However, after so much soil, the psychological quality is still very good, and I quickly recovered.

After Kakashi saw Obito's mood stabilize, he asked, "Obito, where have you been all these years?" Why don't you go back to the village? In

fact, with Kakashi's ingenuity, he had already guessed that Obito must be related to the Xiao Organization, otherwise how could he have appeared here so coincidentally.

But he still retained a trace of fantasy in his heart.

However, Obito's words shattered his illusions and told him everything he had experienced, including the Nine-Tails Rebellion he had caused, without hiding it in the slightest.

Then, Obito, who had finished telling everything, looked at Kakashi's sluggish appearance as if he had put down something in his heart, and spoke.

"Kakashi, I'm sorry, I know I'm a sinner and there's no need to live in this world anymore."

"Now knowing that Lin is still alive, it is already very satisfying."

Then the kaleidoscope writing wheel with soil turned, and a whirlpool appeared beside him, opening the Shenwei space, and Obito reached in and took out a jar.

In that jar was his other kaleidoscopic chakra eye.

Kakashi watched Obito's movements and anticipated what Obito wanted to do.

But before he could stop it, Obito directly reached out and buttoned down the kaleidoscope chakra eye in his eyes.

Now Obito's face only has two black eye sockets.

"Obito, what are you doing?!"

"Hurry up and take it back, with Reilo-kun and Tsunade-sama here, your eyes can still be transplanted back!"

Kakashi said anxiously, he had felt Obito's death, but he didn't want Obito to die.

Obito, on the other hand, has already made up his mind, he has nothing to worry about in this world, and there is no shortage of him as a sinner in this world.

Obito trembled and raised his hand and handed the two kaleidoscopic chakra eyes in his hand to Kakashi.

"Kakashi, you don't have to persuade me anymore."

"This is for you, belatedly become a gift from Kami-Shinobu..."

Kakashi's eyes instantly turned red when he heard this, but he still solemnly took the kaleidoscope with soil.

"Kakashi, don't forget your promise to me, remember to protect Rin!"

After Obito said this sentence, his hand fell weakly and lost his life.

Just now, when he dug out his kaleidoscope chakra eye, he had already used Chakra to make a mess in his body.

He was already ready to die.

Kakashi trembled his hand and sealed Obito's corpse with a sealing scroll.

Seeing this, Lei Luo did not say anything, and Obito used his death to wash away his own sins, which was his choice.

Wouldn't it be very unfair to those who died because of him if he were saved.

The main thing is that the relationship between Lei Luo and Obito is not very good, not to mention that Obito has always had thoughts about Rin.

"Okay, Kakashi, since Obito has already made his decision, you can go all the way with his eyes." Wave Feng Shui Gate comforted Kakashi.

Kakashi nodded and didn't say anything more.


Soon, a month had passed.

The remaining problems of the Xiao Organization have been solved, and the Ninja United Army will inevitably be disbanded again, after all, now that the great enemy has disappeared, the relations between countries have returned to the same situation as before.

Of course, we may have understood each other a little more, but nothing has changed much.

In the Hokage Building in Konoha Village, the Land of Fire, Relo and Tsunade discuss Relo's inheritance of the sixth Hokage in the Hokage office.

"Lei Luojun, now that everything has settled down, it's time for me to retire from this position." Tsunade patted the arm of the chair under him and looked at Relo as he spoke.

"No, Tsunade-sama, don't you want to be in such a hurry." Relo was obviously a little resistant.

Now that the fourth Ninja World War has just ended, it is precisely when there are many messy things, and this Tsunade obviously wants to be lazy.

In Leiluo's plan, how can he wait for Tsunade to finish this period before abdicating, and he has to slow down.

And now that the fourth ninja war is over, the wedding of the three of them must also be put on the agenda.

Moreover, at that time, I only wanted to complete the system task and collect Kaguya, but how to arrange Kaguya's identity now is a headache.

Tsunade pointed to the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, because he had used the Hyakuhao Technique when he fought against Uchiha before, so he consumed some of his life force, and his face was a little older than before.

Probably from the royal sister in her twenties before, she became a mature woman in her thirties.

Then Tsunade spoke, "Look at the wrinkles in the corners of my eyes, and then work in the position of the Hokage, it is estimated that it will not be long before I will become as old as the old man, and I should rest and take care of myself." "

The old man Tsunade is the third generation of Hokage Ape Hibiki, and now his life is very comfortable, teaching his grandson at home every day, and Konohama Maru is not as naughty under his discipline as in the original book.

Listening to Tsunade's words, Relo nodded helplessly and replied, "Well, then the inheritance of the Hokage position must always be reported to the daimyo, and it will take at least a month to come and go."

"Then two months later, two months later, go straight to the Hokage succession ceremony, and I will officially succeed as the sixth generation of Hokage, how about it?"

Tsunade looked at it for so long, and Relo finally let go, so he nodded and replied, "Good!" Two months is two months!

Lei Luo thought to himself, after these two months, things in this village should be handled almost the same.

Now that the matter had been decided, there was no need for Relo to stay in Hokage's office, even if Tsunade tried his best to keep him and let him follow him to learn how to deal with things, but Relo still resolutely resigned and left the Hokage Building.

Walking out of the Hokage Building, Relo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Alas, there will be no such a leisurely life in the future..." When

Lei Luo returned to the psychic beast shop, he saw that the store was empty, it stands to reason that now there are no tasks for a few of them, and they don't know where to go, even Kaguya is not there.

"Something can't happen, right?"

Lei Luo's heart tightened, and he quickly turned on the Five Visions and looked for the traces of the four women in the village.

It turned out that these four people were actually shopping!!

"Alas, woman..." Now

that they were all right, Relo was relieved and went back to his room on the second floor.

Lying in bed, Relo finally had time to draw the lottery.

Thinking about not drawing for so long, I still have some itchy hands.

"System, I want a lottery!"

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