Lei Luo looked at Shennong, who opened the eight-door dunjia, and did not panic at all, after all, he had not used his true strength until now.

"Towards the peacock!"

Shennong had already rushed to Lei Luo, countless fists slammed into Lei Luo, and the flames generated by the friction between the fists and the air fluttered, like the tail of a peacock opening the screen, which looked magnificent and dazzling.

"Is this a peacock?"

It was the first time that Lei Luo had seen this trick in reality, and although Lei Luo would also have eight doors to Dun Jia, he only opened the fifth door.

This trick can only be used if the sixth gate is opened.

At the moment when Shennong's fist slammed into Lei Luo, Lei Luo had already disappeared.

"Guangdu. Eight-foot mirror! Lei

Luo came directly behind Shennong with a trail of light, not only avoiding Shennong's attack, but also getting the opportunity to fight back.

"Although my sword skills are very strong, what I am best at is Guangdun!"

"The dark Chakra in your body will be purified by me!"

"Guangdu. Trial! The

holy white light re-covered the Ice Wheel Pill, and then stabbed fiercely into Shennong's back.

Originally, under the power of Zero Tail, the tall and mighty Shennong was like a punctured balloon, and his figure instantly dried up, and he even looked older than before.

"Now it's my turn to say this to you."

"That's it!"

After speaking, he stabbed Shennong's throat again.

"Ho ho!" The blood in his mouth continued to overflow, and Shennong wanted to say something more, but he couldn't say it in the end, so he died unwillingly.

Lei Luo looked at the dead Shennong, his expression did not fluctuate in the slightest, and he directly turned around and walked towards the room that sealed Zero Tail.

Looking at the sealing technique outside the room, Lei Luo sighed.

"Fortunately, I have also learned a lot of knowledge of sealing techniques in the past half a year, although it is not very strong, but it is still enough to lift this seal."

Lei Luo sealed the seal in his hand, and then pressed it on the seal, and suddenly the sealing technique on the door of the room disappeared.

The power of the dark chakra has begun to escape.

Godzilla's movement became more pronounced after Relo lifted the seal.

No matter how Lei Luo communicates, he only means "eat".

There is no way, Relo can only relax his mind and let Godzilla control his body.

So, Godzilla manipulated Relo's body to directly push open the door and walked in, and the dark Chakra in the room seemed to have found a host for sojourn, and a stream of brains rushed towards Relo.

But as soon as these chakras enter the body, they are directly absorbed by Godzilla in Relo's heart, and then converted by Godzilla into a normal chakra to make up for it.

"Is it that simple? I thought it would take to absorb these dark chakras? "

Actually, this is how Relo can absorb so unscrupulously.

First, because he has Godzilla in his body, in Godzilla's original world, he can devour nuclear energy, so this xenomorphic energy is a tonic for Godzilla.

Secondly. Relo's light can purify the Dark Chakra, so there is no worries at all.

If it were an ordinary person who absorbed it like this, it would have long been eroded by the negative emotions of humans in the dark chakra.

Zero tail is worthy of being an artificial tailed beast, although it is not as good as a real tailed beast, but this chakra is already comparable.

Lei Luo absorbed it for an hour before absorbing all of Zero Tail's power.

Feeling the Chakra that filled his body, the overall increase was two percent.

"My chakra amount is already more than the immortal body!" Relo thought to himself.

I originally thought that this system task would be very difficult, but I didn't expect it to be a welfare.

Shennong is really a good person, come all the way to deliver the express, it's so fragrant!

"Huh? Why doesn't the system prompt for completion? "

Relo absorbed Zero Tail for so long, and the system did not prompt the task to be completed.

"Oh, right! The system's requirement is to destroy the empty ninja, which seems to be to eliminate all other empty ninja in the fortress. Thinking

of this, Relo knew what to do.

After Relo absorbed the power of Zero Tail, the Empty Ninja Fortress lost its motivation to fly and had already begun to fall.

The empty ninja in the fortress had fallen into panic.

Just as they were about to escape by flying machine, Relo appeared.

As if chopping melons and cutting vegetables, the remaining empty patience was destroyed by Leiluo.

The system's prompt finally sounded.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for completing the mission of one enemy country, eliminating the empty ninja alone, and obtaining the mission reward god-level lottery points*1. Relo

, who received the system prompt, did not stay in the fortress anymore.

The ice wheel pill in his hand smashed again, breaking an exit, and the frost wings flew out with Lei Luo.

"Boom !!"

The empty ninja fortress fell to the ground, and the sound resounded through the sky, stirring up a huge amount of smoke.

"All right! Mission accomplished! I should go back! Frost

Wings flew towards Konoha quickly with Relo.


Konoha Village, Hokage Building.


Tsunade looked at Relo who walked in, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Lei Luojun, you came back so soon?"

"Did the invading enemy find out?"

Relo looked at Tsunade and nodded, and replied, "That guy comes from the empty ninja who was once destroyed by our Konoha, and his personal strength is not worth mentioning, only their flying fortress has some value.

"Now that group of invading enemies has been destroyed by me, the remnants of that flying fortress are in this place."

Relo pulled out a map from his arms, and it was already marked.

"Tsunade-sama, you send someone to get this thing back."

Tsunade nodded, took the map, and then called in a dark section to assign the task.

After arranging things, Tsunade turned his head to Relo and said; "Even if this mission is S-class, if they really let them attack the village, it will definitely cause a lot of damage."

Lei Luo smiled when he heard this, "Then thank you Tsunade-sama."

Tsunade waved his hand, "You deserve it."

Then Tsunade suddenly changed his tone, "As a reward for this mission, I can allow you to pick a technique from the Book of Seals.

"Didn't you tell me about this before? But there was little chance.

"Now that you have the credit, you can just pick a technique, and others can't gossip."

Tsunade's words can be regarded as a bit of a surprise to Relo.

However, Relo already had an idea, "Tsunade-sama, I choose to seal it up with ghouls!" "

Dirt Rebirth and Ghoul Sealing are both forbidden techniques that Relo needs, but Dirt Rebirth involves playing with souls, and it is likely to be disgusted by Tsunade.

Moreover, he has been learning the sealing technique now, and if he gets the ghoul seal, he can better start researching.

Listening to Leiluo's choice, Tsunade asked with a solemn expression: "Leiluo-kun, are you sure you want to choose the ghoul to seal it?"

Relo just nodded firmly and didn't say anything.

Tsunade looked at the resolute Relo, knowing that he could not change his mind, and could only sigh and say; "Alright!"

Then find the "Ghoul Seal" from the Book of Seals and give this forbidden technique to Relo.

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