Purple Thunder's attitude was extremely arrogant, and he wanted to suppress Lei Luo with an air of self-respect in heaven and earth.

Coupled with the purple thunder and lightning that constantly traveled around him, it really gave the purple thunder a feeling that the thunder god was in the world.

However, Lei Luo is also very human, in the face of Zi Lei's arrogant attitude, Lei Luo turned a blind eye and opened his mouth lightly.

"You can help you break the chains of hell, as long as you can defeat me, or help me find a way to break the enchantment at the lowest entrance of hell."

"Hehe, so to speak, then we will inevitably have a fight first."

Purple Thunder had a smile on his face, his belligerent nature was aroused, and the purple thunder and lightning on his body were victorious! Forcing the Black Knife Asura who was standing beside him back into the distance.

"Boy, I appreciate your mentality, then let me Purple Thunder Uncle greet you well."

As he spoke, the purple thunder suddenly turned into a purple light and disappeared, and then a thunder explosion hissed into everyone's ears.

Looking at the disappearing purple thunder, Lei Luo chuckled, golden light appeared on his body, and then waved his hand and patted behind him.


Two bright lights, one gold and one purple, collided behind Lei Luo, and along with the purple electricity rushing around, the figure of purple thunder gradually revealed.

"Oh, it really surprised me to be able to see my movements."

"However, just now it was just a warm-up, and in the future, if you can still be so relaxed, I will promise you the latter condition on behalf of the Black Knife!"

With a smile on his face, Purple Thunder flew back into the air, and the purple thunder and lightning rushed around his body, scorching several stone pillars around him, and at the same time, Purple Thunder's eyes also projected purple light.

Judging by the situation, he has already turned on his horsepower and is ready to amplify his move.

"Thunder Judgment!"

As the purple thunder shouted, the purple thunder and lightning condensed in his body began to surge into the air, and finally turned into a heaven-splitting axe in the sky.

The axe-handled axe blade continuously released purple thunder in the air, slashing at the nearby stone pillars, splitting all the stone pillars that were hit into pieces.

"Boom !!"

In the sound of gravel falling to the ground, Purple Thunder made a downward chopping motion with both hands, and then, the purple sharp axe seemed to be controlled by it from a distance, and slashed towards the place where Lei Luo was with the momentum of just cracking the sky.

At the same time, Lei Luo also sensed the terrifying power contained in the purple sharp axe, the energy in the body urged, the complete version of the god and Buddha mode reappeared, a golden giant Buddha close to 50 meters appeared out of thin air in the center of the stone pillar, so huge that the surrounding red lotus and others were surprised for a while, and they jumped into the distance.

"Red Lotus, what is the origin of this person, this spiritual pressure... It turned out to be a few points stronger than Purple Thunder!

"Such a terrifying ability, and he is not wearing a death suit, and there is no void on his body, so he is definitely not the god of death or the great void, so what is he?"

Except for Red Lotus, the other two had all seen Lei Luo use the Divine Buddha Mode for the first time, so they were all shocked for a moment by the momentum released by Lei Luo.

"I don't know where he came from, the first time I noticed his existence was that he was using this ability to kill hell."

Standing with the two of Black Knife, Red Lotus did not hide it, in fact, he did not know the true origin of Leiluo.

"Listening to the blamers who later went to hell, there seems to be a kind of human being who can use the spirit son to attack and defend in this world, as if it is called the Exterminator Division, is this person some big man in the Exterminator camp?"

"It seems that the exterminator and the god of death are mortal opponents, although our hell is not under the control of the god of death, but the god of death and us are not the right way, I think as long as we can escape from hell, those gods of death will definitely find us trouble."

"Yes, the so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend, as long as the person in front of him is not the god of death, then we will not lose a cooperation with him."

"Everything is still waiting for him to fight with Purple Thunder, if his strength really exceeds Purple Thunder, then we can recognize him as a companion."

The black knife, who had not spoken, looked at Lei Luo, who turned on the God and Buddha mode, and spoke, without the slightest abnormality in his expression.

"Also, wait until the results of this battle come out."

Asura replied, and then all three of them looked at the place where Purple Thunder and Lei Luo were fighting.

I saw that in the giant Buddha, Lei Luo drank secretly, and then turned his palms to the sky, driving the god and Buddha mode to make a posture of supporting the sky, and in the body of the god and Buddha, countless golden rays poured out from Lei Luo's body, gathered on the hands of the god and Buddha, and did not avoid facing the sharp axe that fell in the air.



"Zi la la la..." Purple

thunder and golden points of light overflowed, instantly covering the space with a radius of nearly a thousand meters, countless stone pillars shattered and collapsed in it, and some of the blamers who were wandering around were smashed into meat mud, inexplicably becoming ghosts and entering the bottom of hell.

In this area, only three people escaped one by one.

One pillar said that it was naturally the entrance black pillar at the lowest level of hell, and the three were Black Knife, Shura, and Red Lotus.

The three of them saw the opportunity quickly, and at the moment of the attack and collision of the two sides of the battle, the strong ones had already keenly sensed the terrifying energy aftermath, so they immediately used a similar teleportation technique to retreat into the distance.

Originally, Red Lotus wanted to take Taijin and I Luya with him when he flew back, but his strength was really limited, and he couldn't ask for help from the black knife and Asura around him, and when he had more than enough heart, but his strength was not enough, he saw Taijin and I Luya die again in the aftermath of the collision between Lei Luo and Purple Thunder skills.

Fortunately, they only hit the aftermath of Leiluo's attack, otherwise, with Leiluo's full strength to exert the attack power of the god-Buddha mode, the chains of hell that bound them would definitely be broken, and by then, death would really not be resurrected.

After the energy aftermath dissipated, the golden giant Buddha incarnated by Lei Luo still did not dissipate, but the purple thunder in the air looked slightly embarrassed, and the purple thunder on his body was significantly weaker than before.

"Ahem..." "

It seems that my strength is still not good, returning to this world with such a posture, I am afraid that it is still difficult to escape the fate of being killed, instead of this, it is better to improve my strength in hell."

Zi Lei looked at the black knife and the others in the distance and showed a wry smile.

"This person's strength is very strong, I am not his opponent, we can follow his words and help him find a way to destroy the lowest stone pillar of hell."

"With his strength, he will definitely not fool us..." As

soon as he finished speaking, the purple thunder's body standing in mid-air began to slowly dissipate, and the chains tied to the purple thunder's body suddenly tightened, and then several chains suddenly flashed out in the void, binding the ghost limbs and waist exposed by the purple thunder.

Lei Luo fixed his eyes and looked closely, and found that at some point, behind the purple thunder, there was an extra huge portal carved with evil spirits and Shura, and at this time, the huge portal had opened a gap, and those chains that suddenly appeared were drilled out of the crack in the door.

"Gates of Hell!!"

The red lotus in the distance let out an exclamation, as if it saw something unbelievable.

"That's why I said that you are not qualified to bargain with us, will the gates of hell be revealed when you die?"

Seeing the appearance of the red lotus, Asura showed a mocking look.

Subsequently, under Shura's explanation, Lei Luo knew what this phenomenon represented.

This situation will only occur after the strength of the blamer reaches a certain level, like the Black Knife and Shura, this phenomenon will also occur when they die, as if it is a kind of strength recognition of the powerful blamer in hell.

"Wait for me to recover... Come back alive..." Purple

Thunder's voice was intermittent, and he was finally pulled into the gates of hell by several chains, from there, he would re-enter the bottom of hell to experience various devastation until he was resurrected.

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