"The big day is coming! It's really a good ability, originally because I didn't smoke the sun flare, there was a little loss, but I didn't expect that the ability of this big sun was similar.

Relo's face was full of smiles, and he was comfortable now.

Now, if Lei Luo enters the Great Buddha form and then uses the Great Sun Rulai, it is really like a god and Buddha in the world.

But at this moment, Relo suddenly found that the sun in the sky seemed to flicker, and ordinary people probably thought that this was an illusion, but with Relo's induction of the sun, he was sure that it was not an illusion.

"The only thing that can trigger the movement of the sun is the moon!" Leiluo's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly remembered that there were still descendants of the Otsuki clan in this ninja world.

Above the moon, there is a descendant of Otsuki Kaguya, son of Kaguya and brother of the Six Dao Immortals, and the change in the sun just now is probably caused by the huge reincarnation eye on the moon.

"Is the current Otsuki people already able to control that huge reincarnation eye?"

"It seems that we have to find the passage between the earth and the moon, and the unstable factors in this ninja world should be solved."

Relo muttered.

After all, this big wooden house is not a messenger of peace, but a person with the idea of destroying the world.

After his death in the village of Otsukiha, his descendants were divided into two factions because they had different understandings and interpretations of their ancestors' last words.

Among them, the division family believes that the world war created by the six immortals for thousands of years is a failure and should be eliminated. With the eye of rebirth, he completely destroyed the clan who advocated peace at that time.

The people of the Great Tube Wood House are the descendants of the separated family, living alone in the castle in the moon and monitoring the earth.

"I wonder if Kaguya wants to go see Hamura's descendants..."

After all, Lei Luo returned to Konoha Village first, even if he wanted to go to the moon, he was not in a hurry at this time, he still had to go back to the village to arrange things first.

After all, now he is not only in charge of one Konoha village, but the entire Land of Fire.

At this time, Relo was in the Hokage's office, checking on some important things that happened in the village these days when he left the village.

After reading it, Relo found that there were basically nothing important, but the amount of tasks was actually one percent higher than before the Fourth Ninja World War, and it seemed that people still trusted Relo as the Hokage Konoha Village.

"Knock knock!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

Relo replied, then looked up and watched a man walk in.

"It turned out to be Lu Jiu, is there something going on?!"

The person who came was the patriarch of the Nara clan, the current Minister of Finance of Konoha Village, and the father of Nara Shikamaru in the Twelve Strongmen.

"Naruto-sama, according to the order from the capital side, will the affairs of the Fire Nation be taken care of by us in Konoha after that?"

Nara Shikahisa's eyebrows had a hint of sadness.

Lei Luo originally thought that it was something, it turned out to be this matter.

"Lu Jiu don't worry, in fact, on the whole, there is no big change between the Fire Country and before, and the affairs of various places are naturally the responsibility of the city lords everywhere."

"The only thing that has changed now is that His Royal Highness the Daimyo no longer manages things, but by Hokage, that is, me, the Prime Minister of the country."

"The structure of Konoha Village will not change much, after all, our main attribute is still the military power of the country."

As soon as Lei Luo said this, Nara Shikaku understood the current situation, and the sadness between his eyebrows also dissipated.

Originally, he thought that the Land of Fire was going to undergo major changes, what if other countries started a war when the Fire Country changed, although the countries had formed the Ninja Alliance Army together, but the relationship between the countries was not so harmonious.

Unexpectedly, it was just a false alarm from him.

In fact, Lei Luo does not want to reform, but he is not good at these things, but he also knows that these cannot be rushed, and some ideas and experiences in his previous life will inevitably affect him, but the situation in this world is different and cannot be generalized.

But since Lei Luo is in this position, he will naturally do something.

It's all a matter of time!

"Naruto-sama, I see!" Nara Shikaku replied respectfully, putting himself in the right position.

Then Nara Shikaku continued, "Then Naruto-sama, if you have nothing to do, I will leave first."

Lei Luo nodded and said, "It's nothing, Lu Jiu, you go down first." Then

Nara Shikaku left the Hokage office.


Soon, three months passed, and the overall framework of the Fire Nation, Relo, was finally sorted out.

During these three months, Lei Luo received the major city lords from all over the Fire Country, as well as some former high-ranking officials and nobles.

Most of them accepted the new policy and also accepted Relo's rule.

But it is also inevitable that there are some blind and uncontrollable people who believe that ninjas are just a bunch of mud legs who have what qualifications to rule the country.

He even shouted in front of Relo, asking Relo to give up his place to him.

For such people with undeveloped brains, Relo will not get used to them.

It's just that pity their relatives, and they will accompany them to the peaceful and peaceful underworld.

And in these three months, Relo also did one thing, that is, instructed the dark part of Konoha to investigate the Earth-Moon Passage.

According to the situation of the place where the Earth-Moon Passage may exist in Leiluo's memory, Bofeng Shuimen personally led the team and looked for possible places.

Because Wave Feng Shui Men is good at time and space ninjutsu, if there is a channel, Wave Feng Shui Men will definitely be able to perceive it.


A figure suddenly appeared in Hokage's office, wearing a dark uniform and black robe, and a fox face mask on his face, but the blond hair revealed his identity.

"Watergate, you're back, how's it going?" Lei Luo looked at the dark part in front of him and asked with a smile.

That's right, the person who came was the wave feng shui gate who led the team to find the earth-moon space.

Since the water gate appears here, it means that the earth-moon space should have been found.

Sure enough, Bo Feng Shuimen looked at Lei Luo and said: "Lei Luojun, this time I found a spatial passage, but I didn't probe through the passage, so I'm not sure if it's the one you're looking for."

"Now I have left a small team of dark troops there to guard against anyone entering by mistake."

"Very good!" Lei Luo said with a smile, "Watergate-kun, you have worked hard!"

"But I have to trouble you to take me to the location of that passage!"

Bofeng Shuimen bowed his head and replied, "Where is the duty, Lei Luojun, you are too polite."

Then Lei Luo arranged the affairs of the village, and Tsunade was called to the top plate by Relo, and he couldn't help but complain a few more words, and then Lei Luo followed the Wave Feng Shui Gate to the location of the spatial passage.

Looking at the blue lake in front of him, Lei Luo felt a hint of familiarity, and it seemed that this place should be the place.

Then, Relo jumped directly into the lake.

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