"Ding... Congratulations to the host for obtaining an S-class pet: Pokémon * Chillulian!" Relo

didn't have any special feelings when he looked at the prize drawn, and a pink diamond Pokéball appeared in Relo's system space.

But Relo didn't have the idea of taking it out and taking a look.

"After Chilulian goes back, give it to Hong, Red is more general in other aspects except for illusion, and I am curious that Lulian can enhance Hong's strength and make up for her shortcomings. "

There is no special scenery in the country of snow, and Relo has already had enough shopping after a day of shopping today.

"Let's go to the Resurrection Watergate tomorrow!"

Today's snow in the Land of Snow is much heavier than yesterday's, and for the average person, this weather should stay at home and make hot tea.

But Lei Luo did not change his plan and left the city early, stepping into the wind and snow without hesitation.

Lei Luo has been walking in the wind and snow for a long time, far away from the city of the Snow Country, and it is impossible for ordinary people to live in this surrounding environment.

And after walking for so long, it has always been a white patch, which almost made Relo suffer from snow blindness.

Lei Luo scanned the vicinity through the five visions, and finally found a cave that could temporarily stay.

"Boom!" Relo

took out a sealing scroll, unsealed it, and took out food, water, and other supplies.

"It's still good to be a ninja, bringing a sealing scroll can save so many things, if there is Mu Duan, it is even bigger in the world, and you can call home anywhere."

Relo's chakra flowed slightly, and the water in his hand boiled.

Drinking hot water and watching the snow outside is also a different kind of enjoyment.

"Let's rest here tonight, and tomorrow we will start resurrecting Watergate!" Relo

was fully prepared to resurrect the Watergate couple.

The conditions that need to be mastered to revive the Watergate, Relo is also sure.

Sealing technique

! Master! Ghoul ban

! Master! Death mask

! Master! A weapon that can break through the belly of death! Master!

Resurrection ability! Mastery! A lonely and uninhabited place! Achieved!

This resurrection

Watergate operation will definitely be successful.

Some people may ask, when did Relo control the weapon that broke the stomach of the god of death.


ice wheel pill itself is a weapon transformed by the soul, and its ability can naturally target the god of death.

Now as long as Relo breathes and recovers his state, he can start Operation Watergate.

But at this moment, Lei Luo suddenly found that other people appeared nearby through the five-sight omnipotence.

A group of three, judging from the forehead protection on their heads, should be the ninja of Snow Ninja Village.

"What the hell?!" "

How could anyone come to such a remote place?" "

What are these snow ninja doing here?"

But as long as they don't come to provoke Relo, Relo won't deal with them.

However, things always go that way, the more you don't think about anything, the more it happens.

In Leiluo's all-powerful observation, the group was getting closer and closer to the cave where Lei Luo was staying, and soon, Lei Luo could already hear a clear voice coming from outside the cave.

"Captain, this is it, I remember there is a cave here, let's go and rest for a while." A young man's voice came, with a hint of joy in it.

"Well, yes, this weather is really getting harder, let's go in." A much more mature voice replied, as the captain was called by the young population.

The other ninja in the three-person squad did not speak.

Then Relo watched the three walk in.

The three Xue Shinobi who walked into the cave were also surprised to see that there were people in the cave.

"What are you?!" asked Captain Snow Ninja, looking at Relo.

Lei Luo took the water cup and took a sip of hot water and said, "It's just a passing traveler." "

For Leiluo, this snow ninja three are just small minions, and there is no need to care about it.

Captain Yuki had not yet spoken, but the young Yuki Shinobu next to him couldn't help it.

How do you talk to our

captain?" Lei Luo's expression remained unchanged, and he replied lightly: "I have always had this attitude, he is your captain, not my captain, what kind of attitude do you want from me." "

The young snow ninja is obviously a violent temper, and it is estimated that he is also a genius of the snow ninja village, obviously a little arrogant, and he was instantly angered by Lei Luo's words.

"Hmph, damn it, seeing that we Xue Ren still dare to be so arrogant, I'm afraid you don't know how to write dead characters!" Lei

Luo replied: "I don't think I am arrogant, this cave was also the first I came, but you have been whistling." Young

Xue Shinobu felt that he couldn't say Lei Luo at all, since he couldn't say it, let's do it. So the young snow Shinobu directly made a seal.

"Bingdun.Yan Blowing Snow!" the

young snow ninja opened his mouth and vomited, and in an instant, hundreds of ice darts attacked Leiluo.

"Resist the aura!" As the

light on Leiluo's body flashed, those ice darts had already melted into water before they flew in front of Leiluo.

But young Xue Shinobu was obviously not ready to let Lei Luo go, not only because of his fighting spirit, but also to not expose himself.

This kind of weather, still here, there must be a task to complete.

I saw the young snow ninja turn his head and say to the snow ninja captain: "Captain, this guy has some strength, let's solve him together, our mission this time cannot be exposed."

"And this guy appears here, sneaky, must want to be bad for our Snow Country."

Captain Snow Ninja nodded, and then also said to the other person in the squad: "Strike together and solve him!" Lei

Luo looked at the three people who were saying things against him in front of him, and he was particularly speechless.

"You guys don't take me seriously too much

!" "Hmph, suffer death!" The

three of them attacked Lei Luo together, the place in the cave was a little narrow, it was not suitable for unleashing powerful ninjutsu, and they didn't want to destroy it when there was a place to rest in this weather.

So they used physical skills to attack Leiluo, thinking that it would not be easy to take down Leiluo with the strength of the three of them.

But playing physical arts in front of Lei Luo, it can really be called an axe.

Relo also did not have the idea of playing with them, the ice wheel pill instantly appeared in his hand, and the attack of the three of Yuki Shinobi was easily blocked by Relo.

Then I saw a flash of light in the cave, and Lei Luo seemed to be standing in place without moving, but the three snow ninja fell down inexplicably.

"Boom!" The

bodies of the three snow ninja fell to the ground, and the wound on their necks began to ooze blood, and it turned out that Lei Luo had already slit the throats of the three in an instant.

Lei Luo bent down, grabbed the corpses of the snow ninja on the ground, threw them out one by one, and was soon buried by the snow.

In Leiluo's eyes, this was just a small episode.

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