Half a month later, Lei Luo took the three of them to the border of the Land of Waves, a deserted place.

Looking at the magnificent sea, Lei Luo couldn't help but sigh.

The last time he came to the Land of Water on a mission, he was only a special Shinobi, and now his strength is much stronger than it was back then.

When he encountered him back then, he basically couldn't make a move.

"Teacher Leiluo, how did we get to the Land of Water from here?"

The rope tree looked at the unobstructed sea, and there were no boats around, so he couldn't help but ask curiously.

Lei Luo looked at the puzzled rope tree, laughed twice, and said: "Don't worry, rope tree, since I came here, I must be prepared."

"As for how we get to the Land of Water from here, it depends on my psychic beast."

"Come out! Tam! With

Leiluo's call, a huge whirlpool appeared on the surface of the water, and Tam, who had not been seen for a long time, emerged from the whirlpool.

Rope Tree looked at Tam and his eyes lit up.

"Teacher Leiluo, is this your psychic beast?"

Relo nodded, and then introduced the three of them.

"This is my psychic beast, his name is Tam, he is the king of the rivers."

"King of the River?" The rope tree was more interested, "Mr. Leiluo, I think Tamu is more powerful than my sister's vine worm, can I sign a contract with it?"

Relo shook his head, "I'm sorry, Rope Tree, Tam can't sign a contract with someone else." "

Tsunade-sama loves you so much that he didn't let you sign a contract with the Wet Bone Forest?"

Rope Tree replied, "Sister wants me to sign a contract with the Wet Bone Forest, but I want a psychic beast that attacks a little stronger.

Lei Luo replied, "If you open your mouth, Lord Jiraiya's Miaomu Mountain can also sign a contract." Rope

Tree pouted, "I don't want it, the toad is still too ugly."

Lei Luo said helplessly: "Then I can only hope that you can encounter a powerful psychic beast in the future, now let's complete the task first."

Then Relo turned his head to Tam on the sea and said, "Tam, please this time."

Tam replied in a deep voice, "It is incumbent upon me, my master." Then

Tam dives to the surface, leaving only his wide open mouth exposed to the surface.

Seeing this, Lei Luo beckoned to the three of Rope Tree and spoke.

"Let's go!"

When several people walked into Tam's mouth, Tamu closed his mouth and dived and disappeared.


When the Relo people reappeared, they had already arrived at the border of the Water Country.

Relo took the three of them ashore, then lifted the summon, allowing Tam to return to Valoran.

The life of a tool summoning beast is so unpretentious and boring.

"If the bloodstained ninja of the Mist Hidden Village wants to escape, there are only two possible directions."

"One is the direction of the Land of Thunder, and the other is where we are, the direction of the Land of Waves."

Relo opened the map and was analyzing the current situation for the three of them.

"With the strength of the three of you alone, ordinary ninjas are not your opponents now."

"So we can search in four directions centered on the current location."

"If anything, send a message to someone else."

"If nothing happens, we'll still be here half a day later."

"How? Do you have any comments on this arrangement?

Relo glanced around the three of them, and all three shook their heads, indicating that they had no opinion.

"Okay then! Let's go now! "


In the mountains and forests, two figures staggered forward, one tall and one short, supporting each other.

Suddenly, the tall figure could not support it, and instantly fell to his knees.

"Don't cut the adults again!" The short figure exclaimed, and immediately squatted down to check the situation.

That's right, these two figures are the peach land no chop and water no moon white duo in the original work.

Now the Mist Hidden Village is chasing and killing the Blood Succession Ninja everywhere, causing panic.

And Momochi could no longer accept the bloody policy of the fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura, so he went to assassinate him.

But how could he be Yakura's opponent based on his strength alone, and he was easily severely injured by Yakura's backhand.

He tried his best to find a glimmer of life and escaped from the Misty Hidden Village.

As a result, he became a rebel in Wuyin Village and was hunted down and killed by the dark department of Wuyin Village.

On his way to escape, he happened to encounter Shui Wuyuebai in a village who had just awakened the boundary of the ice and blood.

Because of the misty chasing and killing the bloodstained ninja, the people in the village are afraid of the war and hate the blood succession boundary. Shiro's mother possessed the Blood Succession Limit and hid this secret for a long time. Shiro's family lived a peaceful life until Shiro was also found to have inherited this ability.

Shiro's father discovers the secret and leads a team of villagers to kill Shiro's mother first, and when he is about to poison Shiro, the terrified Shiro uses the Blood Boundary and kills everyone present with an ice pick.

He was not prepared to be nosy, but when he saw Bai, who was crying and panicking, he changed his mind for some reason.

If Bai continues to stay in that village, he will definitely be discovered by the Dark Department of the Mist and killed.

So, he straightened his badly injured body and escaped with Bai.

He is ready to flee with Shiro to the Land of Waves and find a sparsely populated place to settle down.

Unexpectedly, the injury was too serious, and after all, it was not supported and fell here.

"Don't bark, Uncle Ben is not dead yet!"

The so-called "ghost people" are no longer cut, and they have no experience in getting along with people at all, and they can only cover themselves in this way.

No longer slashing and climbing up, dragging his body against a tree, constantly panting.

Looking down at the wound in his abdomen, blood was constantly oozing out, and if he didn't deal with it, the bleeding would kill him.

But if you don't cut yourself, you no longer have the strength, and the whole person is difficult to move.

So he didn't bother at Bai Kai and asked, "Can you sew clothes?"

Bai nodded obediently.

Without taking a deep breath, he said, "Now, you take a thousand books and silk thread from my ninja bag and sew up the wounds on my body. Bai

obediently turned out a thousand books and silk threads from the ninja bag, but looking at the wound that was not cut again, he couldn't get his hands off.

"Do it!" No more slashing roared.

Shiro trembled when he heard the roar of no more chopping, but still trembled his hands and began to stitch up the wound that was not cut again.

No longer clenched his teeth fiercely, did not make a sound, but a trace of blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth.


Lei Luo walked alone in the mountains and forests, and the five visions were already turned on, observing everything around him.

As Lei Luo continued to go deeper, some traces were finally found.

Relo lowered his body and stroked to feel the remaining marks on the leaves.

"Cold feeling, it's like frost?"

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