Hearing the burden of weak strength, Relo's mind suddenly appeared the crane-tailed boy with goggles, Uchiha Obito, the Konoha genius Kakashi who was awakened by his own slap.

Companions have always been the closest people around a person, and Relo always agrees with this.

"Do you know why Whitebeard is known as the strongest man in the world?"

Leiluo's voice suddenly came, surprisingly causing the force that was constantly repelling each other to stop abruptly, and the expression on the one-eyed face froze.

Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, if it weren't for the fact that the Devil Fruit ability was too powerful, how could he deserve this title!

"Don't mention that bastard with Whitebeard to me, if it weren't for him, I would never be like this!"

After being stunned for a few seconds, the one-eyed emotions exploded, endless anger engulfed his reason, and the whole person was like a crazy monster, about to destroy everything in front of him.

Fortunately, the few seconds just now bought enough time for Lei Luo to cast the time of the shadow doppelganger.

"I tell you, Whitebeard has always guarded his children, and he never sees his children as a burden because of their weakness, this is the real gap between you and him!"

"Boy, the old man has experienced more things than you have eaten salt, and it is not your turn to point fingers in front of the old man, and now you have been sentenced to death!"

Finally, the last peace in the one-eyed heart was broken by Lei Luo's stimulation, and in his consciousness, the young man in front of him who seemed to be able to manipulate light must be buried in the sea to relieve the hatred in his heart!

"Oh? Do you think you really have the power to kill me? The

sudden sound behind him made the one-eyed face change greatly, and he didn't understand how the young man who was still standing on the deck of the naval warship at this moment could do what he was doing now.

For a person to have the ability of a doppelganger, it is completely in the one-eyed knowledge blind zone, after all, even the yellow ape has not developed this level of terrifying ability, what can this little devil in his early twenties do in front of him.

"You have to be confident and firm in your ideas, like looking back at me."

Leiluo's voice sounded again, like a heavy hammer smashed into the one-eyed chest.

The existence of being able to kill the North Sea Giant Demon and showing that his combat power is definitely not to be underestimated.

Fortunately, a person is okay, the one-eyed thinks that he will not be weaker than Leiluo, but if it is two Leiluo, first put aside his blind spot because of his eyes, just two masters with a common heart join forces, it is no longer as simple as 1+1.


I saw that the one-eyed face sank, with him as the center, the air within a radius of one meter first shrank visibly with the naked eye, and then stretched out sharply, and the explosive force generated by the rapid change of the trajectory was like a collision of nine bulls, two tigers killing each other, just a face, and Lei Luo flew a hundred meters.

A bit of a familiar feeling.

I don't know why, the ability of the one-eyed fruit Lei Luo always felt that he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it all of a sudden.

"Heaven for God!"

The one-eyed left hand is held in the air, and the black dots that appear in the palm of the palm are like black holes between the Milky Way, with a powerful power to attract everything.

Lei Luo was motionless in place at the moment, as if he was remembering something, although at this time the shot would be said to take advantage of the danger, but in the eyes of the one-eyed, this is obviously called opportunity!

That is, as the saying goes, take advantage of your illness to kill you.

"Shinra Tenzheng! Vientiane Heavenly Lead! At

the moment when the shadow doppelganger shattered, Lei Luo, who was standing on the warship, suddenly remembered the familiar power in his memory.

That's right, the power given to him by the devil fruit devoured by the one-eyed eye was like the heavenly path in Payne's six realms.

"Haha, interesting."

Faced with this ability that he was extremely familiar with, a smile appeared on Leiluo's face.

The ability that the reincarnation eye gives to the host, how can the Jiugou jade reincarnation write the reincarnation eye without it?

I don't know what the reason is, even if he has now killed one of Leiluo's doppelgängers, but the one-eyed can't be happy.

In his eyes, Lei Luo's eyes looking at him at this moment were like the most gifted senior brother among the senior brothers taught by the same master, and he looked at the little junior brother who was not perfect.

"Little ghost, I think well, I won't kill you, but I will gouge out your eyes, pick off your tendons, and then throw you to a country casually, so that you will be ridiculed every day!" Hehehe, just thinking about it makes people excited. "

He is the strong of the old generation of pirates, the sea pirate of the same era as the One Piece King Roger, the strongest man Whitebeard, and now he is so despised by a new generation of navy, and the cruelty in the one-eyed heart has broken out again.

"I've figured out your abilities, and... Heavenly lead!

Between the words, Leiluo's eyes had turned scarlet, and he slowly raised his hand, and there was an unstoppable suction force in his palm.

This move is called Shenluo Tianzheng, but it is called Tianluo by Lei Luo, and as for the reason, it is naturally to mock the one-eyed.

Feeling this familiar power, the one-eyed pupil shrank to the extreme, and he couldn't figure out why his ability was copied.

Could it be said that Leiluo's fruit ability can replicate the ability of others?

However, copying is copying, why does his suction force be even stronger than his own!

"Ground Burst!"

The one-eyed man who flew towards Lei Luo hurriedly raised his right hand and released the reverse thrust with all his strength, because he saw that in front of Lei Luo's body, a long knife with a cold breath had appeared, and the tip of the knife was facing his throat!

"Whew! Call! Call! The

one-eyed man who struggled to stabilize his figure gasped, and the cold sweat on his back wet his clothes, at this moment, his eyes looking at Lei Luo were no longer the disdain of the old strong when they saw the newcomer, but the horror of humans when they saw ghosts!


A thought suddenly appeared in One-Eyed's mind.

As a sea thief of the previous era, he will be frightened by the new generation and flee.

Instead of letting the world laugh like this and become a laughing stock after dinner, it is better to fight to the death!

But can you really win?

The ability he was proud of, Lei Luo was stronger than himself, and he also had a light system ability similar to the yellow ape fruit, plus the long knife that fused cold qi and killing intent.

How is it possible to win? The only way to stay is death!

The one-eyed man who was hesitant in his heart did not even dare to look up at the scarlet eyes of the teenager, and at this time, he felt helpless like never before.

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