Water Country, Water Shadow Office.

A black shadow emerged from the ground, but the fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura was not surprised when he saw it, and it can be said that there was no reaction.

At this moment, a whirlpool suddenly appeared next to Yakura, and a man wearing a black robe and a spiral mask walked out, it was Uchiha Obito! Uchiha

Obito looked at the black shadow and said: "Hei Jue, did you let Bai Jue inform me of something?" In this water shadow office, Uchiha Obito

did not have the slightest idea of hiding his identity, it should be that the current fourth generation of Water Shadow is just a puppet controlled by him.

The black shadow that appeared on the ground was none other than Hei Jue, the legendary aunt essence, who had been running around for thousands of years to save Kaguya, who was sealed in the moon.

There are many things in the ninja world behind him, even Uchiha Madara is played by him.

Of course, Obito didn't know all this, and he, like Uchiha, thought that Kuro was the embodiment of Uchiha's will.

Kuro definitely said to Uchiha with the soil, "Something happened in Konoha Village not long ago. The

patriarch of the Uchiha clan took matters into his own hands to clear the rebellious Konoha voices from the clan. "

That's right, the black shadow that spied in Konoha before is Heijue, and his purpose in going to Konoha is mainly to find out the news of the Nine-Tails Pillar Force, but he happened to run into Uchiha Fugaku's clearance operation.

Obito listened to Hei Jue's words and said indifferently: "The people of the Uchiha clan have nothing to do with me.

"My purpose now is just to create a new world, a world where Lynn exists." "

Poor Obito, who until now has been kept in the dark and thinks that Rin is dead.

I don't know how I will react if I take Tsuchi to Konoha to see Rin in the future, and how I will react if I know that Rin has become Relo's girlfriend.

Hei Jue spoke, "Don't forget, our first goal now is to collect the Nine Tailed Beasts, and if Konoha is completely integrated, we have no chance of grabbing the Nine Tails."

Obito waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, there will always be a chance, as long as our own strength is strong enough, isn't it easy to collect tailed beasts

?" Then Obito asked again: "How is the development of the Xiao Organization now?"

The development of the Xiao organization was not smooth, although it was said that Nagato had recruited a bloodstained ninja from the Land of Earth, but Kakuto and the Red Sand Scorpion died in Ghost Lantern City, and the gap in the number of people became larger.

Obito couldn't help but frown after listening to Hei Jue's answer, "Did you find out who did the matter in Ghost Lantern City?"

Obito sighed helplessly and said, "The Xiao Organization is still under your watch, let Nagato and they expand the scale as soon as possible."

Hei Jue also sighed, "It's not so easy to find someone, and there are not many powerful traitors."

"It's okay, I can still afford to wait, you continue to let Bai Jue monitor the Five Great Ninja Villages, and notify me if there is any important news." After Obito finished speaking, his body twisted into a whirlpool and disappeared.

Hei Jue also dived underground and left.

The fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura continues to play his role in the Mizukage office, which is really sad!


Land of Fire, Konoha Village.

After solving the affairs of the Uchiha clan, Relo began to prepare for the resurrection of Watergate.

But in order not to attract attention, he now has to find a way to reasonably leave the village.

"How about taking your disciples

out to practice?" "Or do you say that you go out to travel, the ninja world is so big, I want to see it?"

"Hey?!" Lei Luo suddenly thought of a particularly good reason, "Just apply to Tsunade to go out and investigate the intelligence, investigate the Xiao Organization." Thinking

of it, Relo immediately ran to the Hokage's office.

"Relo-kun, are you coming to me for something?" asked Tsunade, looking at Relo in front of him.

Relo opened his mouth and replied, "Tsunade-sama, do you remember the member of the mysterious organization I met last time I went to Ghost Lantern City?" Tsunade

nodded and said, "Is that the S-class rebel organization you mentioned?"

Tsunade didn't think much when he heard this, and Relo's strength was also worth believing, so Tsunade signed an order for Relo to leave the village.

Lei Luo had already completed his purpose when he got the order to leave the village, and immediately retreated and left.

Back at the Relo Psychic Beast Shop, Relo and Lin said hello to them, then packed up their things and prepared to leave.

Walking out of the village and looking at the gate of Konoha, Relo's heart felt a sense of ease and joy.

"This is the first time I've left the village without a mission. "

Before Leilo left the village, he had already decided on the destination of this trip, the Land of Snow.

Relo wanted to see what a country that snowed all year round would look like, and the country of snow was sparsely populated, and it was also suitable as a place to resurrect the water gate.

And if Relo wants to go to the country of snow, he needs to pass through the country of grass, the country of bears, the country of earth and other countries to reach it, which just satisfies the idea of Relo visiting the ninja world.

Moreover, the country of bears is also a country that Relo is very interested in, the country of bears has dense forests, and there is a dangerous hell valley full of poisonous gas, and it also has its own ninja village, Star Ninja Village.

It is said that there is a meteorite in the village that fell 200 years ago, so the village is called "Star Ninja Village", and the five-pointed star is used as a forehead protection symbol. The ninjas in the village would practice around the meteorite because it was radioactive and reacted to Chakra. Star ninjas are good at "peacock magic", which can make Chakra transform into various shapes to attack, and even fly.

So Relo really wanted to see what was going on with that meteorite.

Just as Relo was standing in front of Konoha's gate and wondering, the system's tone woke him up.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for triggering the mission and traveling to

the ninja world!" "Travel to the ninja world: the ninja world is so big, you should check it out. Please check in to five different countries in the ninja world. "

"Quest Reward: God-level Draw Points*1.

Relo was also very happy to see this new task, this should be his easiest mission.

But if you want to check in to five countries.

Relo asked the system in his mind, "System, does the Fire Nation count?"


Luo instantly understood the meaning of the system, and immediately clicked the newly appeared sign-in button on the task panel in his mind.

"Ding... Fire Country check-in successful! Mission progress: 1/5. Relo

listened to the prompt of successful check-in, smiled, strode forward, and began his journey through the ninja world.

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