The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai finally arrived, and the thunder light in his hand flashed, like a thunder knife, directly cutting off the black rod that Payne shot at Chirabi.

Kirabi looked at the four generations of Lei Ying Ai standing in front of him, and his eyes couldn't help but moisten.

"Big brother, I'm sorry!"

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai turned his head sideways, looked at Kirabi and said, "You guy, say any more nonsense."

"I'm your big brother, how can I watch you die at the hands of these guys of unknown origin."

Chirabi choked up and said, "Big brother, blame me for not listening to you and running out of the village."

"As a result, so many ninjas in the village were dragged down, and they died because of me!"

The fourth generation of Lei Yingai said: "Don't talk this nonsense!

"For ninjas, death in battle is the best destination!"

"Can you fight again, I two are the strongest partners!"

Chirabi listened to the words of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, and felt a courage come out of his heart, supporting him to stand up again.

"No problem, big brother, I won't drop the chain!"

Then the eight-tailed chakra gushed out from Kirabi's body again, and once again burst out with a violent momentum.

"Hahaha, good!"

"Than! Let's get on! After

the fourth generation of Lei Yingai finished speaking, he rushed towards everyone in the Xiao Organization, and Kirabi followed closely behind.

Although the injuries on the Xiao Organization were relatively light, they had consumed a lot of Chakra in the battle just now, and it was difficult to block the attack of the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai.

Only Payne's six ways remained in good condition, and it was time for Payne to strike.

"Qinglong, you retreat with Suzaku's corpse and Beidou!"

"Nandou, Jade Girl, you pay attention to guard against the support in the direction of Yunyin Village!"

"Leave this Abby combination to me, I just want to test how strong this legendary best partner is!"

Payne made arrangements for everyone in the Xiao organization.


Deidara summoned a clay giant bird with a casual move, then picked up Suzaku's corpse, pulled the heavily injured Hokuto, jumped onto the back of the clay giant bird, and flew out of the dense forest.

Dry Persimmon Oni and Obito also left the dense forest from the other direction, preparing to go to intercept the Yunyin ninja who came to support from the direction of Yunyin Village.

Payne Rokudao blocked the attacks of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai and Kirabi.

"It seems that these guys are all your doppelgängers, then it is enough to solve you!"

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai found that the other five were all controlled by Heavenly Dao Payne, thinking that he had found his true body, and rushed directly towards Heavenly Dao Payne.

But what he didn't know was that these Payne were actually just doppelgangers controlled by Nagato, and even if he killed Heavenly Dao, it was useless.

What's more, he couldn't kill Heavenly Dao at all.

"Righteous Thunder Fury Thunder Axe!"

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai ran Lei Dun Chakra, and the thunder on his body flashed and rushed to Heavenly Dao Payne, raising his leg and slashing directly towards Heavenly Dao Payne like a battle axe.

But as Payne raised his right hand, he waved it gently.

"Shinra Heavenly Sign!"

A violent repulsion burst out, and the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ay was suddenly ejected and smashed down many large trees that remained behind.

"Hmph! Damn it, I don't believe you can use this trick all the time! "

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai rushed towards Heavenly Dao Payne again.

But Payne did not have the idea of fighting alone with the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai with a Heavenly Dao doppelganger, and Asura Dao appeared in front of Payne to block the attack of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai.

"Asuras. Overlord Fist!

Asura Dao's figure flashed, and an instantaneous figure appeared directly behind the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai, and then smashed down hard towards the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai with a punch.

But the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai reacted in time, turned around and directly grabbed Asura Dao's wrist.

However, the Asura Dao is a living weapon that can be turned into various weapons all over the body, and the wrist of the Asura Dao that was grabbed by the wrist of the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai suddenly broke away from the arm.

"Strange wrist fire arrow!"

The detached wrist was like a transmitter, directly ejecting Asura Dao's fist, and then slammed into the chest of the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai was directly bombarded with the whole person!


The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai got up from the ground, felt some chest tightness, and couldn't help but cough a few times.

If it weren't for the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai opening the lightning armor in time to protect his body, it was very likely that he would have been directly penetrated through his chest by the punch of Asura Dao.

"It seems that I underestimate you, but I won't be careless in the future!" The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai looked at Heavenly Dao Payne and said sharply.

Then the thunder flashed, and the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai disappeared in place, and the speed was three percent higher than just now!

"Heavy Torrent!"

The next moment, the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai appeared again and rushed to Heavenly Dao Payne, and his elbow slammed into Payne's chest.

But Payne still reacted and once again used Shinra Tianzheng to eject the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai.

And at this time, Chirabi also got rid of the entanglement of the human path and rushed towards the heavenly Dao Payne.

"Than! Use that trick!

"No problem!"

"Lei Duan. Awesome thunder plough hot knife! "

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai regrouped, one left and one right rushed towards Heavenly Dao Payne, but Payne's Shinra Tianzheng was still in the cooling time, Abby's combination speed was too fast, and Heavenly Dao Payne had no time to dodge.


The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai and Kirabi cut at the neck of Heavenly Dao Payne at the same time, and the next moment Heavenly Dao Payne's head soared into the sky.

"Hahaha, it worked!"

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai was happy for a moment, but the next second he found that something was wrong.

"Why are these five doppelgangers still moving, aren't the ontology already dead?!"

Asura Dao looked at the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai and said coldly: "Who told you that the Heavenly Dao is the essence?!" "

In this speak, the Human Dao has already recaptured the body and head of the Heavenly Dao, and then directly threw it into the mouth of the Hell Dao.

"Hmph! Since this guy is not an ontology, then I will kill all five of you, and one of you will eventually be ontology!" The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai snorted coldly and rushed directly towards the Asura Dao.

Because the Hades behind the Hell Dao could not be seen by others, the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai just thought that the Human Dao had put away the corpse of the Heavenly Dao.

Just as the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai rushed towards the Asura Dao, the Beast Dao Seal summoned a huge rhinoceros.

As soon as this rhinoceros came out, it "mooed" and rushed directly towards the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai and collided together.

"Lei Duan. Thunder hot knife! The

fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai flashed with thunder light, jumped high, and then slashed fiercely at the neck of the rhinoceros.

But this rhino's skin is rough and thick, and the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai only cut a part of it and was stuck by the rhino's flesh, and this wound can only be regarded as a minor injury for the rhinoceros.

And at this moment, the Hades behind the Hell Dao opened his mouth, and the intact Heavenly Dao Payne walked out again.

Watching the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai attack.

"Vientiane Heavenly Lead!"

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