"Quick! Quick draw! I want a lottery!" Leaving

aside the system's pretense, Relo said excitedly.

Of these six rewards, any one is awesome.

Devil Fruit, Slashing Knife, Dragon Slaying Magic Crystal, and Kaleidoscope Sharingan, no matter what these four get, he can obtain great power in a short time.

As for the demon knife Muramasa, I don't know which world's famous knife.

As for the last skill, I don't know if without the eye of reincarnation, I can release the Heavenly Hindrance Shocking Star.

"Extracting..." With

the sound of the system's machinery, the turntable in Leilo's mind spun rapidly.

"Hey, Leiluo, I didn't expect that this crane tail of yours could actually pass the Xia Ninja Assessment, what a miracle..."

Just as Lei Luo was excitedly waiting for the lottery results, a childish voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

At the same time, a few little fart children also surrounded them.

Relo looked up, acquaintance.

"Oh, it's you, Shaqima. Oh no, Asma..." The

little guy in front of him in the green vest of forgiveness is none other than the son of the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun, Ape Flying Asma.

As well as Shen Yue Izumo, Steel Iron, Moonlight Wind and a few ass insects.

"What Shaqima?" Asma

looked puzzled, but didn't care, and said with a smug look:

"Relo, give you another chance, leave Red, you are just a civilian ninja, you can't give her a happy life at all!" The

corners of Relo's mouth began to twitch, what qualifications do you have to say that I am a short-lived ghost?

Almost everyone in the class bothered themselves, and there were a few horseboys who followed them all day, which was very awesome.

But there was Kakashi, a genius ninja before, who didn't bird himself at all, and fortunately he graduated a few years earlier.

And I heard that people are now putting up with it.

Kakashi is the son of Konoha's White Fang, and he is not as good as he is.

But there is this smelly boy named Lei Luo in front of him who doesn't say anything himself, and snatches away the girl he likes, it's really not giving face to the son of Hokage!

Relo shook his head, these guys are all dead in the future except for Asma's strength in the future.


, now when it comes to the Ninja exam, there are many teachers coming and going, and they dare not fight here.


Asma said angrily, and wanted to make a move, but as soon as he saw the eyes of several invigilators looking here, he said hatefully:

"Leiluo, you wait for me, sooner or later I will snatch the red over!"

After that, he walked outside surrounded by several pony boys.

"Ding-dong, the lottery was successful

!" "Congratulations to the host for obtaining S-class items: Devil Fruit * Sparkling Fruit!"

It also has the speed of light, can perform light-speed attacks and move at the speed of light.

It can apply the speed of light to deal heavy blows, and the body can emit strong flashes, which can cause temporary blindness to enemies.

It can also compress light particles and emit lasers, creating a large-scale explosion.

"I'm going?! It's actually a Shining

Fruit?!" said Lei Luo excitedly, with the Sparkling Fruit, what else is he afraid of? "System, where is my Sparkling Fruit


"Oh, so it is..." According

to the system's prompts, Relo quickly found a void space.

A golden yellow, pineapple-like fruit with a faint golden glow, stayed there quietly.

As soon as his mind moved, this devil fruit appeared in his hand.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lei Luo directly took a bite.

With a "click", the fruit was bitten by him, and the juice immediately flowed, and the taste was actually very sweet.

"Huh, system, your devil fruit is fake, why is it so delicious

?" "Shouldn't the taste be the same as?"

"All the devil fruits produced by the system have canceled their shortcomings of fear of sea floor stones and seawater, and of course the taste has changed.

"So that's the case..."

Relo nodded, it seems that this is also a great benefit of the system.

At this time, the door of the examination room, which had been closed all along, was suddenly opened with a "creak".

Little Loli Xi Rihong pulled the lower ninja brow in her hand and ran out in a jump.

"Leiluo, I've put up with it too. "

Congratulations Congratulations!"

Lei Luo also said with a smile, Xi Rihong is a powerful upper ninja in the original plot, and the lower ninja assessment is certainly difficult for him.

"Here, eat some fruit. Saying

that, he handed over the remaining devil fruit that he had just eaten in his hand.

The Devil Fruit only had an effect on the first bite, so Lei Luo was not worried at all.

"Well, thank you, Leiluo, you are so good to me!" Red

took the Devil Fruit handed by Relo with both hands, not caring at all that he had just eaten the leftover, and took a bite excitedly.

Under Leiluo's strategy, all the fronts on Little Lolihong have been lost, and in front of him, there are no secrets at all.

"Well, is this a pineapple? it's delicious

!" "Uh, pineapple? maybe

..." "Dingdong, detected that the host has taken an S-class prop: Devil Fruit * Sparkling Fruit..."

"Congratulations to the host for automatically comprehending the natural Devil Fruit Universal Ability: Elementalization!" "Congratulations to the host for the automatic comprehension skill: laser light!" "Congratulations to the host for the automatic

comprehension skill: lightspeed kick!"

Congratulations to the host automatic comprehension skill: Tiancong Cloud Sword!" "

Congratulations to the host automatic comprehension skill: Eight Mirrors!" "Congratulations to the host automatic comprehension skill: Eight Qiong Gouyu!"


away, you damn skills, I want to exercise myself..."

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