Seeing that Sand Yin has fallen into the downwind in an all-round way, I think that Konoha's action this time should be a great success.

But at this time, in the Shayin camp, someone still made a move after all, stopping Bofeng Shuimen and Leiluo.

"Donor, spare the people and spare the people, please let these people go!" The person who shot was an old monk.

Bo Feng Shuimen saw the person who made the move, but raised his vigilance, "Fenfu, I didn't expect you to be here." "

Divide the blessing, the pillar power of the person who guards the crane. The words "heart" and "receive" are written on both hands (together they are "love", which is immediately written on the forehead of my love Luo), which believes that people's hearts long for mutual acceptance. Shouhe said that he was very similar to the Six Dao Immortals, and this evaluation also made him feel quite relieved and moved to tears.

But in the ninja war, countries have an agreement that they cannot easily dispatch the tailed beast, the tailed beast is like a nuclear weapon, mainly to play a deterrent role, and now the village of Shayin actually let the blessing come to the battlefield, violating this agreement.

"Donor, these people are no threat to you, please let these people go." Fenfu said.

"This is war! If it were your Sand Hidden Village, would you let us Konoha go?!" The big snake pill who appeared at an unknown time suddenly spoke up, "Leave the blessing to me, you continue to fight." Fenfu

clasped his hands together and sighed lowly: "Alas, it seems that there is no way, it still depends on you." Immediately

after his hands were sealed, "the art of false sleep", Fenfu fell asleep directly, and countless sand appeared outside his body to wrap him, and finally formed a huge tanuki with a violet pattern.

As soon as the tanuki appeared, its momentum was fierce, setting off countless winds and sands.

"Ahahaha, Uncle Ben finally came out, don't worry, old man, I will kill all these people!"

The tanuki that appeared was none other than Ichigo Morizuru!

Looking at the crane that appeared in front of him, the big snake pill had a solemn expression, and the tailed beast was not so easy to deal with.

The big snake pill flipped the knot seal with both hands and pressed it on the ground, "psychic art".

"Boom" A burst of smoke, a purple-striped giant python more than 50 meters long suddenly appeared, looking hideous, "Big snake pill, why did you call me out again, this time I want two hundred sacrifices!" "

This giant python is the psychic beast of the Great Snake Pill, which comes from the "Dragon Land Cave", one of the three holy places, called Ten Thousand Snakes.

The big snake pill waved his arm and said lightly: "Don't talk nonsense, go up and entangle him for me, people from Shayin Village, you can eat as much as you want!" Ten

Thousand Snakes looked at the target pointed at by the big snake pill, and suddenly startled, "What the hell, it turned out to be Shouhe!"

"As soon as it comes out, give me such a tricky target, Great Snake Pill, this time I want five hundred sacrifices!"

After speaking, he swam directly towards the crane, and the huge body in the swimming room directly rushed away the tents on both sides, and Shayin was suddenly killed and injured.

Shouhe looked at the ten thousand snakes rushing over, his expression was disdainful, and when he opened his mouth, a "practice empty bullet" hit ten thousand snakes.

The wind roared, and even ten thousand snakes did not dare to make a hard connection, but flexibly dodged it.

The "practice of aerial bombs" made a deep hole in the ground.

Seeing this, the big snake pill directly sealed the seal and released two ninjutsu in a row.

"Fire. The Art of Dragon Fire

" "Wind Escape. The big breakthrough "The

wind fueled the fire, and the fire borrowed the power of the wind, and suddenly formed a sea of fire and burned towards Shouhe."

However, a huge tanuki-like shield condensed by sand instantly appeared in front of Shouhe, "absolute defense", and the flames hit the shield, but it only burned it red, and did not cause any damage to Shouhe.

"Haha, abominable human, do you only have this ability?" Shouzuru laughed wantonly.

But the big snake pill did not take care of Shouhe, "Tudun. Huangquan Marsh", directly releasing the earth dun ninjutsu, turning the land under Shou Tsuru into a huge mud swamp.

The huge Morizuru was instantly sucked into the mud and fell down.

"Tu Duan. Rock Pillar Prison" In an instant, several rock pillars rose from the ground and appeared beside Shou Tsuru, controlling him.

Ten Thousand Snakes also took this opportunity to wrap directly around Shouhe.

"Damn guys!" Shouhe struggled wantonly, his expression was furious, but it was difficult to get rid of it for a while.

I saw Shouhe open his mouth wide, and Chakra condensed in his mouth, forming a black energy ball, and then spit it out to his feet.


There was a loud bang, and gunsmoke filled the air.


Ten thousand snakes roared, and their flesh and blood were blurred.

"Orochimaru, don't forget my offerings!"

Then the "boom" disappeared and went back to Longdi Cave to recuperate.

A hollow also appeared on Shouhe's body, but it was quickly covered with sand again and recovered as before.

Shouhe's attack just now was none other than "Tailed Beast Jade".

Tailed beast jade, is the biggest meaning of the tailed beast, is the tailed beast to change its chakra form to the extreme, and in the ratio of yin and yang 2:8 mixed and compressed into a super dense ball in the mouth, and then released in one breath, producing earth-shattering destructive power.

Shouhe was just limited by the ninjutsu of the big snake pill and the ten thousand snakes, and it was difficult to get rid of, so he could only use the tailed beast jade under his feet to get rid of it by losing both.

But after Shouhe's blow to the tailed beast jade, the Shayin camp was directly destroyed, with countless deaths and injuries, and the Kratou Mountain was punched into a big hole, and the mountain shook. The mission of the dark department such as Wave Feng Shui Gate and Relo was completed, but Konoha's ninja also suffered a lot of losses in the attack just now.

The huge sore spot of the injury had already made Morizuru go crazy, and it no longer had any scruples and attacked everywhere, causing great casualties to the ninjas on both sides.

A golden light flashed, and the wave feng shui gate appeared beside the big snake pill.

"Lord Orochimaru, you can't let Shouzuru attack like this anymore." Bo Feng Shuimen spoke, "Let's join forces to attack, restrain him, find out the blessings in his body, and then I will use the sealing technique to reseal him!" "

The big snake pill is naturally not the kind of person who does not know the overall situation, and eternal life is his pursuit, not a momentary hero.

Listening to Watergate's words, he nodded.

With a seal in his hand, countless snakes appeared in the "Array of Ten Thousand Serpents", surrounding the Shouhe, and the dense snake group could make the dense phobia die on the spot.

Shouhe constantly attacks, and new snakes continue to appear, which finally limits Shouhe again.

Shouhe was preparing to do the same, and opened his mouth again to release the tailed beast jade.

But he was hit by a spiral pill that appeared in an instant.

After all, Bofeng Shuimen sensed the location of the blessing in Shouhe's body, and directly fired a spiral pill again to break through Shouhe's defense, pulling the blessing out, and then a flying thunder god technique left the battlefield.


波風水門fingers flipped, and the sealing technique "Four Elephant Seal" learned from his girlfriend Vortex Jiu Shinnai was pressed on Fenfu.

"Aaaaa!!a Shouhe let out an unwilling roar, but in vain, the sand covered on his body kept falling, and finally returned to the body of the blessing and was resealed.

Looking at the dissipated Shouhe, the Great Snake Pill and the Wave Feng Shui Gate, which had consumed a lot, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Be careful!"

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