Time passed like this.

The battle between Yunyin and Konoha intensified, and the trumpet of the decisive battle had already sounded.


!" a dark part suddenly appeared in front of the big snake pill, and knelt down on one knee: "Lord Big Snake Pill, there is urgent information!"

The big snake pill raised his head, his eyes flashed with a cold light, and spoke: "What situation?" The

dark part in front of him quickly reported the information to the big snake pill in the most concise sentence.

The big snake pill's face had a trace of solemnity, "Did the raiding force encounter the eight tails again, and also used the tailed beast jade?" The big snake

pill frowned, as the commander of the entire army, he naturally had an extremely high strategic vision, and quickly analyzed the possible situation in the future.

"That's fine, let's have a fight as simple and rude!"

ordered Orochimaru as he stood up from his seat and commanded with a high fighting intent.

"All army, attack

!!" On

the other hand, Thunder Shadow also gave the same order

! "The eight-tailed human pillar force must not fall into Konoha's hands!"

Saying that, the figure of the three generations of Thunder Shadow had disappeared in front of his escort!


On the other side, the Konoha raiding force and the Yunyin Abby team are engaged fiercely.

"Die!!" The

fourth generation of Ai roared, his body turned into a thunder light arrow, rushed to Leiluo's body, and then kicked out fiercely! That's

right, at this time, Relo, as a member of the Konoha raid force, happened to encounter the troops led by Abby's combination.

The two sides fought, and Relo just killed more than a dozen Yunyin ninjas, and was noticed by the fourth generation of Ai, and Leiluo's strength can be said to be crushing the average Yunyin ninja, so the fourth generation of Ai rushed directly towards Relo.

"Boom!" Relo also kicked out and collided with Shidai Ai, blocking it.

"Good boy, the strength is good!" the fourth generation of Ai looked at Lei Luo, who took his move hard but was unharmed, and couldn't help but praise.

"I Ai recognized your strength and reported your name

!" "Konoha Black Shark!" said Lei Luo coldly, and then took the initiative to attack the fourth generation of Ai with a knife.

"Haha, it turned out to be your boy, I heard that the five-tailed man Zhu Lihan of Yanyin before was defeated in your hands, and the Shen Wubi Bridge was also destroyed by you. The fourth generation of Ai blocked Leiluo's attack and said excitedly.

"That's interesting, let me try your strength!" The

chakra on the body of the fourth generation of Ai gushed out, and the thunder chakra covered the whole body, forming a set of energy armor.

"Don't let me down!" As

soon as the words fell, he had already rushed to Leiluo's eyes.

But Relo turned around and dodged directly, and then kicked Shidai Ai from behind.

The fourth generation of Ai felt the strength of Leiluo's kick, and then laughed contemptuously: "Is it only to this extent?"

"You may also underestimate the secret technique of our Yunnin Village!

The ice wheel pill in his hand with a cold sword light directly slashed at the fourth generation of Ai, cutting through the thunder armor, and a trace of blood flowed out.

"Not bad, it can actually hurt me, but you can only do this!" said the fourth generation of Eisenran, and the thunder armor on his body had once again recovered as before.

"Will you find out if you try again?" Relo was clearly confident.

"Hmph, then I'm going to move the real thing!" The fourth generation of Ai flashed in front of Lei Luo again, "Lei Dun Shen Fury Thunder Axe", Lei Dun Chakra instantly gathered on the feet of the fourth generation of Ai, like a thunder and lightning giant axe, and slashed down towards Lei Luo.

"Bang!" A deep pit appeared above the ground, but there was no trace of Relo in the deep pit.

"Your speed is too slow!" said Relo mockingly, "Even if you are strong, what can you do if you can't hit me." Immediately

after releasing countless light bullets with both hands, "Guangdun.Eight-foot Qionggouyu" hit the fourth generation of Ai standing in the deep pit.

"Lei Dun Heavy Flow Storm" The fourth generation of Ai directly hardened Lei Luo's light bullet, and the figure instantly rushed in front of Lei Luo, and the right arm blessed by Lei Attribute Chakra smashed towards Lei Luo.

"It seems that the power of the simple light bullet is already a little weak, although the power of the eight-foot qionggou jade is now considered to be S-level ninjutsu, but the power is too scattered, and it still does not play much role for a shadow-level powerhouse like the fourth generation of Ai.

Lei Luo looked at the rushing fourth generation of Ai and thought in his heart, "It seems that my Shining Fruit still needs to develop some more powerful abilities!"

The ice wheel pill in his hand instantly solved, and with a wave of his hand, a thick vacuum ice wall appeared in front of Lei Luo.

For Leiluo's current strength, the Ice Wheel Pill can already be used as a regular ability, and there is no need to worry about the covetousness of others.

The arm of the fourth generation of Ai smashed on the vacuum ice wall, and suddenly ice chips flew, and the ice wall was instantly pierced.

But Relo had already left the ice wall again and dodged this attack.

"You still have the ability to escape ice?" said Shidai Ai with some surprise as he looked at the shattered ice cubes.

"Ice Dragon Spinning Tail!"

Lei Luo drank loudly, and the cold qi of the ice wheel pill in his hand soared, and with a sudden wave, he directly cut out an ice dragon.

After the "Roar"

ice dragon broke away from Leiluo's control, its size instantly skyrocketed, rushing towards the fourth generation of Ai.

At this moment, the fourth generation of Ai unexpectedly performed a ninjutsu that had never been used before.

"Thunder Shadow Hell Spurt!"

This is the three generations of Thunder Shadow's master ninjutsu, known as the strongest spear.

Lei Luo also did not expect that the fourth generation of Ai originally inherited this move, but judging by its level, it was not the strongest spear.

The ice dragon rushed to the fourth generation of Ai, and the fourth generation of Lei Ying directly waved his hands, and the three fingers covered with Lei Dun Chakra quickly attacked, instantly piercing the head of the ice dragon.

But the moment the ice dragon was shattered, a huge ice force quickly burst apart, and before the fourth generation of Ai could react, it was sealed by ice.

"Big brother!" Seeing

this, Kirabi immediately rushed over.

Seeing this, the other Yun Ninja also rushed towards the fourth generation of Ai.

But before they could run over, the ice of the fourth generation of Ai instantly exploded, and the fourth generation of Ai directly broke the ice.

"Do it! than!!" The

fourth generation of Ai who broke through the ice looked angry, he no longer wanted to drag on with Lei Luo.

"Here it comes!!"

chirabi responded loudly, and then rushed towards Relo from different directions along with Shidai Ai.

"Peerless Thunder Hot Knife!" The

fourth generation of Ai and Kirabi hit Lei Luo's neck left and right, but the next moment the two suddenly screamed.

"Ahhh!!" The

two figures retreated violently, their arms hanging to their sides, it looked like they should have broken bones, and blood was constantly dripping from their arms.

"What's that going on?" said the fourth generation of Ai and Kirabi's doubts.

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