Yunyin Front, Konoha Camp.

Orochimaru was in the camp tent, looking at the map sand table, thinking about the next battle arrangement.

At this moment, a person directly opened the curtain of the tent and walked in, holding a crutch in his hand and wrapped a bandage around half of his body, it was Shimura Danzo, the "root of Konoha".

The big snake pill looked at Tuan Zang and frowned, and said: "I didn't expect you to come out of the village, aren't you afraid that the teacher will find out about our cooperation?"

Tuan Zang smiled sadly and said: "You are also too underestimated my Tuan Zang, it is impossible for Richo to find out, not to mention nonsense, I came to find you this time."

Orochimaru stared at Tuan Zang and asked, "What would make you go out in person?

Orochimaru nodded.

Tuan Zang then said: "I accidentally got a piece of information this time, the reason why Mu Dun of the Thousand Hand Rope Tree was able to successfully awaken in the first place has a lot to do with Leiluo's Light Escape Blood Succession Boundary.

"Lei Luo is now in the dark department, and it was not easy to start directly in the past, and now he is also on the Yunyin battlefield, and any accident on the battlefield is possible.

"I want you to come with me to grab him, fuse his abilities and Mu Dun cells to get me a new arm, I've had enough of my current state." Listening

to Tuan Zang's words, Orochimaru's heart moved.

The big snake pill knows more about Lei Luo than Tuan Zang, he has done two experiments with Lei Luo's cells, and he has long known that light can promote the fusion of Mu Dun cells.

But he also knows that Leiluo's strength is not weak, and his current achievements are not small. At the beginning, he was able to resist the five-tailed human pillar force in the battlefield of the country of wind, and then killed four of the seven people of the ninja blade, and not long ago, he completed the mission of destroying the god Wubi bridge, which relieved the pressure on the battlefield of the country of grass.

If the matter of going to besiege Relo is revealed, then you can only defect.

But compared to the temptation that may obtain light, even if it is a defection, the big snake pill will not hesitate.

So, Orochimaru agreed to Danzo's request.

Then he said: "As a front-line manager now, it is still very simple to arrange a mission for him, and when he returns, I will arrange a mission for him to go to the border."

"You take the elite squad of the roots, and we will make a grapple together."

Tuanzo nodded, "Good!"

After all, Relo still did not bear to test the knife with Kakashi, but returned to the front-line camp with Rin and Kakashi.

Bofeng Shuimen saw a few people who had nothing to do, and also relaxed their hearts.

After he learned of Rin and Kakashi's future decision, he didn't say much, just expressed support.

He then sent Lynn to the wounded camp to help the wounded.

As for Kakashi's words....

Bofeng Shuimen thought for a while, and said to Relo: "Black Shark, since Kakashi wants to enter the dark department later, it is better to let him follow you temporarily, now the frontline battle situation is very stressful, and your team members have also been sent." "

As for Naruto-sama's side, I'll go and say it, what do you think?" Lei

Luo thought about it after listening to Bo Fengshuimen's words, but still agreed.

As soon as Lei Luo walked out of the tent, a dark part appeared in front of him.

"Lord Orochimaru has a task for you, follow me!" Lei

Luo followed the dark part in front of him to the camp of Orochimaru.

Looking at the big snake pill, Lei Luo's heart tightened for no reason.

Opening the five-sight universal [observer], through the insight ability, he saw the killing intent and malice of the big snake pill in front of him, and Lei Luo immediately raised his vigilance in his heart.

"It seems that there is something wrong with this mission!" thought Relo.

The big snake pill looked at Lei Luo, pointed to the map and said, "Your mission is to go to this stronghold of Yunyin and destroy the materials. According to intelligence, this stronghold stored a lot of materials, but in order to hide people's eyes, the stronghold did not send many people to station.

"But now the pressure of the battle situation is relatively high, no one else can go with you, this mission is only you, how about?" Lei

Luo knew that this mission must have a trap, but even if he refused, Orochimaru would definitely find other ways to target him, so it was better to accept. Moreover, with his current strength, he is not afraid of the big snake pill at all, and it is better to lead the snake out of the hole than to be careful all the time.

"No problem, leave it to me!"

Orochimaru handed over the mission's information and stronghold map to Relo.

As soon as Lei Luo walked out of the tent, a snake also quietly swam out.


Leaving the frontline camp, Relo galloped all the way towards the Yunyin stronghold in the mission.

Out of caution, Relo has not dared to use full speed, but has always maintained a balanced state and can cope with various unexpected situations.

Halfway through, Relo did not let down any vigilance.

Could it be that he was planning to wait for me to complete my mission and make a move on the way back?" thought to Lei Luo.

At this moment, Lei Luo sensed that something was wrong, and the mountains and forests in front of him were probably too quiet.

Lei Luo stopped and turned on the five-sight omnipotence, and saw through perspective that the road ahead had been laid with dense traps, and there were dozens of detonation charms alone.

Then, after observing the mountains and forests with farsightedness at the same time, seven or eight figures were ambushed there.

"Big deal

, big snake pill!" "It seems that the big snake pill really moved to kill this time!" Lei

Luo naturally did not stupidly hit the trap when he saw it, and directly raised his hand to a few laser rays, triggering the trap, causing a series of explosions, among which there were all kinds of kunai, thousand books, and shurikens flying around.

"Target trigger trap, on!"

the figure behind the mountain forest rushed up.

The smoke and dust cleared, but the ambush people found that Relo had not entered the trap at all, standing there unscathed, waiting for them.

"The intelligence is wrong! The target has strong reconnaissance ability, and the trap has not taken effect!" "

He is only one person, and the combat power is enough!

"It turned out to be the root, it seems that Tuan Zang also made a move, but I don't know if he came in person." Lei

Luo recognized the identity of the ambush person at a glance, it was the root member of Tuan Zang's subordinates.

The root ninja who rushed to the front directly sealed his hands and spit out a wind blade with his mouth, cutting towards Leiluo.

"Maybe it's underestimating me!" a few rays of light flashed, and Relo appeared directly behind the ninja of the Wind Escape Root, "Try the newly obtained breath of water, after all, I still couldn't bear to test the knife with Kakashi before." "

Water Breath · Water Surface Slash" swung out, and the root ninja head in front of him was directly cut off.

Immediately afterwards, two huge fireballs attacked Lei Luo at the same time, one left and one right, which was the "Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique".

"Water Breath · Water Wheel" Lei Luo swung the knife and rotated, and Chakra danced with the blade body, and there was an effect similar to the "soft fist back to the sky" of the Hyuga family, and the Hao fireball hit it and directly dissipated.

"Yes, this breath of water is too suitable for me!"

"Can't consume too much on these roots, the next move to solve them." "

Water Breath, Three Styles, Flow Dance", for a moment, it actually made people feel that the mountains and forests were full of Lei Luo's figures, moving with the knife, moving clouds and flowing water, attacking several ninjas at the roots from various unexpected angles, and they were killed before they had time to react.

"Whew..." Relo took the knife and stood up, exhaling deeply.

Then he said, "Don't hide anymore, come out!"

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