"Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy!"

The figure fell into the real ice and fire island, feeling the real touch of the earth under his feet, and Leiluo's view of the yellow ape changed somewhat.

Just when the two attacked each other, the yellow ape actually took the opportunity to set up a golden light mirror in the sky, and then used the refraction of light to innuendo the illusion of Ice and Fire Island in front of the two.

Perhaps this trick has no effect on most navies, but it is the most effective for Leilo, who has never been to Ice and Fire Island.

The feeling of heat and coldness coming from the real Ice and Fire Island and the other direction was so real, coupled with the phantom, this mirage really deceived Leiluo's eyes.

The yellow ape is too dependent on the ability of the shining fruit, Lei Luo has long learned that he has always thought that the yellow ape relies on the strength of the fruit's ability, but now he really understands that the so-called dependence is just that the yellow ape is too deep in the development of the fruit's ability.

"Hey, boy, Ice and Fire Island is half fire and half ice, don't you feel that your feet are no different from ordinary dirt?"

At this moment, after the yellow ape in front of Lei Luo's eyes laughed, the figure turned into golden light and dissipated.

Lei Luo, who suddenly thought of something, raised his head again, but found that the golden light mirror in the sky slowly began to dissipate at this time.

Played again!

Looking at the islands that gradually turned green around him, the flames of anger in Lei Luo's heart burned.

He didn't expect that the yellow ape actually set up two mirages in succession, the first was an illusion, and the second was an illusion that covered the physical object.

Lei Luo raised his hands, and tens of thousands of tiny beams of light continued to converge, extending at his wrist, gradually forming the appearance of a spear.


Driven by emotions, Lei Luo slammed into the ground under his feet, his figure shot out, and the sharpness of the light spear in front of his arms even faintly cut the space and slaughtered towards the yellow ape.

"Wow, that's terrifying!"

Looking at Lei Luo, who had already rushed to kill in front of him in a breath, the yellow ape looked terrified and scared on the surface, but there was no sign of dodging.

The light spear crossed and fell, and the yellow ape's body that was cut in half did not have a drop of blood flowing out, but turned into an aurora like daylight, which temporarily blinded Lei Luo for a while.


Seeing the sudden warning from the domineering spirit, Lei Luo forcibly stopped his unfinished offensive and blocked the light spear behind him with his backhand.


The shrill voice sounded, and I don't know when it appeared in the hands of the yellow ape behind Lei Luo, and the Tiancong Cloud Sword and the Light Spear collided impressively, and the brutal force instantly made Lei Luo's figure sink.

The terrifying high temperature emitted by the lava on the ground slapped on Lei Luo's face, but Lei Luo smiled slightly.

"Yellow Ape, do you think that only you have been calculating?"

The same Tiancong Cloud Sword suddenly appeared in front of the yellow ape's throat, and behind him was Lei Luo, who was holding the sword in his backhand.

"Is it a doppelganger again?"

The yellow ape watched the figure below him turn into golden light and float, but there was no half shock on his face, as if all this had always been in his control.


In the air, countless light projectiles suddenly appeared, overwhelmingly smashing into the ground, instantly stirring up bursts of lava splashes.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lei Luo turned into light and shadow and rushed into the cold ice area in the distance.

You ask, why didn't Lei Luo directly strike to solve the yellow ape?

You have to remember that the current Lei Luo is not yet armed with color domineering, in addition, who said that the yellow ape that was countered by him must be the body?

"Boy, remember, emotions can affect a person's judgment!"

Above the firmament, the previous golden light mirror fused together, and the yellow ape's body officially appeared.

In the battle between Relo and Gejies yesterday, the yellow ape already knew that Relo had the ability to have a doppelganger, and as a veteran who had been in the battlefield for a long time, he naturally would not forget this.

At this moment, if anyone was present, they would definitely not be excited about the mutual calculation between the two, because their fight was too fast!

It was so fast that from Lei Luo condensing the light spear to the appearance of the yellow ape body, it took not even a second.

This is the battle between light and light, absolutely extremely fast battle!

"Yellow Ape, this bastard, has been playing with me since the beginning of affecting my mentality, it seems that I haven't fought with the strong for too long, and my state of mind has regressed."

Lei Luo, who was hiding in an ice cellar, used the low temperature of the solid ice to ease the anger in his previous heart.

It is necessary to remain calm during the battle, especially when facing a strong enemy, because of the weakness of the opponent in the North Sea, Lei Luo's state of mind is unconsciously a little inflated, which will lead to the situation of Fang Cai.

"Hey, hey, found you!"

Suddenly, the yellow ape's lewd face appeared in front of Leiluo's eyes, almost close to his face.

This is the speed of light, even if you search the entire island of ice and fire, it is only a matter of seconds.


Two fists that were also wrapped in golden light collided, and the power emitted instantly shook the entire ice cellar to collapse, and the two lights and shadows jumped high into the air and faced each other.

"Although you seem annoying, I have to say that I should thank you for teaching me a lesson."

Lei Luo did not make a rash move as before, but thanked the yellow ape.

"As a navy, these are all things that the old man should do, and in the future, the old man will not show mercy to his subordinates!"

"That Yellow Ape General should be careful!"

Lei Luo and the yellow ape looked at each other and smiled, and the two lights and shadows collided again above the sky.

A warship outside of Fire and Ice Island.

"This kid's future achievements are definitely above the three of us."

Akainu, who had seen everything that had just happened, said that he valued Lei Luo more and more.

"Borusalino is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but depending on the situation, the battle between the two of them will not end for a while."

Fuji Hu smiled slightly, he had also personally learned the true strength of the yellow ape.

"Ah~ Since it can't be over for a while, then go back and wait for the result, Fuji Tora, remember to call me later."

The green cow in green robes yawned, lay casually on the deck, and fell asleep.

"Back to headquarters."

For this attitude of the green bull, the red dog did not say much, after all, compared to the yellow ape who clocks in and out on time every day, the green bull is usually more lazy, once there is a task, it is always the first to rush.

"Leiluo, let the old man see how deep you are hiding."

Looking back at the dazzling two golden rays on Ice and Fire Island, Chi Inu murmured in his mouth.

Chi Inu firmly believes that this kid of Lei Luo, if properly trained, will definitely be the next marshal of the navy in the future!

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