Tsuchino-kuni, Tsuchikage Building.

The third generation of Tokage Onoki lost his temper in the office, "It's all a bunch of waste, let a few people in Konoha destroy the Shinobi Bridge, so many guardian ninjas eat shit?!" The

dark department in front of Onoki is only the captain of the intelligence brigade of Iwain Ninja Village, he is only responsible for the information distribution and reception processing of Iwain Ninja Village, so in the face of Onoki's roaring inquiry, he can't answer.

"And it's this light again, it's this damn guy again, three times and twice to sabotage our key operations, have you found his intelligence?" Facing

the furious Onoki, Iwahide did not dare to come out of the atmosphere, after hearing Onoki's question, he raised his head and replied cautiously: "I'm sorry, Lord Tsuchikage, we still haven't found out his specific information."

Onoki became even more angry when he heard the answer of the dark part in front of him, "Waste, you are all a bunch of waste, after so long, you can't find a single intelligence, what use do you want?"

Onoki vented for a long time and finally calmed down, "Go and call Lao Zi, Han, and Loess to me." "

Yes, Lord Tsuchikage!" Dark Bu listened to the order as if liberated, and ran out directly.

After a while, Lao Zi, Han, and Loess gathered in the Tuying office.

Onoki spoke: "Now that our supply of materials in the Land of Grass has been temporarily cut off by Konoha, and the situation on the frontline battlefield has been in a state of stalemate, do you have any way to solve the current predicament?"

Only Loess opened his mouth and replied: "Old man, there are only two solutions to our current situation.

Onoki listened to Loess's words and nodded, "What method do you say?" So

Loess continued: "The first way is to negotiate peace with Konoha and sign an armistice agreement..." Before Loess

finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Onoki, "It is impossible to negotiate peace with Konoha, otherwise the war in these two years would not have been fought in vain?"

Then there is only the second way, form an alliance with Yunyin, and jointly attack the Fire Nation!"

Lao Zi and Han all raised their heads when they heard this, and Lao Zi took the lead in speaking: "Yunyin is not a safe person, it is not necessarily good or bad for them to join the war. And didn't it say that the three generations of Lei Ying were seriously injured before, and whether they want it or not is not certain.

Han then spoke: "I think it's okay, it's only a matter of time before Yunyin joins the war, and instead of not knowing whether it's friend or foe, it's better to take the lead in forming an alliance to prevent them from stabbing them in the back." "

The three of you, you say your opinion one by one, and the three generations of Tokage Onoki pondered for a long time and finally made a decision.

"Okay, you don't have to quarrel anymore, I have decided, form an alliance with Yunyin and attack the Fire Country together! "


Ten days later, the Yanyin delegation of Loess successfully arrived at Yunmen Gap.

Yunyin Village belongs to the Land of Thunder among the five great powers. The entire village is built halfway up the mountain, the climate is warm, the clouds are thick, most of the ninjas in the village have relatively dark skin, and they are good at thunder and ninjutsu. The Yunmen Gorge is the only way to enter Yunyin Village.

When the loess reached the Yunmen Gorge, three figures quickly moved from the Yunmen Gorge outpost towards this side and came to the group of Loess.

"Ninja of Iwain, what purpose did you come to the Land of Thunder?" asked the ninja of Yunyin Village.

Loess replied very formally: "We are the Iwain Mission, I am the leader of the team, Iwain Shangnin Shinobu, and I was entrusted by Lord Tokage to meet Lord Lei Ying, and there are very important matters to discuss." The

leading Yunyin ninja on the opposite side nodded when he heard this, "Then you guys come with me." The

group followed the Yunyin ninja all the way to Yunyin Village, and met three generations of thunder shadows.

Looking at the three generations of thunder shadows in front of him, although there was nothing abnormal, the huge scar on his chest showed that the rumored serious injury before was not out of nowhere. The three generations of Thunder Shadow are known as the "strongest spear" and "strongest shield", and I don't know who can hurt him.

Although the loess was curious, it did not show anything unusual, but solemnly explained his intentions to the three generations of thunder shadows, and the three generations of thunder shadows said that they would consider it, and let people arrange for the loess group to go down and rest first.

Then the third generation of Lei Ying immediately called a meeting of Yunyin's high-level officials.

In the office of Thunder Shadow, the third generation of Thunder Shadow spoke: "Iwain wants to form an alliance with us Yunyin and attack the Fire Country together, do you think you should agree?"

"I don't think so, Onoki is not a good thing, somehow Yanyin Village came to us to form an alliance, there must be a conspiracy!" a Yunyin high-ranking official spoke, "Although we want to join the war, we don't need to form an alliance with Iwain."

"Yes, yes, there must be a conspiracy. Several voices echoed.

"Hmph, when did we Yunyin become so cowardly, we are not afraid of any intrigues!"


!" The three generations of Lei Ying slapped the table, and everyone seemed to be pressed the mute button and stopped talking.

The third generation of Lei Ying scanned everyone present and spoke: "No matter what conspiracy Onoki has, since they are here, we Yunyin can't be afraid to retreat. Forming an alliance with Iwain and declaring war on Konoha, it is so decided

!" "Everyone mobilized! Prepare for war!"

Yunyin officially declared war on Konoha, and

when Relo learned the news, he didn't feel any surprise.

For this country that has always been fierce and extremely belligerent, joining the war is also expected.

And Relo is now in the camp of Jiraiya, now that Yunyin has declared war, and Iwain's offensive has been suspended, Konoha will inevitably draw some of his manpower from the front line of the Kusanagi Country to the front line of the war with Yunyin.

"Watergate, the personnel transferred this time will be led by you, this is the decision of the village, is there a problem?" said Zi Lai to the Bofeng Shuimen in front of him.

Bofeng Shuimen shook his head, "Teacher, I don't have any problems, but can the situation on your side hold?"

Zi Lai also smiled, "Haha, don't worry

, Watergate!" Then Zi Lai also turned his head to Lei Luo and said: "Black shark, the village has decided that your dark team will also be transferred to the Yunyin battlefield, and the village will also send other dark team support, you can set off with Watergate."

Relo nodded, "No problem, Jiraiya-sama!" At

the same time, Konoha also gathered a ninja force of more than 3,000 people in the village, including Uchiha, Hinata and other family ninjas, led by Orochimaru to the battlefield.

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