"Ding... Congratulations to the host for obtaining S-class pet Pikachu! "

Relo saw the reward drawn, although it didn't have much effect on the current Relo, but it was cute enough.

After Relo received the prize, a Poké Ball appeared in the system space.

Relo directly took it out and released Pikachu.

"Pika! Pickup! The

cute and familiar yellow-haired rat appeared in front of Leiluo.

Relo, a big man, felt very cute, couldn't help but pick it up, and rubbed it against Pikachu's round face.

But I felt a slight tingling on my face.

It turned out that Pikachu, the little guy, couldn't stand Relo's intimate behavior, and he made a slight electricity to express his dissatisfaction.

"Hahaha, little one, you're not even happy."

Relo rubbed Pikachu around and laughed out loud.

"Do you want to dye him orange when you go back?" Disguised as a little fox? Will the Nine Tails doubt life after seeing it? "

Relo already treats Pikachu as an ornamental pet, and when he goes back, he can help him bring up the children and play with little Naruto.

Then he received Pikachu into the Poké Ball again and put it in the system space.


Land of Fire, Daimyofu.

At this time, the palace of the daimyo was solemn, and there were several times more guards in the palace than usual.

With a "creak", the door of the daimyo's dormitory opened.

Looking at the people who walked out of the room, a middle-aged man hurriedly greeted him and asked.

"How's it going? Is the father better? The

person who came out shook his head and said: "Your Highness, I have done my best, but unfortunately the daimyo is old, and this time he suddenly fell seriously ill and was unable to return to heaven." The

middle-aged man lowered his head sadly, but no one saw a smile appear at the corner of his mouth.

This middle-aged man is the son of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation, the future Daimyo of the Fire Nation.

In the world of Hokage, where everyone has a short life, the current Daimyo of the Fire Nation can be described as having a long life, and he has been the Daimyo of the Fire Nation since the time of the Senju Pillar.

Until now, Konoha has reached the fifth generation of Hokage, and he is still a daimyo.

And the son of the daimyo has been waiting for more than twenty years to succeed the daimyo.

Then the son of the daimyo raised his head and said, "Everyone, my father suddenly died of a serious illness, although I am sad, but the country of fire cannot be without a daimyo.

"Now you immediately inform the ministers and handle your father's funeral together."

"And I, in a month, will succeed to the daimyo."

When everyone in the courtyard heard the words of the son of the daimyo, they all nodded their heads and said yes.

Then they left to inform the ministers of the Fire Nation.

The guardian of the daimyo, the twelve Shinobi, naturally also guarded the daimyo mansion.

The son of the daimyo said to Jiriku, who was guarding the Twelve Shinobi, "Master Jiriku, the notice from the Fire Temple is bothering you.

Jilu clasped his hands together and replied, "Don't worry, Daimyo, leave it to me!" "

The title of Jiriku makes the son of the daimyo feel happy, but he can't show it.

So the son of the daimyo coughed dryly twice, turned his head and said to Asma: "Sarutobi Asma, it is up to you to inform Konoha Village."

Asma nodded when she heard this.


Country of Fire, Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

Tsunade was working on papers in Hokage's office when Shizune pushed the door and walked in.

"Tsunade-sama, the dark part has just received news from Asma." Shizune spoke.

Tsunade looked up when he heard the sound and asked, "Asma?" Didn't he serve as a guardian twelve ninja beside the daimyo? What news can he come from?

Shizune stepped forward and handed Tsunade a letter.

Tsunade opened Asma's letter and was surprised to see its contents.

"Has the daimyo died? A month later, a new daimyo takes the throne?

"And if the new daimyo succeeds to the throne, the guardian twelve Shinobi will also have to be redispatched."

"Hey, it's really troublesome."

In the Naruto world, although ninjas are the mainstream, the ninja village is only a military institution in the country, and it is still controlled by the daimyo, even if only on the surface.

Moreover, a large part of Shinobimura's source of funds comes from the financial funds allocated by the daimyo, and if this funds are cut off, it will be difficult for even Konoha to keep it running.

So even if Tsunade is Hokage, she must go to meet no matter how the new daimyo succeeds.

And there is one more thing that Tsunade is worried about now, that is, the accompanying guard.

Originally, Relo was actually the best candidate, young and strong, so that the daimyo could see Konoha's strength and believe in Konoha's future.

But Relo hasn't returned to the village yet, and Tsunade has to consider other candidates, and besides, Relo alone can't do it, and Hokage has only one guard, so it's too chilling.

"Kakashi can be counted as one, Hinata Hinata can also be counted as one, as for the others, hmm..."

Tsunade thought for a long time, but did not think of a suitable candidate.

Just then, the door to Hokage's office was pushed open again.

It was Relo's group who came in.

"Tsunade-sama, I have come to submit the mission report." Relo spoke.

Tsunade looked at Relo and instantly stopped being troubled, and said with a smile: "Reilo, you came just in time, I was originally considering the escort candidate to go to the capital this time.

"Now that you're back, the guards this time will be you, Kakashi, Ropetree, and the four of you, and then bring a team of Dark Divisions."

Tsunade-sama's words made Relo very puzzled, and he asked, "Tsunade-sama, are you going to the capital?"

Tsunade nodded and replied, "That's right, the old daimyo died, and the new daimyo took the throne just a month later, so I must go to the capital to meet the new daimyo." "

So it is.

Tsunade's words solved Relo's doubts, after all, the change of daimyo positions is such a thing, as a ninja generally does not pay attention.

However, Relo nodded and agreed to the matter.

Then Relo went on to report his mission, "Tsunade-sama, this time we went to the Land of Water, we only found a child of the Blood Boundary Family. "

White!" Relo beckoned to Shiro and motioned for him to step forward.

"This child is a blood-succession ninja of the Shui Wuyue clan, and has awakened the power of Ice Escape."

Tsunade glanced at Shiro and spoke, "The power of Bingdun?" Yes, don't worry, kid, you'll be part of Konoha in the future.

Shiro nodded obediently and spoke, "Thank you, Naruto-sama!"

"Shigego!" Relo once again motioned for Shigego to step forward.

Tsunade looked at Shigego with interest, and then turned to Relo and asked, "What is the blood inheritance boundary of this child?"

Lei Luo shook his head and replied, "This child does not have a special blood succession limit, but his body is relatively special, and he is innately able to absorb natural energy.

Tsunade was instantly shocked when he heard this.

"Natural energy?!"

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