Relo ran all the way and ran for a long time before finally stopping.

After turning on the five-sight universal to observe the surrounding situation and ensure safety, he relaxed.

"This big snake pill is also too difficult!" thought Lei Luo as he rested and recovered.

"And that guy from Tuanzo, an old Yinbi, a maggot who has been hiding in the dark, even dares to come to my trouble.

"The next lottery hopes to draw a death note, the book of seven arrows and so on, and I will kill him directly."

"As long as you kill him, the whole of Konoha will be much more stable." "

The various things that appeared in Konoha in the original book, which did not have his conspiracy, the death of the White Fang, the Rebellion of the Nine Tails, the death of Hinata Hinata, the extermination of the Uchiha clan... Although these things are inseparable from Konoha's high-level, he is definitely the biggest cancer.

Lei Luo thought about all the things that happened in the original work, and his thoughts were complicated for a while.

After a long time, Lei Luo felt that he had almost recovered, so he decided to go to the Yunyin stronghold in the mission to take a look.

Although Orochimaru took this opportunity to attack him, perhaps the mission content was real. If he went straight back to the village and Orochimaru disgusted him in the name of not completing the task, it would be too uncomfortable.

Relo took out the map, looked at it carefully, determined the approximate location where he was now, and then set off.


Late at night, in the middle of the valley.


A cool breeze blew through, causing the two Yunyin ninjas in the guard post to unconsciously tighten their robes.

One of them suddenly asked, "Hey, did you hear anything?" The

other listened intently for a while, then shook his head and said, "Isn't it just some insects and birds?

"What kind of man!?" the

two Yunyin ninjas didn't have time to shout, and they fell under the cold sword light.

After stepping forward and probing the snorts and heartbeats of the two, and confirming that the two were dead, the black shadow slowly stood up, he stood in the guard, and his eyes turned to the stronghold located in the valley.

The moonlight fell and fell on the black shadow, revealing his appearance.

This black shadow is none other than Lei Luo, who came to Yunyin stronghold to carry out a mission.

After sneaking into the valley, he found that Yunyin's arrangement of this valley can be described as loose on the outside and tight on the inside, although there are not many guards, but it can be called a post at ten steps and a post in five steps.

Such a strict guard convinced Lei Luo that Yunyin had hoarded a large amount of materials here.

"It seems that the content of this mission is true. Lei Luo said in his heart.

However, after Lei Luo opened the Five Visions and observed it carefully for a moment, his brows became tighter and tighter.

There were forty or fifty sentry posts scattered throughout the valley, and forty or fifty people had gathered near the innermost warehouse in the valley.

Although the number of people is not particularly large, it is quite a lot, which is a little more than Relo's estimate.

After thinking for a while and not thinking of any good way to break the game, Lei Luo decided to attack strongly, if it dragged on for a while, when it was time to change the guard, they would find out the death of the guard at the door, so it would be difficult to achieve the effect of a surprise attack.

"Swish!" More

than a dozen Ku Wu with detonation charms tied to them were thrown out by Lei Luo one by one.

"Boom boom!!"

A series of violent explosions suddenly sounded in the valley.

Taking advantage of the night and the smoke and dust raised by the explosion, Lei Luo, who was holding the ice wheel pill, quietly touched the panicked Yunyin ninjas.


is it?!" "Where is it?!" "




And Lei Luo wantonly harvested the ninja guarded by Yunyin under the cover of smoke, and the sword flashed continuously, and in the blink of an eye, seven or eight people fell forever.

"Wind Escape Blowing Wind" A Yunyin Shangnin had already reacted, and directly used Feng Dun Ninjutsu to blow away the smoke and dust.

Without the cover of smoke and dust, Lei Luo's figure was naturally revealed in front of Yun Yin.

Seeing Leiluo's costume, a Yunyin Shinobu hurriedly shouted: "It's the dark part of Konoha!

Since he made a move, there will definitely be no living mouth, so there is no need to worry about exposure when he uses the overlord color domineering.

A strong momentum surged out from Lei Luo's body, and the several Yunyin who rushed towards him stood still as if they had been hit by a body-fixing technique, and then planted their heads down.

The momentum spread, Yunyin's lower ninja directly rolled his eyes and fainted, and Yunyin's middle ninja did not last long before falling one after another, only Yunyin's upper ninja only felt some pressure, but it was not a big deal.

"Is this an illusion?" "Illusion, solution!" A

Yunyin Shangnin looked at the fallen Yunyin ninja beside him and couldn't believe it, thinking that he had been hit by the illusion, and wanted to seal the seal to unravel it, but there was no way to take effect.

Because this is not an illusion at all

, Lei Luo took this opportunity to directly rush to his side, "Water Breath · One Style · Water Surface Slash", this Shangnin was like a dead wood, and was directly split by Lei Luo.

For the breath of water, Lei Luo also used it more and more easily, much less effort than before he slashed indiscriminately.

Then Lei Luo flashed directly into the air, "Light Escape Eight Feet Qiong Gou Jade", released countless dazzling light bullets, and smashed down towards the ground.

Those who fainted on the ground were instantly blasted into a sieve, losing their lives in a coma, and blood spread out from under their bodies.

"Damn fellow!" a Yunyin Shangnin looked at Lei Luo with an angry expression, "Lei Dun Pseudo-Darkness", and directly opened his mouth to spew out a bolt of lightning towards Lei Luo.

"Light Escape Laser Cannon", a thick laser shot out from Leiluo's hand, crashed into the flying lightning, and then rushed over in an instant, and slammed into Yunyin Shangnin's chest without abating, killing it in seconds.

The strength of both sides is not above the same magnitude at all, Lei Luo can be said to be slaughtering, and the depression of fighting against the big snake pill is also swept away in this battle.

In the valley, golden light and thunder flashed from time to time, and the roars and shouts of killing were also endless.

After a long time, the valley finally calmed down.

Lei Luo stood in the middle of the valley, panting heavily, and the ice wheel pill in his hand was constantly dripping blood.

Then Lei Luo turned on the five-vision omnipotence again, observed the valley, and found that there was no hidden cloud ninja.

Lei Luo walked slowly, constantly releasing laser rays in his hand, making up for the last blow to those Yunyin ninjas who still had signs of life, and then walked towards the material warehouse in the valley.

A golden flame of light spit out from Leiluo's mouth, fell on the materials in the warehouse, and then burned rapidly and spread, and from time to time there was a blasting sound with an explosion charm.

Relo stood at the exit of the mountain pass for a long time, until there was no more movement in the valley, and then turned away.

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