In the endless void, the anxious Lei Luo tried his best to hurry, but in this extremely dangerous situation, the guidance of the World Pass still reached the end, and this was still a boundless void.

"Relo! Come back soon!

In a trance, Relo seemed to hear Tina's cry of endless despair and complete collapse.

"That direction!"

As the figure submerged into the void crack, the daylight-like aurora made it difficult for De Relo to open his eyes, and at the same time, a faint smell of blood wafted from his mouth and nose, and it became more and more intense.

Here, it is an extremely flat, mirror-like island, with no flowers and trees on it, just countless corpses and blood that is constantly poured into the sea.

The former Pacifist Alliance base, now hell on earth!

Seeing this scene, Lei Luo only felt an irresistible force violently crashing into his mind, and he could only barely endure the extreme dizziness, dragging his uncontrollable trembling body through every inch of land.

Anilu, Ember of Fire, Master Yi, Gerjes, Sanji, Perospero...

After seeing the familiar faces on one corpse after another, Lei Luo's mind seemed to have a violent storm, and the essence in his eyes also dissipated, replaced only by Mune.

Who's that? Is that...... Lei Jiu!

Finally, seeing another head that had completely disappeared from the lower jaw, Lei Luo only felt that everything around him was spinning, and now he was shaky, and even his figure could not be maintained.

"Tina, where is Tina, where are Tina..."

Relo, who walked forward in a muddle, kept whispering the name of the lover who had guided him back here.

This is the last light he keeps awake!

"Leiluo, why, why are you only coming back now, why, why?"

In the east of the island, Tina, as the only one who survived, stared blankly at the familiar figure that was getting closer and closer to her, and roared angrily.

All the misery she saw with her own eyes just now, only Lei Luo alone can save it, but where is he and why is he only coming back now!

"I don't know, I don't know why this happened, I don't know, I don't know..."

Plopped down on his knees in front of Tina, and the picture of hell he saw in the void kept in his mind.

He didn't know why he came back so late, he didn't know why he didn't choose to leave Kaido alone in Huangquan Birasaka, and he didn't know why he finally used the corpse qi that was enough to smash the space to be buried.

At this moment, the only thing he knows is that everyone is dead, even if it is Tina in front of him, it is just his own fantasy, and in the real reality, Tina has a thorough wound on her chest.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission and earning bonus god-level lottery points*1! The

sound of the system suddenly sounded, but Relo did not react at all.

In the judgment of the system, the person who finally won this big war was Relo.

However, in Leiluo's cognition, he lost, and it was a complete defeat!

"Green pheasant, you are waiting for me here, I am going to seize Leiluo's Devil Fruit ability!"

Above the sea far away, Tiki endured the severe pain and smiled at the pheasant, and above his chest, there was a sharp claw that cut through the wound left behind, and blood continued to drip down.

Tichy, who originally planned to take advantage of the fisherman, did not expect that Akin and Anilu would be so terrifying, if not for the two of them escaping quickly, I am afraid that now it would be just a cold corpse, lying on the island.

However, looking at Tichy's back, the green pheasant did not choose to stay, but rushed to the island one step ahead of him.

Others don't know, but the green pheasant, who is a naval spy, is clear that Kaido is not dead, he has long colluded with the five old stars, and left his heart in the world government, and that is Kaido's second life!

"Get out!"

At the moment when Tiqi and the green pheasant set foot on the island, a pure killing intent suddenly erupted in Leiluo's body, and his slightly thin back was like a god and demon in the eyes of the two.

Subconsciously swallowed his saliva, after hesitating in his heart, Tiqi still thought that his little life was more important, but just when he was about to pull the pheasant to escape, he found that the pheasant had already appeared in front of Leiluo.


"Pheasant, you're a fucking lunatic! Lao Tzu doesn't accompany you to fool around here! Seeing

that the green pheasant couldn't help but say, he actually raised his leg directly and kicked Leiluo's figure several meters away, and Tiqi directly turned into a black fog, and fled away at great speed without turning his head.

"Didn't I say it clearly enough, get out!"

The blind-eyed Relo walked up to Tina again and knelt down.

However, what awaited him was another kick.

"Do you know that Charlotte Lingling is recuperating on Skull Island, and Kaido is not dead yet!"

When Lei Luo came to kneel again, the green pheasant still kicked, but this time he hated iron and steel, and almost roared out these secrets.

"They don't die or nothing for me, for the last time, if you dare to disturb me again..."

Lei Luo's words did not fall, the green pheasant's furious fist fell like raindrops, today, he must wake up this self-willing fool!

In the blink of an eye, the eastern sun rose, and the warm sunlight shone on Lei Luo, who was still kneeling in front of Tina, who was still kneeling in front of Tina, and the panting green pheasant.

"People can't be resurrected from death, haven't you realized the painful lesson of this time? It is not you who caused all this tragedy, but the self-proclaimed god Draco, the five old stars, Im, and the world government! For

a night, the green pheasant kept persuading Lei Luo, but he was still this lost soul and was unmoved.

"I have a way to resurrect them."

Because of the sudden sound in his mind, Leiluo's figure shook violently, startling the green pheasant.

"Say, no matter what it takes, I'm willing!"

"Corpse Qi Transformation Spirit Wave, plus reverse Corpse Qi Underworld Wave."

The method given by the system was not of the slightest use in Leiluo's opinion.

Huangquan Hirasaka has been destroyed, and when the souls of everyone come into contact with that space, they will be detonated by the burial of corpses.

"Don't you even figure it out yet, the Yellow Spring Hirasaka that you blew up earlier is not the underworld of the pirate world."

"Then why didn't you say it all night?"

"It's not that the host didn't ask."

"I'm fucking... That's it!

Under the attention of the green pheasant, Lei Luo stood up and took a deep breath, and a blue flame emerged from his body, rising into the air, forming a huge blue vortex.

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