"Ah! I'll kill you! Straw Hat Luffy, I'm going to kill you! "

Auntie, who has completely lost her mind, frantically destroys everything around her, even the crew under her command, without exception, while being twisted into powder, the soul is swallowed by Auntie.


It seems that Cangtian felt the anger of his aunt and chose to cover himself with dark clouds, rolling thunder and earth fire instantly appeared, and the downpour fell abruptly, and the whole cake island looked like hell.

"It's not good, my Golden Light Spell can't defend against soul attacks!"

In Susano's heart, Relo looked at the several milky white souls that appeared in the air, and his face became gloomy.

That's the life of the Straw Hats!

"That's it, you guys just stay in Susano."

Lei Luo raised his hand and grabbed it, and the strong suction force of his palm instantly collected those souls into Susano, and his body was surrounded by a cloud of ghostly phosphorous fire.

Seeing the mighty thundercloud Zeus and the sun Prometheus, Napoleon in the two-horned hat was not to be outdone, and immediately changed into the form of a giant sword, appearing in the hands of the aunt, and the sword body was entangled with infinite flames.

The emperor's sword breaks the blade!

The aunt holding the divine weapon still only sees Luffy who is fighting with Katakuri in the distance, and for Relo, who is currently blocking her, she can only kill her!

The flame giant sword mixed with thunder roared, and where the blade passed, everything was in half!

In the face of such an attack, Lei Luo did not choose to dodge, but grinned, because on the ground, a light blue cang Yan appeared on many corpses, which was the accumulation of corpse qi.

"Corpse Qi Nether Wave!"

With the sound of Leiluo's voice, he and his aunt suddenly disappeared in the eyes of everyone, and they didn't know where they went.

Here, there is only a gray, black and white area, only a steady stream of sorrow in the ears, and when you look up, it is even more depressed, and you can't find a trace of life.

"This force ... This is my empire! Feeling

the souls floating around, Auntie's sanity is recovering little by little, and now she, even if she doesn't know where this place is, she won't have the slightest panic in her heart, because the soul fruit can make her devour these souls unscrupulously to make up for her lost power.

Here, she is the only emperor!

"Boy Leiluo, although I am very grateful for bringing me to this place, you still can't escape death!"

Aunt smiled sinisterly, in her heart, she had already thought about depriving Lei Luo of her life to only three days, and then silently watched this heavenly pride being ruthlessly trampled on that old body in her most glorious moment.

Provoking the four emperors, the end is definitely more terrifying than death!

However, in the face of Auntie's threat, Lei Luo did not have the slightest fear, quietly suspended in the air, casually playing with the soul in front of him.

"I didn't bring you here to let you speak to me in this gesture, even if you are the real emperor here!"

As soon as the words fell, the souls wandering in Leiluo's fingertips instantly wailed.

"You are just the emperor of the soul, and I am the god who rules everything here! One thought of dispersing and reviving all things is my unique power! "

The next moment, the sky in Lei Luo's hands burned, white smoke rose, and his soul was completely shattered!

Seeing this scene, Aunt just chuckled on the surface, but deep in her heart, there were emotions that had not appeared in decades.

Fear comes from the fear in the depths of the soul, from the fear of the soul emperor!

"You are just a newcomer, what qualifications do you have to make a big deal in front of this emperor! Emperor Sword Soul Thirsty! "

The moment Aunt raised the giant sword in her hand above her head, countless souls seemed to feel the call of the king, and they rushed into it one after another, and a long sword that plunged straight into the sky appeared with various faces.

"Go and die, Relo! The emperor's sword soul is extinguished! "

With the swing of the giant sword, the soul within a radius of ten miles disappeared overnight, and this space was filled with countless negative emotions, all of which caged towards the defenseless Lei Luo, wanting to completely suppress it!

Auntie could feel that the souls attached to Napoleon in the two-horned hat were desperately burning their remaining power, in order to launch a devastating supreme blow to the man who claimed to be the emperor!

Among the beasts, the one with the strongest strength will be worshipped as the king of the beast, but in front of the gods, this is just a lowly and lowly barbarian creature, and it is not worth mentioning at all, just as now with only two fingers, he steadily took the giant sword that slashed towards him, without any waves on his face.


Auntie looked at everything in front of her in disbelief, she didn't want to believe that someone could take this sword of her so easily, let alone that person actually relied on the strength between her fingers to make her unable to break free.

This is not the fear of falling into the mud, but the despair of being crushed by Tarzan!

"As I said, I am the god here!"

Lei Luo flicked his fingers, and the dark and deep Cang Yan spread along the knife body towards the aunt, and everywhere Cang Yan passed, all the souls dissipated, and there was only one living mouth, that is, the aunt who was desperately retreating!

Even if it was just a confrontation, Aunt instantly understood the gap between the two, this was an unbridgeable gap, a distance that could never be reached between weak human beings and the great gods.

Damn, you have to get out of here as soon as possible!

A strange thought kept driving Auntie's body, wielding a long sword against the open space on the side of her body.

"Next, let you see what the power of the true God is! Come! With

a majestic voice coming out of Lei Luo's throat, a long-lost tranquility appeared in the entire underworld.

However, before the storm, there is always absolute tranquility!

The next moment, Aunt only felt that the continent under her feet trembled violently, and endless souls in all directions hit like a tide, all of them crawling on the ground, their heads buried deep into the ground, and they did not dare to look directly at the figure who was filled with flames.

Hey? Why do I see my body?

Wait a minute, this is my soul!

Auntie never imagined that she, who was known as the toughest soul in the world, would leave her body so simply because of an order from the population.

At this moment, Auntie looked at the blue figure in the air, and there was no contempt in her eyes, some, just a thick jealousy!

"I am the god in charge of the soul, the sole ruler of hell, Hades!"

The ancient and ancient voice continued to echo in Auntie's ears, and all she could do was tremble, unstoppable trembling, trembling from the origin of the soul!

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