"Yax, Xiaoba, you two lead the troops to deal with Volley Rokuko and the others, and Yu no Hiru and Poison Q will be handed over to us white-bearded remnants!"

The two sides soon fought together completely, and only Relo and Kaido, who were the leaders, were still standing quietly in place, without the slightest intention of taking action.

At the moment, the island where the red-haired pirate group is located.

"Redhead, what is the relationship between you and the five old stars!"

A clown-dressed, funny-looking man grabbed the collar of the dignified red-haired Shanks and scolded angrily.

In the face of such a provocation, Shanks did not make a move, and even the cadres behind him retreated with a wry smile, even if the other party came alone.

"Bucky, calm down, let's sit down and talk, why do you want to do it as soon as you come up?"

The redhead smiled, not looking a little angry, but constantly calming the emotions of the man in front of him.

That's right, the person who came is Bucky, the clown, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty at the moment.

"Sit down and talk? I'm not in the mood to have a good chat with you, the world government has always been a place that Captain Roger hates, and you, as a person who inherited the captain's legacy, actually have a secret connection with the five old stars, how do you tell Lao Tzu to calm down! As

soon as the words fell, the overlord-colored domineering aura that roared out of Bucky's body was like substance, constantly impacting everyone's hearts.

At the same time, with him as the center, everything around him is cracked, and the gap is as smooth as a mirror.

High-level overlord color domineering plus Devil Fruit ability awakening, this is Bucky's true strength!

Perhaps in the eyes of the world, Bucky is just a jumping beam clown, weak and pitiful, the only thing worth noting is that he was once a midshipman on the ship of One Piece Roger.

However, for this red-haired best friend, only Renly and other seniors and the cadres of the red-haired pirate group know that this clown who makes fun of everyone is all pretending, and his combat power has never slowed down the redhead in the slightest.

As for what was defeated by Luffy, who had just gone to sea, who did not know that this was just acting.

For this little devil chosen by his best friend, in addition to temptation, escorting him is Bucky's real purpose, otherwise why did he always appear in the road of the Straw Hats in the early stage.

"You should remember the captain's rival Rocks, who he defeated with Cap at that time."

As the name Rocks came out of the redhead's mouth, Bucky was stunned for a moment before releasing the hands that were clutching his collar and motioning for the redhead to continue.

"I got the news that he is not dead and is now hiding among Draco."

"What? Why didn't you tell me about this kind of thing earlier!

"You are crazy and stupid by pretending to be stupid, and it took a lot of hard work to blend into the navy, if I go to find you, won't your plan be ruined!"

Speaking of this, the redhead gave Bucky a white glance and then continued.

"But then again, how is the intelligence gathering over there, and what is the ultimate goal of the world government?"

"Related to the three ancient weapons, the Hades warship is currently hidden in the capital of seven waters, the sea king is not a weapon, but the mermaid princess White Star, as for the last heavenly king..."

After some conversation, the faces of Bucky and the red-haired duo couldn't help but become serious.

"It seems that we need to go to the Revolutionary Army and the Alliance of Pacifists to win over allies."

After a little contemplation, the redhead spoke out his plan.

Ga! Ga! Ga!

Coincidentally, the carrier pigeon of Bucky Express flew at this moment, and the situation of its ups and downs made Bucky's face change suddenly.

"Shanks, don't act rashly, the world government and carte blanche took over the navy, and privately contacted the Hundred Beast Pirates to launch an attack on the Revolutionary Army and the Alliance of Pacifists."

Pacifist Alliance base.

The battle between the two sides has always been in a state of glue, and it is impossible to distinguish the victory and defeat in a short period of time.

On the side of the Hundred Beast Pirates, due to the numerical superiority of cadres, it has a slight advantage in high-level combat strength, while the Peace Alliance has gained an advantage in the low-level combat due to the increase in the holdings of all combat uniforms.

That is to say, in the current battlefield, as long as one of the high-level or low-level battles of the two sides wins, the battle situation will show a one-sided tendency until the two leaders who have the final victory and defeat are completely divided between the winners and losers.

"Little ghost, this place is too small to be opened, give you an empty island as a grave, what do you think?"

Kaido sneered, already having a definition of the final victory in this big battle in his heart.

If nothing else, just the battle between him and Relo, Kaido admits that he can't beat the peak powerhouses such as Whitebeard, Roger, and Karp in his heyday, but he is confident that they will not be able to kill him.

Lei Luo may also have the combat power of the four emperors, but in this aspect, it is enough to judge the level of the two.

"What do I think? Why don't I take you somewhere." As

soon as the words fell, the dark blue phosphorous fire appeared in Lei Luo's palm, and with a wave of his big hand, all the surrounding scenes completely disappeared, replaced by a lifeless area, Huangquan Birasaka!

"Is that why you and Lingling suddenly disappeared in the first place?"

Looking at the unfamiliar scene around him, Kaido, who could not feel the breath of his subordinates, did not panic for a moment, but smiled calmly.

This is because of his confidence in Akin!

Similarly, it was precisely because of the special ability of Akin Fruit that Relo, who was worried about what would happen, did not choose to go head-to-head with Kaido, which the latter is best at, but came to Huangquan Hirasaka.

If the body is invincible and undead, can your soul also be immortal?

"Accumulate corpse qi and burn the soul!"

Lei Luo glared angrily, and Kaido's body a few meters away suddenly burst into blue flames, this is a flame that ignores the body and directly attacks the soul, and it is the nemesis of all souls and undead.

One second, two seconds... One minute!

Sixty seconds passed, and Lei Luo's expression appeared solemn.

Even Aunt may not be able to hold out for a minute of flame, and it seems to have no effect on Kaido.

Wait a minute, it looks like something is wrong.

Lei Luo, who noticed some abnormalities, directly opened the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye, but the moment he opened his eyes to probe Kaido's body, the solemnity and incomprehension on his face turned into shock.

Kaido actually has no soul!

"Finally found out?"

Looking at Relo's appearance that he had never seen the world, Kaido smiled disdainfully.

After surviving countless ways of dying, how could he not have tried to directly disperse his soul.

It's just that I'm sorry that Kaido's soul, unlike ordinary people, is naturally completely integrated with his physical body.

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