I saw that the spiral pill in Jiraiya's hand still had spare strength after breaking Fuzi Gozen's ninjutsu, and attacked Fuzi Gozen again.

"Boom!" The

spiral pill in Jiraiya's hand pressed in front of Fuzi Gozen's body, punching a big hole, and stones splashed.

At this time, Fuzi Yuqian had closed his eyes and did not resist the move just now.

Fuzi Gozen, who felt that he was not injured, opened his eyes, looked at Jiraiya in front of him and said, "I lost!"

Then a smile forced out at the corner of his mouth, but the smile was full of bitterness.

Fuzi Gozen then spoke: "It is worthy of the legendary Three Shinobi, and the strength is much stronger than me. "

Hahaha, where is it!" said Jiraiya as he touched the back of his head and laughed.

Fuzi Gozen then spoke: "Since the fight is over, then I will leave, don't forget our agreement."

Zi Lai also nodded and replied, "Don't worry, you can't forget."

Then Fuzi Gozen directly turned away and disappeared into the night.

"Hahaha, how about it, Lei Luo, my strength is very strong. Jiraiya walked up to Relo, with a smile on his face.

Lei Luo looked at the direction Fuzi Yuqian left and sighed, and then replied to Zi Laiye: "Yes, yes, your strength is very strong, and Zi Lai is also an adult."

"Let's go, we should also go back to rest, and tomorrow we will have to rush to find the big snake pill."

Then Lei Luo turned directly and walked towards the city.

The two rested for the night, and the next morning they set off directly for Otono Village.

Two days later, Lei Luo and Jiraiya finally arrived at Oto-Ninja Village.

"Ah, it's finally here, I hope the big snake pill will be here, it's uncomfortable to pounce

!" thought Relo as he looked at the gate of the Yin Ninja Village in front of him.

Then Relo and Jiraiya walked into Oto-ninja Village, and did not transform to hide their identities.


Oto-ninja Village, the underground base of Orochimaru.

At this time, the big snake pill was doing an experiment, and a Yin Shinobu walked in, seeing this, patiently waiting on the side, not daring to disturb.

It wasn't until Orochimaru put down the things in his hand that Oto-sama stepped forward and said respectfully

: "Lord Orochimaru!" The big snake pill glanced at Otomaru out of the corner of his eyes, did not look up, and said: "Is there something wrong?"

Oto-sama replied respectfully: "Lord Orochimaru, there are two ninjas in the village today, and they are the people you mentioned to pay special attention to earlier.

"Oh?" Orochimaru looked up, "Who is it?"

replied Oto, "It's Konoha's Jiraiya and Relo."

"Is that guy Jiraiya again? The big snake pill licked the corners of his mouth, his expression gloomy, "I didn't expect that Lei Luo also came this time, I don't know what their purpose is."

Then Orochimaru said to Otobu: "Okay, I know, you go down first."

Otobu nodded and respectfully withdrew, while Orochimaru looked gloomy and didn't know what he was thinking.


"Lei Luojun, how do you say we can find the Great Snake Pill?" asked Jiraiya to Lei Luo.

Now the two have found a hotel in Oto-Ninja Village.

In the face of Jiraiya's question, Lei Luo seemed very calm, because he knew that when they entered the Oto-Ninja Village, Orochimaru would definitely know.

After all, Oto-Ninja Village is the lair of the Great Snake Pill, and if there is no arrangement, it will not be possible to talk about it.

Lei Luo opened his mouth and said to Zi Laiye: "Don't worry, Master Zi Laiye, I have a special ability to perceive, as long as the big snake pill appears, I will definitely be able to find him." "

When Lei Luo entered Yin Yin Village, he had already opened the five-sight universal observation Yin Village, but he didn't find anything abnormal in the place he came from today, and presumably the place where the big snake pill stayed must be covered with enchantments outside, which would also have a certain hindrance effect on Lei Luo.

However, Relo is going to go to the building in the center of Oto-Ninja Village tomorrow to wander around, after all, that is where the Great Snake Pill Laboratory may have existed recently.

And if Orochimaru was in Oto-ninja Village, he would definitely take some action knowing that they were coming.

At that time, without them looking for it, the big snake pill will automatically come to the door.

"Okay!" Jiraiya felt a little bored just like this, and then said: "Then I'll go out for a stroll first and see if I can find any traces." Lei

Luo looked at Zi Lai and knew that he must be idle, and it was estimated that he would go to those entertainment places to wander around, but it didn't matter, after all, he was originally Zi Lai himself to follow, and he didn't have any scruples when he wasn't there.

So Lei Luo nodded and said to Zi Laiye: "Okay then, Master Zi Laiye, you go, there is something that can be transmitted to me through the toad of Miaomu Mountain." "

Now that Lei Luo has also signed a contract with Miaomu Mountain, it is indeed much more convenient to deliver news with Zilai.

Jiraiya nodded, got up and walked out.

Lei Luo looked at the quiet inn, sat cross-kneeled on the tatami, and entered the state of Blade Zen cultivation.

Although Blade Zen was only a way to cultivate the spirit, Lei Luo felt that he could play a greater role than other skills now.

Lei Luo, who was immersed in cultivation, suddenly felt that someone was staring at him, and instantly withdrew from the cultivation state of Blade Zen.

But he did not open his eyes, but pretended that he was still practicing, and in fact he had turned on the five visions, looking for hidden enemies.

Soon, Relo spotted the target staring at him, and there was a snake lurking under the inn.

"Sure enough, Orochimaru already knows that we are coming to Yin Ninja Village, and there must be someone on Jiraiya's side. Lei Luo thought quietly in his heart, "But Orochimaru didn't dare to make a rash move, because he didn't know the purpose of our coming to Oto-Ninja Village, and he didn't know if we came because of him.

"If he makes a rash move, he will expose himself and cause himself to fall into passivity."

"However, it can only be said that the big snake pill is too cautious, Tuanzo is dead now, and with my strength, he can't deal with me at all, as long as he doesn't think about finding death himself, I can't deal with him."

"Since you don't come out, then I'll take the initiative to contact you."

So Lei Luo opened his eyes directly, after so many years, he still learned some simple ninjutsu from Naruto, after all, some ninjutsu are still very useful.

Relo simply made a few seals in his hand, and the person disappeared into the room in an instant, retreated to the ground and grabbed the snake staring at him, and then returned to the room again.

The snake in Relo's hand struggled constantly, hissing and spitting letters.

Lei Luo smiled and said to the snake in his hand: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, I still rely on you to deliver news to me."

Then Relo took out a pen and paper, wrote four words on it, "Something to cooperate," and then rolled it into a roll and stuffed it into the snake's mouth, then let go of it.

As soon as the snake landed, it disappeared directly into the room.

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