Have I already reached the world of the dead?"

Rin's eyelids opened slightly, and she saw the swaying fire in front of her, and the figure that appeared a little distorted through the firelight.

After all, Lin really came to her senses, sat up from the ground, and touched her chest.

"Aren't I dead, or is it just a soul now

?" "Rin, are you awake?" asked Relo, looking at Rin, who sat up next to him, came back to his senses.

Lin raised her head when she heard the sound and looked at the person in front of her, dressed as the standard of Konoha's dark part, with a shark face mask on her face.

"Are you?" asked Rin suspiciously, "Did you save me?" "

Yes, I was commissioned by Watergate-sama to rescue you and Kakashi. Relo listened to Lin's words and replied, then raised his hand and took off his mask.

"It's you, Relo!" asked Lynn in surprise, looking at the not-so-unfamiliar face under the mask.

I remember I supposedly had been pierced in the chest by Kakashi's Ratchet and then lost consciousness. And now I have no injuries on my body, the thing in my body has disappeared, and everything is back to normal.

Lei Luo listened to Lin's question and smiled, he had already thought about how to deal with the problem.

"Once during a mission, I obtained a pill, which is said to be left by the six immortals, with special powers, as long as there is still a breath, I can save it and restore it as before. But I didn't know if it was true or not, so I kept collecting it.

"When I arrived, all the ninjas of Kirihide Village had been killed, and you and Kakashi had fallen to the ground. I saw that your state was very bad, I remembered this pill, fed you, and tried to see if I could save it, but I didn't expect this pill to really have such a magical effect.

Lin listened to Leiluo's words, was very grateful, and said: "I didn't expect you to use such a precious elixir to save me." Thank you, Lei Luojun, I don't even know how to repay your kindness.

Lei Luo waved his hand, "You don't have to be too polite, we are all friends anyway, I can't watch you die." But..." Lei Luo's words suddenly changed.

"But what?" asked Lynn suspiciously.

"But if you want to repay me, can you be my girlfriend?"

Lin is such a cute girl, how can Relo not like it.

After graduating before, there was less time to meet Rin, and Obito has been chasing Rin, a girl as smart as Rin should also be able to feel Obito's feelings, and there is a handsome Kakashi among his teammates, and Relo has no chance.

But now in Rin's impression, Obito is dead, and Kakashi almost killed her before, although she bumped into it herself, but it is inevitable that there will be a gap between her teammates, Relo once again felt his chance, so he opened his mouth to say this sentence.

Lin listened to Leiluo's words, and instantly blushed shyly.

"How can Lei Luojun ask such a question, it's so sudden, but Lei Luojun's strength is so strong and so gentle, it should also be a good partner choice." Ah, how should I answer him?" Lynn's mind was mixed.

But in the end, Lin still opened her mouth to give an answer, but her voice was too weak, if it weren't for Leiluo's strength enough, she wouldn't be able to hear what Lin said.

"That... We can try to get along first. That was Lynn's answer.

Although the answer was not so direct, Relo was already very happy.

At this moment, the system's prompt tone suddenly sounded in Leiluo's mind.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for completing the mission Campus Overlord 2 and earning the reward god-level lottery points*1. "

Well, Campus Overlord 2, when is this mission?" Relo was confused by the system's sudden prompt.

After checking it out, he recalled that the task of Campus Overlord 2 was to ask him to have 3 girlfriends in school, and after the previous Hong and Xiyan became his girlfriends, the progress of the task had been completed by two-thirds, but then in the past few years, he has been busy with tasks and cultivation, and he forgot that there is such a task.

And Rin, a classmate of his ninja school, has now agreed to his request, and is naturally recognized by the system to have completed this task.

"So it is. Relo understood.

Leiluo, who figured out the ins and outs, looked at Rin, who was still looking down and shy, and asked: "Rin, do you have any plans

in the future?" Lin listened to Leiluo's question, remembered the death of Obito that she saw before, and the fact that she almost died, her mood became low, and she replied: "I should return to the village in the future, and then become a professional medical ninja, stay in Konoha Hospital to treat others, I am no longer suitable for missions."

Looking at the depressed Lin, Lei Luo was a little distressed, reached out and took Lin in his arms, touched her hair and said: "It's okay, it's good to stay in the village as a medical ninja, you don't have to worry about your safety in the future, you can still save me if I am injured in the future."

Lin didn't say anything, just buried her head in Leiluo's chest, and for a moment the mountain forest fell silent.


an exclamation shattered the tranquility and woke up Rin, who was buried in Relo's chest.

Rin came back to her senses and embarrassed to leave Relo's arms and sit on the side.

It turned out that it was Kakashi who woke up, and his memory was still stuck when his Ratchet pierced Rin, and he couldn't help but exclaim.

"Stop yelling, Rin isn't dead yet!" said Relo angrily to Kakashi, dissatisfied at the interruption.

"Let you be a single dog for life!" thought Relo viciously as he stared at Kakashi.

Hearing Relo's voice, Kakashi sobered up and looked at Relo and Rin sitting next to him, and was a little emotional for a while.



Rin shook her head at Kakashi's words, "You don't have to apologize, Kakashi, I deliberately bumped into your Rachel before. But fortunately, Lei Luojun arrived in time and saved me.

Kakashi nodded, and then said to Relo, "Relo, thank you for saving Rin, otherwise I would have felt guilty for the rest of my life." "

Thank you! Thank you!" Kakashi thanked him repeatedly.

Relo replied, "Kakashi, no thanks, this is what I should do!" and

then asked, "Rin is going to go back to the village to become a professional medical ninja in the future, and you should be the only one left in your squad in the future." Do you have any plans?"

Kakashi listened to Relo's question, a little confused for a moment, and fell into deep thought.

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