"Lei Luojun, you're back!"

Xi Rihong looked at Lei Luo who walked in from outside, very happy.

After all, after Xiao Mirai's birthday banquet, Lei Luo went out with something, and this time it was a day and a night, and it still made people a little worried.

The three women in the room heard the red voice and all walked out.

"Lei Luojun, you're finally back, it's okay!"

Lin circled around Relo a few times, and did not find anything injured in Relo, so she let go of her heart.

Lei Luo touched Lin's head and said, "Don't worry, I don't have anything to worry about."

Then looked at Kaguya and asked, "How about the little future?"

With a gentle smile on her face, Kaguya said softly: "She just slept in the future, and she is still quite peaceful."

Rin said, "That's right, the future is much more secure than when Naruto was a child."

"Hahaha, that's good!" Relo said with a big laugh.

But Xi Yan suddenly covered Lei Luo's mouth and said softly: "Lei Luojun, you whisper, don't wake up the future." A

trace of helplessness appeared in Leiluo's eyes, there was a future in the family, his status seemed to have declined somewhat, and these four wives did not care about themselves as much as before.

But after all, it was his own daughter, how could Lei Luo eat his daughter's vinegar.

Lei Luo did not make any more noise, and followed the four women into the house.

"It's okay, you all go back to your room first, I'll go see Xiao Mira."

Lei Luo said to the three daughters of Hong, Xiyan, and Lin.

After listening to Leiluo's words, the third girl nodded obediently and returned to her room.

Relo, on the other hand, came to Kaguya's room with Kaguya.

Lei Luo looked at the future lying asleep in the cradle, his face full of tenderness.

At this moment, Datumu Kaguya lowered his voice and whispered to Lei Luo: "Lei Luojun, are they coming?" "

Because of the fear of waking up Xiao Miku, Kaguya's voice is very low, and if it weren't for Relo's developed hearing, he might not be able to hear what Kaguya said.

When Lei Luo heard this, he knew that the "they" Kaguya said were the three of them, and then he pulled Kaguya to the bedside, away from the cradle of Little Mirai.

Then said to Kaguya: "That's right, the big tube of wood peach style they are already here!" A

look of anxiety appeared on Kaguya's face when she heard this, now because she had just given birth to the future, her state had not yet returned to the strongest time.

I didn't expect that they would come at this time, it seems that this is fate.

Kaguya was about to say something when he heard Relo say again: "But don't worry, the three of them have been solved by me!"

Kaguya was stunned for a moment, and said with some stammering, "Lei... Lei Luojun, you... What did you say?! "

Peach-style they've been solved by you?!"

I have been afraid for so many years, and I still think of relying on the number of people to drag them down by creating the White Absolute Legion through the infinite moon reading.

Unexpectedly, in this day's work, the three of Tao-style were solved by Leiluo!

Lei Luo reached out and hugged Kaguya tightly in his arms, feeling her somewhat trembling body, gently stroking her back, and said gently: "It's okay, you don't have to worry anymore, Momo-Shiki is already dead."

"The Otsukimoto family will not know about you anymore, you are already free!"

Under Leiluo's caress, Kaguya slowly calmed down, and couldn't help but cry with some joy.

After so many years, I finally got rid of the life of worry and fear.

Kaguya buried his head in Relo's arms, feeling the temperature of Relo's chest, and felt an indescribable reassurance.

Feeling Leiluo's breath, Kaguya fell asleep in Leiluo's arms like this.

Relo looked at Kaguya, who fell asleep in his arms, gently put it on the bed, and then lay down next to Kaguya and slept together.

After all, the battle with the three of Peach is very tiring, although there is nothing physical, but the mental exhaustion still needs to rest well to relieve recovery.


After solving the threat of the three of Otsuki Momo, it seems that the already unified ninja world has finally entered true peace.

The shadow of war gradually faded away from people, and the ninja world changed with each passing day, entering an era of rapid development.

This is ten years later!

The concept of a ninja village is no longer available in the ninja world, and ninjas have become an official military formation.

And the five major ninja villages that originally trained ninjas have now become the five major ninja academies.

Of course, because of the historical legacy, the strongest among the five major academies must be Konoha Academy.

As early as four years ago, Relo had abdicated and ceased to be the chairman of the Standing Committee of Wano Country, and the new chairman was replaced by Relo's righteous son, Naruto Uzumaki.

Although Naruto Uzumaki did not become the seventh generation Hokage he had in mind after all, he became the second generation Hokage with a higher status than Hokage!

And this twenty-year-old Naruto has the ability to hold this position under the cultivation of Relo and Watergate, which allows Relo to retire with confidence.

After Relo retired, in order to avoid boredom and to take care of his daughter, he became the director of Konoha Academy.

In the same year, the six-year-old Miyakura entered Konoha Academy and embarked on the path to becoming a ninja.

And now ten years old in the future, the strength has surpassed the middle patience, it can be said that it can barely be regarded as upper patience, and even in the state of opening the reincarnation eye and the reincarnation writing wheel eye, he can briefly use the power of the shadow level.

Today, it was the time for another freshman in Konoha Academy, and this time there were a few more children among the freshmen who made Relo pay attention.

Naruto's son Boruto Uzumaki, Nijuko's daughter, Uchiha Zorana, and other imps who Relo has an impression, and there is also Relo's youngest son Lei Ming.

Lei Ming is the youngest son of Lei Luo and Nohara Rin, for some reason, Lei Luo has worked hard for so many years, and there are only these two children, and Hong and Xiyan have not moved.

However, Lei Luo did not force it, and all this went with the flow.

But Lei Ming does not have such good qualifications as in the future, after all, Lin is just an ordinary ninja, that is, his physique is slightly special, and he is suitable for becoming a human pillar force.

But fortunately, Lei Ming still inherited Lei Luo's light attribute Chakra, and Lei Luo also found that there was still a hidden power in Lei Ming's body, which should be the power of the Great Buddha form of Everyone's Fruit.

These are enough to thunder to become a strong person in the future!

Just after Relo, as the principal, took the stage to preside over the entrance ceremony of the new students and made a speech, he returned to his office.

And there is already a man waiting for him in the office.

"Watergate, long time no see!" Lei Luo looked at Bofeng Shuimen and greeted with a smile.

But Lei Luo found that there was a trace of sadness wrapped around Bofeng Shuimen's eyebrows, it seems that Watergate came not just to send Borren this time, it should be an accident!

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