Seeing this, Uchiha stopped his attack and absorbed Relo's laser cannon with his backhand with the eye of reincarnation.

"Nice strength!"

"I didn't expect that there was such a number one figure as you in the ninja world!"

Uchiha said lightly.

At this time, Relo had already appeared beside Tsunade, lifted it up, and then his right hand bloomed with a soft light and pressed on Tsunade's majestic heart.

When Relo received the news from the reconnaissance detachment, Relo had already guessed that Tsunade's opponent might be Uchiha, so he immediately rushed over.

But the distance from the border camp to the Four Shadows battlefield is not close, and in order to speed up, Lei Luo is used in turn with light and void walking.

Fortunately, Tsunade arrived when they were about to die.

After seeing Tsunade's state return to safety, Relo stopped.

"Tsunade-sama, close the Hyakuho Technique, and leave it to me next!"

Relo looked down at Tsunade, who had woken up, and said softly.

Tsunade nodded and closed the Hyakuho Technique, and the diamond-shaped mark of the Yin Seal reappeared on his forehead.

In Tsunade fully uses the "Ninju Method to create regeneration. Baihao's Art", but it will consume part of her life force.

Now that he has closed the Hyakuhao Technique, he is obviously showing some age compared to before.

Then Lei Luo directly threw Tsunade in the direction of the Slug Immortal, and shouted: "Slug Immortal, please help treat Tsunade!"

The slugs nodded and said, "No problem, leave it to me!" Although

I don't know why Uchiha didn't take the opportunity to attack Relo, Relo is also unknown.

Maybe it's confidence, maybe it's the joy of seeing the hunter, but none of that matters.

Lei Luo stood up straight, looked directly at Uchiha Madara, and spoke: "You are Uchiha Madara, the legendary Ninja Asura is really a long-standing daimyo!" Relo

carefully looked at the state of Uchiha and found that he was not in the state of rebirth of dirt, but a real resurrection, and it seemed that Nagato was probably no longer alive.

Uchiha looked at Lei Luo and said proudly, "That's right! I am Uchiha!

"Ninja, your strength is good, you are qualified to say your name in front of me!"

Lei Luo looked at Uchiha's arrogant posture, but only smiled slightly, and did not feel the slightest pressure.

After listening to Uchiha's words, Lei Luo replied in a loud voice: "I am the elite Shinobi of Konoha Village, and the general staff officer of the Ninja World United Army, Lei Luo!" "

Relo?" Uchiha heard this name a little familiar, as if it was a long time ago when he was not dead, Kuro Jue told him some information about Relo, which was the boundary of light and blood that had never appeared in the ninja world for hundreds of years.

I didn't expect to grow to this point now.

"Let's see if you can surprise me!"

Lei Luo thought to himself, "Surprise? As long as you don't get frightened later! The

two sides were not making small talk, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

The next moment, the two attacked each other at the same time.

"Fire. The fire is extinguished!

Uchiha made a mark in his hand, his cheeks bulged, and a sea of fire instantly spat out from his mouth.

As soon as Lei Luo's right hand was held in the void, the ice wheel pill instantly appeared in Lei Luo's hand, and it instantly entered the state of initial solution.

"Water Breath * One Style * Water Surface Slash * Ice Dragon Spinning Tail!"

Lei Luo, who was holding the ice wheel pill, swung his knife and cut out a huge frost knife qi, directly killing the oncoming sea of fire instantly, and the frost knife qi still had a lot of residue after slashing the sea of fire, and continued to slash towards Uchiha.

"The power of Ice? Is there more than one blood line?

Uchiha looked at Relo's attack with some doubts, he knew too little about Relo's intelligence, but Relo knew him well.

When the Frost Knife Qi came to Uchiha Madara, it was absorbed by Uchiha Madara's reincarnation eye again.

"Since the fire dun doesn't work, let's try Mu dun!"

"Mu Dun. Thorn Killing! "

With the engraving of Uchiha's spots, countless thorny vines grew wildly from the ground, and then wrapped around Leiluo.

But Lei Luo was all too familiar with Mu Duan's power, after all, the two wooden ninjas, Senju Rope Tree and Yamato, were his disciples.

Although the Rope Tree's wooden dun is not as powerful as Uchiha's spot, Relo knows the effects of these ninjutsu no further.

"There is really no innovation at all, after so many years, Mu Dun is still using those developed between the thousand hand pillars."

"Guangdu. Burning the sky! The

chakra of the light attribute transformed into golden flames that erupted from Leiluo's mouth, instantly burning the vines wrapped around in front of him, turning it into ashes.

The temperature of this burning sky is much higher than the temperature of Fire Ninjutsu.

Then the light flashed, and Lei Luo had already appeared in front of Uchiha's eyes.

"Water breath * Qiqi style * Shizuku ripple sudden!"

This was the fastest move of all the moves of Mizuno's breath, and when Relo appeared in front of Uchiha Madara, the ice chakra pill in his hand had already pierced Madara's abdomen.

But the spot stabbed by Relo did not shed blood, but turned into a wooden sculpture.

"Wooden doppelganger?"

Lei Luo instantly drew his knife and slashed behind him, and sure enough, the figure of Uchiha appeared right there, and was forced back by Lei Luo again.

"This speed is faster than Thunder Shadow, and the attack is more powerful, you are very good!"

Uchiha looked at Lei Luo and said lightly.

Lei Luo smiled when he heard this, and said: "But Uchiha, you are not as strong as the legend!"

Uchiha listened to Leiluo's words, and his eyes became a little colder.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths!"

I saw Uchiha's reincarnation eye spinning, and Susanoo reappeared outside Madara's body.

And it is a complete state of Susano!

The blue armored samurai held two swords and slashed at Relo's head.

Seeing this, the corners of Leiluo's mouth tugged slightly, "Interesting, I can also play with this armored warrior!" Immediately

afterwards, Relo instantly induced the power of Godzilla in his heart and entered the Godzilla-tailed beast coat mode, and the dark blue Chakra condensed outside Relo's body.

Suddenly, an identical armored samurai appeared, and it looked more powerful than Uchiha's Susano.

Relo's right hand was weakly held, and the light attribute Chakra converged into a huge lightsaber in Relo's hand, blocking Uchiha Madara Susano's attack.

"Guangdu. Trial!

Then Relo backhanded and shot the giant lightsaber directly towards Uchiha.

"Leiluo, you really surprised me."

Uchiha looked at Relo, who was in Godzilla's coat state, with some surprise in his eyes, he didn't expect that in addition to the nine tailed beasts in this ninja world, there was such a powerful power.

Looking at the flying lightsaber, Uchiha manipulated Susanoo to put his hands together and took the lightsaber.

"You can block this move, but what about this move?"

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