And just like that, a week passed.

Lei Luo insisted on exercising physical skills every day, and also had a good gathering with Xi Rihong and Yue Xiyan, who returned to the village after completing the task.

Just as the so-called Xiao Beisheng is newly married, Lei Luo is also very happy to see the second daughter he has not seen for many days.

Although Lei Luo knows that Sunset Red and Yue Xiyan have lived until the finale in the original work, they are afraid of what butterfly effect will occur because of their arrival.

Only by seeing the safety of the two women with his own eyes could Relo be relieved.

After all, in this Hokage world, the two daughters are already the most important people in Lei Luo, who has no father or mother.

These days, Lei Luo has always had a faint feeling of being spied on, but Lei Luo has no special performance.

Lei Luo knew in his heart that peeping at him should be the "telescope technique" that the three generations of apes flying into the sun usually patrolled the village.

And Tuan Zang has not sent anyone to find him since he was intercepted halfway by Ape Flying Sun Chopping last time, and I don't know if Ape Fei Ri Chop said something to Tuan Zang.

But what shocked Relo the most was the death of Konoha White Fang, originally he thought that Kiki Shuo Shigeru did not die when Kakashi was a child, because of the butterfly effect, which had changed the original fate, but he did not expect to die in the same way as in the original book.

And after the death of Kiki Shuomao, the rumors in the previous Konoha village quickly disappeared without a trace, and the Konoha White Fang seemed to be forgotten, and no one in the village mentioned it again.

If Lei Luo hadn't seen Hong and Xiyan, I'm afraid it would have been a long time before he knew the news.

Although Kiki Shuo Shigeru committed suicide, with his past contributions to Konoha, he is still eligible to have his name engraved on the memorial tablet.

"Otherwise, go to the memorial monument to worship, how to say that Qimu Shuomao is a character I like very much in the original work." Lei Luo thought to himself.

The heart moved at will, and the body followed the heart, and Lei Luo went to the memorial monument, of course, before going, he did not forget to go to the flower shop of the Yamanaka family and buy a bouquet of white chrysanthemums.

When Relo arrived at the memorial monument, he saw Kakashi, who he had not seen for a long time.

Kakashi looked dull, his eyes blank, and he was confused, like the walking dead, and he no longer had the vitality and vitality he had before.

Relo stepped forward and placed the white chrysanthemum in his hand in front of Kiki Shuo's tombstone, but Kakashi still didn't move.

Although what Relo thought in his heart had nothing to do with him, he and Kakashi were not familiar with him, so he didn't have to worry about him, but somehow he couldn't take a step away.

"Snap!" Relo slapped Kakashi in the face, knocking him directly to the ground.

"Kakashi!" Obito and Rin, who came to see Kakashi, couldn't help but exclaim when they saw this scene.

Then Rin quickly ran over and helped Kakashi up, "Relo, how can you do this? Kakashi just lost his father, how can you do this to him!

Obito on the side also replied, "Yes! Oh, yes! Although I don't like Kakashi either, but Relo, you did this too much!

Lei Luo snorted coldly: "Am I excessive? Look at what Kakashi looks like now, isn't he a famous genius? Why didn't he dodge and have the ability to fight back!

"Now that the Qimu clan is left alone, he is no different from the exterminated clan as he is now, and the Qimu clan will disappear into the ninja world!"

Listening to Relo's words, Kakashi's expression finally changed a little, and he spoke: "The Kiki clan? Hum! The glory of the Qimu clan has been lost by that man!

Obito wondered, "That man? Who is it?

Kakashi said coldly, "Kiki Shuomao."

Obito jumped up all of a sudden, "Kakashi, Uncle Shuomao is your father, how can you say that about him!"

Kakashi roared, "I don't have such a father, he's a waste, a coward!" "

Huh!" Relo sneered, "Look, this is Kiki Kakashi, a white-eyed wolf, if I were Lord Shuomao, I would have strangled him when he was born, but it's a pity that Mrs. Kiki, I heard that she also died because of the difficulty of giving birth to him."

Kakashi's eyes were red: "What qualifications do you have to say about me?!"

Lei Luo replied, "Then what qualifications do you have to say that the famous Konoha White Fang Banner Mushuo Mao is a waste and a coward?" Just because you are his son? Or by the name of your genius? Amusing! "

Konoha was the first day of the same session, blowing GB? Without Lord Shuomao, you are nothing! If you are not convinced, come and fight! "

Hit and hit! I'm afraid of you? "


In the training ground of Konoha Village, Relo and Kakashi stood facing each other, while Obito and Rin watched from the sidelines.

The two sides are in a seal of opposition, and Relo has become serious, and he wants to wake Kakashi up and get him out of his current state.

After the sealing, Relo instantly rushed towards Kakashi.

Kakashi looked at the rushing Relo and threw out a few kunai, but was easily flashed by Relo and rushed directly in front of him.

"If you don't have this temptation, don't make a move, great genius!" Relo taunted and punched Kakashi in the chest.

Kakashi crossed his hands to block, but was also blasted back a few steps by Relo, and his arms were numb.

"Will the great genius only get beaten? Will it fight back? Relo continued to taunt.

The clay people have three points of anger, not to mention Kakashi, a genius who is originally high-spirited.

"Hmph! I'm going to attack next, be careful to be killed by me. Kakashi flicked his arm, made an attacking stance, and then rushed towards Relo.

The reason why Kakashi can be called a genius is naturally excellent in various aspects such as physical skills, ninjutsu, and illusion.

"Konoha Rigid Whirlwind" Kakashi appeared above Relo's head and kicked Relo with one leg.

"It's ridiculous, you actually fight with me, then I'll let you see what a real physical technique is!" Relo punched Kakashi's kicked leg directly head-on, forcing him back.

"Lightspeed Kick" Relo flashed in all directions around Kakashi, punching and kicking, attacking Kakashi.

Kakashi struggled to resist, but could not keep up with Relo's speed, and soon his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

"How's it going, Great Genius?" Relo appeared in front of Kakashi.

"Damn it!" Kakashi roared, "Thunder. Chidori", Kakashi's right hand bloomed with a thunderbolt lightning, accompanied by a squeaking sound, like a flock of birds chirping, and rushed directly towards Reiro who appeared in front of him.

"Guangdu. Eight-foot mirror" Relo came directly behind Kakashi with a light and dodged Kakashi's move.

Kakashi, on the other hand, could not control his body, and rushed directly to a large tree, the Chidori in his hand penetrated it, and the palm penetrated it pitch black, but his head hit the tree and passed out directly.

Seeing this, Rin and Obito ran directly over.

Looking at the two who picked up Kakashi, Relo spoke: "Rin, Obito, after Kakashi wakes up, you help me convey a word, the strong in the ninja world are respected, when he surpasses Konoha White Fang, he will evaluate him again!" If he still wants to challenge me, I am always there for you!

"You guys take him to Konoha Hospital, I think his arm is broken."

Rin and Obito nodded, they had already sensed that Relo was actually well-intentioned, and without saying more, they took Kakashi straight to Konoha Hospital.

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