At such a close distance, the cold bullet cut through the air, and the hit was almost inevitable, even if you were a natural Devil Fruit ability, you couldn't help it, because these bullets were special weapons developed by the arms dealer.

"How is this possible!"

The black bear exclaimed, his eyes in disbelief.

However, at a distance of less than two meters, Lei Luo actually caught all the bullets with his bare hands!

"A product of Victor's industry?"

Feeling the familiar smell of gas inside the shell, Lei Luo smiled and understood why he could smell a strange smell on the two pirate ships outside before.

"You know Lord Victor, it seems that you were also involved in the eradication of Oslia in the first place."

The already angry black bear heard Lei Luo mention Victor, and the anger in his heart was even more difficult to soothe.

The weapons sold are so effective that they are against the sky, and the price is favorable, and such a conscientious arms dealer will actually be eliminated by the Navy, which is as uncomfortable as a black bear who is a frequent visitor of Victor like having his arm cut off.

"I'm a little hungry, you'd better be honest and don't move."

Relo turned away, turned his back to the black bear, and actually ordered food to the tavern owner.

That's a black bear, a super strong criminal with a bounty of 200 million Baileys, Lei Luo actually dared to provoke so much in front of him.

This navy is finished.

Whether it was the viper or the rest of the tavern, they all sighed deep down.

"Go and die, stinky boy!"

At this time, the black bear stood up, like a small black tower, picked up a chair next to it and smashed it at the back of Leiluo's head, leaving no spare effort.

"Why do people in this year want to die so much?"


Lei Luo didn't even turn his head, just raised his hand and pointed back, and a golden laser instantly shot out from his fingertips, piercing the chair, the chest of the black bear, and the wall behind him in turn, and between the three, a void appeared that could see the street outside.

"Boss, you take his head, even if it is my meal money, there is still a compensation fee for you."

Relo never looked back, but the black bear's heart had stopped beating forever.


The people in the tavern gasped, what is the origin of this navy, why does it have such a strong strength at a young age!

"Hey, where are you going?"

Relo dragged his chin with his hand and looked playfully at the viper who had quietly walked to the door of the tavern.

"Adult, please let me go, the little one will definitely listen to you in the future!"

This viper was also decisive, and just sounded Lei Luo's voice in his ears, and immediately knelt on the ground with five bodies, without the slightest bit of a hundred and ninety million Bailey-level sea thief.

Just kidding, what is a deck? What is face again? Can these things be eaten as food?

In the eyes of the viper, as long as he can survive, let alone kneel, even if Lei Luo asks him to eat, he can eat it all without drinking a sip of water.

"A good one who can flex and stretch, if you are in my hometown, you must be a great hero!"

Looking at the poisonous snake that did not raise his head, Relo's mind came up with the famous allusion to the humiliation of the crotch.

However, it is a pity that the world where the viper is located is a world that believes in the law of the jungle, and the fist is not big enough, even if you can endure the humiliation, it is not of the slightest use.

"Well, you play a game with me, if you win, I should have never seen you, but if

you lose..." "If I lose, I will make you a cow and a horse!"

"It's quite clever, but I don't need a slave, if you lose, just cut yourself off."


Listening to Leiluo's words, the viper's heart gurgled, but he still agreed to Leiluo's request, after all, no matter how he said it, he had a one-half chance of survival, and it was worth gambling.

For the snake's mind to turn quickly, Lei Luo really admired in his heart, but the pirate is a pirate, the navy is the navy, and it is absolutely impossible for him to leave here alive today.

"I ask you three questions, and if you can answer them correctly, then you can go."

Relo was also very direct and directly said his own problems.

"First question, how many suns are there?"


"Correct answer, second question, how many moons are there?"

"Or 1?"

"It's pretty clever."

Leiluo's praise made the viper breathe a sigh in his heart, it seems that this naval lord is quite good to talk to, as long as you put down your son to please him, it is not a matter of survival.

"The third question, how many stars are there in the sky?"

With Relo's third question blurted out, the smile on Viper's face stopped abruptly.

How many stars are there? Who the fuck knows?

Even if he can say the accurate answer, if the navy in front of him does not know, he will think that his answer is wrong, and this question is clearly to cut himself off.

"Lord Navy, please, as long as you let me go, I will definitely be good in the future, and I will never go out to sea as a pirate again."

The viper hesitated, suddenly pounced and hugged Leiluo's thigh, frantically begging for mercy.

"It's a pity, I'm a man of his word, since you can't get your hands off, then I'll help you."

With a move in the air, the black bear's musket appeared in his hand, and the next moment it was pointed at the eyebrow of the viper.


"Is there no bullet? Count yourself lucky, get out.

Looking at the musket in his hand, Lei Luo frowned, his calf flicked, and the figure of the viper instantly flew outside the tavern.

"Thank you, Lord Navy, for sparing your life!"

Overjoyed, the viper climbed up from the ground and ran madly towards the sea.


Suddenly, a gunshot sounded, and the bullet passed through the back of the viper's head, piercing through his eyebrows, and taking his life.

"Sorry, I forgot to load just now."

Inside the tavern, Relo blew smoke at the muzzle, turned around and quietly waited for himself to order fried rice.

An hour later.

"Look, it's Relo, Relo is back!"

Among the warships on the way, a navy shouted with joy.

Tina, who heard the sound, looked at Relo who was unharmed and breathed a sigh of relief, while Smogg next to him had a dark face.

"Leiluo, do you know that coming back without completing the task is an absconding and will be sentenced!"

As soon as Relo landed, Smogg's voice rang out.

"What did Vice Admiral Smogg say?"

"Just you don't have a trace of blood on your body, and you also have a face to complete the task?"

"You think everyone is as weak as you."

Relo gave Smog a blank look, then smiled at Tina, and walked back to his room.

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