talents: Natural Affinity, Energy Amplification, Ethereal Stomach, Ethereal Scales]

【Shared Talent: Intelligence】


[Evolution Requirements: Immortal Blood (100ml)]

Just after the property page popped up, the system prompt sounded immediately afterward.


[Strength, Talent Shared]

The mechanical sound fell.

An extremely majestic, extremely vast, and gentle energy emerged directly from the void in this way, and then poured into Bai Xuan's limbs and hundreds of bones in an instant, up and down his body, and quickly transformed everything about Bai Xuan.

Body, spirit, chakra

With change begins.

Bai Xuan's aura also began to undergo strange changes.

Dusty, ethereal, natural, fairy!

Along with the change of Bai Xuan's breath, the surrounding natural energy also began to pour into Bai Xuan's body, and began to strengthen everything about Bai Xuan.

Two types of enhancements go hand in hand.

Bai Xuan couldn't help but show an expression of extreme enjoyment.

"It's really comfortable. "

"Is this what it's like to be close to nature?!"

"It's just wonderful. "

"Nature's favor, nature's affinity, and natural energy continue to pour into the body, constantly strengthening the body, strengthening the spirit, and strengthening the chakra ......"

"Hoo !!"


Bai Xuan exhaled a breath of turbidity, and then opened his eyes unhurriedly.

After quickly adapting to the changes in his body, Bai Xuan set his eyes on Bai Ling's system attribute page.

When the name of the ethereal race first appeared in Bai Xuan's eyes, Bai Xuan's eyes couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"Huh?!Tell the difference?!"

"It seems that the evolution direction of Bai Ling is to evolve in the direction of the true dragon. "

"But the word ethereal, it's really incredible. "

Bai Xuan, who had already felt the strangeness, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, revealing a faint smile that was extremely satisfied and extremely happy.

With such a faint smile, Bai Xuan set his eyes on Bai Ling's talent column.

Natural affinity, energy affinity, ethereal stomach, ethereal scales.

"There's nothing to say about the talent of natural affinity. "

"It's just an affinity with natural energy, which can make natural energy actively pour into the body, and it can also make natural energy easier to control. "

"The talent of energy amplification is also well understood, but it is the quality of energy amplification. "

"Hmm. "

"Both quality and quantity will increase. "

"There's really nothing special about either of these talents. "

"But the two talents of ethereal stomach and ethereal scales are very interesting. "

"The word ethereal here actually refers to space!"

"The ethereal stomach is the stomach of space, and it is a space. "

"And because of the word [Spirit], this space can not only store dead things, but also living things!"

"And the talent of the ethereal scales means that the white jade-like scales on Bai Ling's body have spatial attributes. "

"Being able to use the power of space to defend, whether it is a physical attack or a ninjutsu attack, can make good use of the power of space for defense. "

"But because the spatial power on these scales is still too meager, and there are gaps between the scales, it is only partially resistant. "

"That's already good. "

"After all, it's using the power of space to defend. "

"I really didn't expect that. "

"After Bai Ling evolved, he not only strengthened his natural attributes, but also gained the power of space. "

After couldn't help but smile a little, Bai Xuan first tested the talent of the spatial attribute of the ethereal stomach.

As soon as the chakra surged and the talent opened, Bai Xuan sensed a space.

The spirit spread rapidly, and Bai Xuan quickly tested the volume of this space.

It is 20 meters long, 20 meters wide, 20 meters high, and has a volume of 8,000 cubic meters.

Such a volume.

It was enough for Bai Xuan to pack all the psychic beasts under his command into it.

Wind, Shadow, Red, Thunderbolt, and White Spirit.


A very important problem was solved.

Bai Xuan was finally able to carry five psychic beasts such as Wind and Shadow with him.


If there was a battle, Bai Xuan would be able to summon a psychic beast in a single thought.

(You all cancel the automatic subscription, are you trying to scare me to death?) From five o'clock, in less than three hours, there are only two automatic subscriptions left, such a move really affects my state, and now I am in a melancholy mood... I was speechless and choked... Ask for some support... Eh...... )_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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