As this black chakra ball flew into the sky, a powerful suction force came from above, and suddenly countless trees rose up, and the earth began to crack, even Lei Luo, who was incarnated as a big Buddha, felt unstable and had the feeling of being sucked into the sky.

"Lean! This Nagato is really ruthless, this is in his own territory, he didn't say a word to put such a big move! Lei Luo was speechless in his heart, but he still had to find a way to crack this trick.

After all, he came to Yuyin Village to cooperate with the Xiao Organization, not to die with him.

"If you want to crack the Earth Explosion Star, you must destroy that singularity, which is the core of the Earth Explosion Star, but ordinary forces can't destroy it at all, then I can only use some hole cards!"

Great Frilo stared at the black singularity in the air, and then directly triggered the power of Godzilla in his heart, and directly entered his full body form.

The dark blue Chakra spread out from Relo's body, quickly wrapped him up, and then transformed into Godzilla.

Faced with the increasingly strong suction of the black singularity, Godzillello had no time to slowly test it, and directly used the strongest move - atomic breath.

Godzilla Relo opened his mouth wide, and the dark blue Chakra condensed in his mouth and rotated continuously, and then Relo violently spit it out and directly attacked the black singularity in the sky.


With a loud bang, it felt that the entire sky darkened, and then a powerful shock wave spread, the clouds in the sky were directly washed away, and the rain that had been raining for many years in the Land of Rain finally stopped, and the sun shone on the Yuyin Village.

Yuyin Village was in a mess, but under the protection of Xiao Nan and others, there was no big loss.

And Nagato had a little regret after manipulating Payne to release the Earth Explosion Star, and now he was relieved to see Relo break this move.

But Nagato immediately frowned again, Relo has such a strong strength, and he just shot mercilessly, he didn't know if Lei Luo would change his mind and no longer cooperate, but directly eliminate the Xiao Organization.

So Payne Wudao watched Godzlarello start to be on guard again, the Hungry Ghost Dao has been completely destroyed by Relo, and then he has to find an opportunity to replenish it.

However, after seeing the black singularity that destroyed the Earthburst Star, and then everything returned to calm, Relo exited full Godzilla mode and returned to normal.

Looking at the cautious Payne Wudao, Lei Luo smiled slightly and said, "How is it?" Are you sure of my strength now? Hearing

Relo's words, Nagato relaxed and manipulated Payne to speak, "I have seen the strength of Your Excellency Relo, and I have the ability to cooperate with our organization.

"Now we can discuss the details of the cooperation."

Lei Luo replied, "Okay, but shall we discuss it here?"

Payne looked at the mess around him, and said to Relo: "I'm sorry, Your Excellency Relo, please come with me!"

Then he led Relo towards a secret room.

After Relo and Payne entered the Chamber of Secrets, the rest of Xiao's organization began to clean up the mess and discuss it enthusiastically.

And none of the most excited is Deidara.

"Hahaha, I just said, explosions are art!"

"That guy just now must be a very artistic person and has a very good appetite for my Deidara."

"Seeing the explosion just now, I suddenly came to a lot of inspiration, I will definitely be able to develop a stronger explosion!"


Although the others were not as excited as Deidara, they were also shocked by the strength of Payne and Relo.

Hei Jue, on the other hand, bowed his head and pondered with a gloomy face.

"Damn it! How can this guy Lei Luo be so strong?!

"I wonder what he was working on with Nagato?"

"I don't know if he will affect my plans!"

"Gotta talk to Obito, he can't waste any more time in the Land of Water, it's time for the plan to start!"

Then he quietly mobilized Bai Jue to sneak into the underground of the secret room, wanting to eavesdrop on Payne and Relo's conversation.

Relo and Payne discussed the terms of cooperation in the underground secret room, and Relo also discovered the underground white absolute through the five-sight omnipotence.

Although Bai Jue can hide his aura so that others can't find it, Lei Luo's five-sight omnipotence can see him directly.

Although Lei Luo discovered Bai Jue, he did not have the idea of destroying it, but he also wanted Hei Jue to know the content of his cooperation, and Hei Jue of the province would do other things.

"Your Excellency Leiluo, since you said that your purpose is also to capture the Nine Tailed Beasts, do you have any plans?" Payne asked.

Lei Luo smiled and replied, "My plan is very simple, with my identity, it is temporarily inconvenient to attack other villages, so the tailed beasts of other villages, that is, one tail to eight tails, are captured by your organization."

"And the Nine Tails of Konoha will be handed over to me!"

After all, Lei Luo has the heaven-defying resurrection skill of the Light of Awakening, and the Ten Tails absorption does not need the whole Nine Tails, as long as Lei Luo takes out the half of the Nine Tails from the Water Gate body or Naruto's body.

After taking out the Nine Tails, even if Watergate or Naruto dies because of this, Relo can resurrect them again through the light of awakening.

Moreover, as long as Lei Luo gets the big tube of wood Kaguya, the nine tailed beasts in the body of the ten tails can be separated again.

Payne listened to Leiluo's words, frowned, and replied: "Your Excellency Leiluo, I'm afraid this is inappropriate, we know that the organization wants to collect the eight tailed beasts, and you only collect one, which is not appropriate."

Lei Luo replied, "If I don't cooperate with your organization, you will never get the Nine Tails, and you should know my strength by now."

"One more thing, have you now mastered the sealing technique of extracting the sealing tail beast, and the nine seals of the phantom dragon have been exhausted?"

Payne shook his head lightly and replied, "I sent someone to search the ruins of the Vortex Country before, but I didn't find it, but my subordinates recovered the body of the former nine-tailed human pillar force, Vortex Jiu Xinnai.

"I will find a way to recall her soul from the underworld later, and the human path can obtain this sealing technique by reading her memory."

Lei Luo chuckled and said, "Hehe, have you thought about it, what if Vortex Jiu Xinnai doesn't know about this sealing technique?" Hearing

this, Payne lowered his head and pondered, and there was some silence for a while.

But Lei Luo woke him up and said, "Since you are not very satisfied with the cooperation content just now, then I will propose a new one."

"You Xiao organization is responsible for capturing the eight tailed beasts, and the nine tails and the nine seals of the phantom dragon are all handed over to me, but you have to give me the corpse of the vortex Jiu Xinnai first."

Payne raised his head and looked at Relo and replied, "Good!" That's it! "

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